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Does a husbands authority wax and wane?

Is he ultimately responsible, no matter what?

It may be my Navy background and of my understanding the responsibility and authority of the captain of a ship, but for me that answer is yes. He has the authority. He also gets the responsibility. They go together hand in hand. No ifs, ands, or buts.

You didn't have to marry her. You (hopefully) did your homework. You studied her character in advance. You lived with her. You have the authority during the marriage. It may not all be in your control, but it is always your responsibility. It may not be fair. That is just the way it works, at least in my mind.

If something is not right, you have to recognize that and fix it. You might as well take control of the rudder, because you will be called to accout for the course of the ship and its safe passage.
Always blaming it on radical feminism is a cop out to me.
I agree. The husband is responsible and just like it didn't work for Adam pointing to Eve it won't work for husbands to point somewhere other than to ourselves.
When I talk about feminism and the damaging influence that world view has it is usually in the context of how invasive and widespread it is and how difficult it makes my job as the head of my family.
The real enemy is the enemy of our souls.
He is really into that killing and destroying thing, especially when it comes to marriages that have the potential to damage his kingdom and plans. And plural marriages have even greater potential, thus we become even more of an important target for him to destroy.

Yes, husbands had best take full responsibility for the success of their families, but at the end of the day YHWH gave people that free will thing and even He cannot guarantee success with His own endeavors with people.
how in Hades did my wife begin to go down the road of rebellion?"
Just as important a question is when did my wife begin to go down the road of rebellion?

The answer to that question will often be pre marital. We chose a woman that was already firmly established on that road because of familial and cultural bias’. Do we then use this fact to disassociate ourselves from the consequences of her rebellion? Or do we begin to humbly ask God to transform us into the husband and father that converts her from the error of her ways and ensures that our daughters husbands do not have the same battle in their home?
We were born is sin, rebellion is the default position for all of us.
Ironic, Bathsheba teaching about virtue in women.
True irony. However, didn’t the murderer of Stephen, at the very least watcher of Stephens stoning, went on to repentance and wrote, what, two thirds of the New Testament?

I really like the quote from the movie The Natural, “There is the life we learn with, and the life we live with after we’ve learned!”

Heck, my past? If it were not for grace I’d never make it into heaven. Lucky for me, grace is in place.
probably true that Prov 31 became the ideal she strove for and ultimately attained to enough degree that Solomon did not think it unworthy to be included in his writings.
Luke 7:47 (KJV) Wherefore I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, [the same] loveth little.
Not according to the ones that actually lived this culture.

They discuss in detail that this passage is extending a freeborn wife’s rights to one not as fortunate. As we have discussed before. Not granting a special dispensation that a freeborn wife did not have the rights to. She actually had even more rights than just these three depending on the negotiated clauses in her ketubah.
Who wrote the Babylonian Talmud? Was it God? Because God restricted the protections of this passage to slave girls. I am very suspiciois of anyone who adds to scripture. If God wanted it to apply to all wives He would have directed it to all wives. He didn't and no one, not even a Babylonian, can change that .
Look, wives have a very important calling. Their actions towards their husbands reflect the way we're all to submit to God. Under your interpretation of the Babylonian reading of this passage Job would have ample reason to "divorce" God. All of the earliest Christians likewise could have accused Christ of violating His own scripture. Being fed to lions seems like quite the reduction of portions.
I get that lazy men are despicable but a wife's calling isn't linked to a man's actions. I'm sorry. God defines marriage, not the Babylonians.
First let me state that my marital credentials are not impeccable. I am a divorced man married to previously married women. :eek:

I personally find it to be blessing and honor that God would allow me the opportunity to right the wrong another has done to a daughter of God. I have come to understand that it takes a lot of strength to rebuild a life.
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I agree that he isn't called to cede his authority (sorry, can't agree with @Cap there) but at what point should he take an extended look in the mirror and begin to ask "how in Hades did my wife begin to go down the road of rebellion?" Always blaming it on radical feminism is a cop out to me.

