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2019 Summer Conference and Family Retreat (late July)

Yeah... gonna be fun. We're getting excited... except for driving 1800 miles... each say.
We are not thinking miles. It's about a 14.5 hour drive for us.
Looking forward to it for sure!
:rolleyes:Guess what??:rolleyes: :cool:Yep tomorrow is the big day to start meeting new friends!:D

Fair warning, once we are met, you can never unmeet us. :D
Omgosh! I wish I could be there right now! @steve glad you and the ladies could all make it. Can't wait to see them.
@Court❤️ and Eric I have a little something special for you and the baby... Auntie Trish has been busy this week hehehe! Baby Foster stay in there till after the festivities are concluded.
@JimandMary oatmeal raisin cookies are done
@MaryandJim oatmeal no rasin done!
@julieb I made some Lavender Lemon tea cookies because I was thinking of Samuel and Sarah and just wish they could be with us.

I have been working on tie dye this week and will be sporting some fun duds. It will be hard yo loose me LOL

All those still traveling please travel in mercy. I will be lifting everyone up in prayer for a safe trip.

See you all tomorrow around dinner time
Yeah... gonna be fun. We're getting excited... except for driving 1800 miles... each say

How can it be that far each way?

It is putting me in mind of those stories grown ups like to tell about walking to school in three feet of snow....uphill ....BOTH WAYS?!

We have less then nine hundred miles to go.....and we are still on the right wrong side of Flagstaff. (Right because AZ is prettier on our side...wrong because it's still west....and Oklahoma is east.

We have a couple stops, so don't expect to arrive until maybe 4:30 tomorrow afternoon.
How can it be that far each way?

It is putting me in mind of those stories grown ups like to tell about walking to school in three feet of snow....uphill ....BOTH WAYS?!

We have less then nine hundred miles to go.....and we are still on the right wrong side of Flagstaff. (Right because AZ is prettier on our side...wrong because it's still west....and Oklahoma is east.

We have a couple stops, so don't expect to arrive until maybe 4:30 tomorrow afternoon.

Yeah... mistyped.... 1200 miles, 18 hours.

475 to go... we'll do that tomorrow. ..