What could all that money wasted on the war been used for to improve agriculture?
I'm not sure Putin anticipated the amount of resources the United States would waste trying to assist the Ukraine, but then again, the gamble could be by impacting the US economically, in the grand scheme, the US push for globalization has been weakened.
Why would they not do that? Who is so stupid as to supply water to the enemy? It is not as if the water is needed for the inhabitants of Sevestapol, the water via the ditch is used for agriculture, and industry.
And why would Russia not want to respond, especially when they see the naval base as critical to their security?
Speaking of going back on their word, Russia not only agreed to accept the Ukraine borders of 1990, they actually declared themselves to be a protectorate. Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons for that treaty. A huge miscalculation on their part in retrospect of course.
And then the pusch happened. They see it as an agreement with a regime that is no longer in power.
Russia has embarrassed itself. The country that has self assessed itself to be one of the most powerful on earth, is relying on North Korea and Iran, an act that can only be described as desperation. Fabled Russian weapons like S-400 have shown themselves incapable of stopping something like a Storm Shadow missile from attacking a Brigadier level command headquarter in broad daylight, with civilians pulling out their phones to shot videos.
The technology is inferior to US technology for sure. They may have expected to overrun the Ukraine, but the US and her allies have treated the Ukraine like it was a NATO partner. Nonetheless, the border is further to the West than it started out, and is now in a stalemate. The biggest concern is whether this is just the precursor to WWIII or not.
I guess the verdict is still out their if their technology is shit,
That is just not attractive, and we don't talk like that in the DeLuca household.
or if they are just to incompetent to use them With the exception of a few shiny toys like Storm Shadow, NATO has supplied Ukraine with things like 1980s era Patriots, ATACMS that were scheduled to be scrapped - and that the Pentagon now conveniently does not need to recycle for billions - and yet this old outdated tech is proving to be a challenge to the glorious Russina army.
Well it has succeeded in stalling them, in addition to natural boundaries AKA the Dnieper.
I think it has become clear that in a conventional war NATO would absolutely wipe the floor with these clowns, and have uncontested air dominance over Moscow in 24 hours. And the Russians know that. That is why people like Medvedev keep beating the nuclear drum. They know that is all they have.
And Germany was convinced that they could just kick the door down and the whole edifice would crumble. WWIII may seem enticing, until our children start coming home in body bags. You main point is that if a woman were in power, Russia would not have invaded the Ukraine. You may be right, but it is not so cut and dry that this would have been the best move to allow NATO to creep further and further east, until it was on the doorstep of Moscow, at least from Russia's perspective. Looking back at Russian's history though, the empire did at one time have a woman at the helm, and the empire prospered under her reign. You could say they were a bit expansionist.
Globalists? That sounds like a nouveau term for bourgeoisie.
One World government, has long been a goal of these ruling elite. It doesn't matter whether those elites are businessmen or despots. They need to be held in check.
So the mother deserves to be confronted by the rape everyday for nine month? What anguish would you force onto people?
Projecting what you might imagine would be anguish, is sort of like the monogamists projecting the hurt they imagine that women in polygynous marriages must be experiencing on a daily basis. The guiding principle is that the life of an innocent human being takes precedence.
Which means nothing in this context.
Not only is the child inside its mother's womb, pumping blood, but it also receives oxygen through the umbellical cord.
Miscarriage does not always result in death. It simply means the unborn child wasn't fully carried to term. The ambiguity and what can get muddled in translation, leaves your argument on questionable footing.
Generally abortions should be avoided
Generally murder should be avoided. In fact, societies should generally have laws to protect the innocent from being mercilessly slaughtered.
and it is deplorable how proponents for abortion are handling the situation, with protests in vagina costumes and all that, they made a mockery out of a very somber situations,
It is even more deplorable how some states want to and some have legislatively allowed abortions up to the moment of birth, and allowed children born when abortion did not bring about their death, to die of starvation in these butcher mills, without any consequences.
but society getting involved is also a problem.
A just society intervening in attempting to prevent senseless murder is not a problem.
If s state can force a woman to give birth, what else can they force one to do?
That sounds like what Germany did in their baby mills. That is an entirely different issue, and one I think we could agree on. It has nothing to do with the murder of unborn children though.
My main problem with the anti-abortion crowd in the USA is that they as a society they want to interfere in the birth of child ,
Nope! IT is the abortion crowd that wants to interfere with the child's birth.
but then once the child is born, they wash their hands of it, and the baby could die in the street for all they care,
Balderdash! The anti-abortion crowd is quite charitable, in spite of having to deal with hostile regulations in many of these left-leaning states.
an anti abortion is only credible if the advocate for paid maternity leave of no less then 12 month as is the case in Europe,
Or we could provide a society where these women find husbands, preferably prior to pregnancy. No maternatiy necessary for SAH moms or mothers in polygynous families.
also get a decent schools system installed,
In Europe, they deny some students an education, if they don't make the grade. In the US, we try to educate everyone, even those in broken homes. We spend an inordinate amount on Special Needs. We also pay for Europe's defense. Trump has made an effort to get them to spend more money on NATO, which of course will cost them on their social programs, but maybe if we aren't having to spend so much on defense for them, we can spend more of that money on our own social programs.
and for God's sake solve that school shooting situation that is so rampant in the USA
Some school districts have. They allow faculty to carry arms. When a school shooter finds an entire building full of defenseless humans, they like to make a name for themselves.
. And parents with basic jobs should not have to worry about how they will pay for diapers.
Or perhaps, if the man is not such a good wage earner, he should hold off on making babies, and allow those who are good wage earners to be the ones who are capable and responsible enough to do so.