Just to be clear, I used the word authority instead of anointing, revealed through further discussion here. I do not think God removes authority, even though I used that word before in error. I believe He can and does remove anointing.
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One can be a very anointed singer, without any authority.
One can have an anointed healing ministry, but have zero authority in anything else.
An anointing is a gift from YHWH that SEEMS to confer authority. This is where people get into deception thinking that anyone with any level of anointing is an authority on everything that they desire to expound upon.

It’s kinda like accepting teaching about climate change from a Hollywood actress. They actually have no authority in science.

What is a singing anointing? How does one obtain such a thing? Can you give an example of one in scripture, or do you just mean that someone is skilled in singing?
What is a singing anointing? How does one obtain such a thing? Can you give an example of one in scripture, or do you just mean that someone is skilled in singing?

He would have to describe the wind, or any other move of God's Spirit.
He would have to describe the wind, or any other move of God's Spirit.
It’s indescribable? How you know if you or someone else has it? Is there an example in scripture? If it gives the recipient some clout as an expert on a topic it seems like there should be some way to tell, otherwise it seems kind of pointless.
It’s indescribable? How you know if you or someone else has it? Is there an example in scripture? If it gives the recipient some clout as an expert on a topic it seems like there should be some way to tell, otherwise it seems kind of pointless.

Acts 8:38 So he commanded the chariot to stand still. And both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water, and he baptized him. 39 Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more; and he went on his way rejoicing. 40 But Philip was found at c]">[c]Azotus. And passing through, he preached in all the cities till he came to Caesarea.

There was something indescribable that happened to Phillip, wouldn't you say? Haven't you ever been in a worship service were you could feel the presents of the Holy Spirit?
What is a singing anointing? How does one obtain such a thing? Can you give an example of one in scripture, or do you just mean that someone is skilled in singing?
I believe you understand what an annointing is. As a worship leader, I’ve had tried to do my studies to bring about “worshipping in spirit and in truth”. One thing I’ve learned, is when worship starts to to happen in a song service, if the worship leader ignores the people in the service and concentrates on his own personal worship, the church will follow. It’s much easier to follow a leader that is worshiping than to have a leader bark out orders and expect others to just do it.

Anointed singing happens when the singer is practiced up, prayed up and wishes to honor our Heavenly Father. Then they sing to worship Him. That’s a simplistic way of describing anointed singing. My belief is that a song can have multiple annointing to it, the worshipper, the musicians, the verbiage written, the chording (the skill level used in the writing of the music) used in the writing of the song. When a person prepares their heart, an annointing will follow.
Anointed singing happens when the singer is practiced up, prayed up and wishes to honor our Heavenly Father. Then they sing to worship Him. That’s a simplistic way of describing anointed singing. My belief is that a song can have multiple annointing to it, the worshipper, the musicians, the verbiage written, the chording (the skill level used in the writing of the music) used in the writing of the song. When a person prepares their heart, an annointing will follow.

One of the most amazing things is when the worship team and the worshipers become in unison under the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the whole room moves together.
Acts 8:38 So he commanded the chariot to stand still. And both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water, and he baptized him. 39 Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more; and he went on his way rejoicing. 40 But Philip was found at c]">[c]Azotus. And passing through, he preached in all the cities till he came to Caesarea.

There was something indescribable that happened to Phillip, wouldn't you say? Haven't you ever been in a worship service were you could feel the presents of the Holy Spirit?

I have been listening to the teaching of scripture and been convicted of sin, righteousness, and repentance, which is what scripture teaches us is the work of the Holy Spirit.

I don’t understand how the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch relates to my question.
I believe you understand what an annointing is. As a worship leader, I’ve had tried to do my studies to bring about “worshipping in spirit and in truth”. One thing I’ve learned, is when worship starts to to happen in a song service, if the worship leader ignores the people in the service and concentrates on his own personal worship, the church will follow. It’s much easier to follow a leader that is worshiping than to have a leader bark out orders and expect others to just do it.

Anointed singing happens when the singer is practiced up, prayed up and wishes to honor our Heavenly Father. Then they sing to worship Him. That’s a simplistic way of describing anointed singing. My belief is that a song can have multiple annointing to it, the worshipper, the musicians, the verbiage written, the chording (the skill level used in the writing of the music) used in the writing of the song. When a person prepares their heart, an annointing will follow.
So it’s something one has to work up? Is there scripture that defines this and lays this process out?