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Giving your daughter in marriage...

I would think wages would go up, especially in the fields that women dominate, but so also would the cost of provisioning those services.

In some cases yes, in others costs would hold or move minimally because labor makes up a small fraction of the end cost or because the women were employed in net negative roles like HR, PC Enforcers, and other bureaucratic makework.

But even if it does lead to rising costs in goods and services this is ultimately necessary, they should be priced such that people are paid well. I'll gladly pay increased costs in order to return to a world where men can support middle class families on a single income.
I am blessed that my husband has encouraged me to pursue my education. I have three undergraduate degrees, two years of law school and two graduate certificates in communications and digital marketing. My inlaws were doctors and my father was a doctor, we both come from backgrounds where education was emphasized.My husband is from an East Indian background and for many of them education is seen as a ticket out of poverty. All of my higher education has been online, which allowed me to stay home and raise my child and homeschool him. Thus a wife is not required to put off marriage and motherhood to pursue higher education. She does not even need to leave her home. My son is getting ready to graduate from homeschooling at the end of this month and hopefully, he will be going to work after the first of the year. However, I am hoping that he will go to the local community college to learn a trade and earn a qualification to get a good-paying job.
I'll gladly pay increased costs in order to return to a world where men can support middle class families on a single income.

they already can. I’m doing it. No college degree or vocational school and I am a service technician.
I support the household and their ministries with my truck.
You don't need a degree to get a good paying job. This is a massive myth used to enslave people with school debt.

Some kind of degree or vocational training is better than none at all. Whatever one does learn some kind of trade or skill.

Why work for minimum wage?

Jobs don't come easy now days. To many people looking for them. God says He will provide shelter and food, nothing more. Anything else is a blessing.
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Some kind of degree or vocational training is better than none at all. Whatever one does learn some kind of trade or skill.

Why work for minimum wage?

Jobs don't come easy now days. To many people looking for them. God says He will provide shelter and food, nothing more. Anything else is a blessing.

It's not better if you end up with debt that cancels out the pay increase. Or if you can't get employment in the field you train for. And with the number of college students increasing, college costs rising faster than inflation, and corporate discrimination increasing college education becomes a worse deal by the day.

And not getting college/votec training doesn't mean you're relegated to minimum wage jobs. In some parts of the country, yes. But not everywhere. Definitely not in my state. I know kids without post high school education making what STEM graduates make.

This whole idea that you need post high school education in order to succeed in life is a myth; plain and simple. It's not necessary to succeed in life. But it is necessary for the powers that be to saddle us with debt and indoctrinate our children.
It's not better if you end up with debt that cancels out the pay increase. Or if you can't get employment in the field you train for. And with the number of college students increasing, college costs rising faster than inflation, and corporate discrimination increasing college education becomes a worse deal by the day.

And not getting college/votec training doesn't mean you're relegated to minimum wage jobs. In some parts of the country, yes. But not everywhere. Definitely not in my state. I know kids without post high school education making what STEM graduates make.

This whole idea that you need post high school education in order to succeed in life is a myth; plain and simple. It's not necessary to succeed in life. But it is necessary for the powers that be to saddle us with debt and indoctrinate our children.

I'm not talking about a full college degree (which is really four years of partying) that requires a life debt. I am talking about a local community college, even online if necessary just to get some kind of training. You use to be able to get away with progressing in life with out training after high school, but that is quickly fading away, mainly because of the number of applicants. Somehow one has distinguish themselves from the rest of the pack. Even votech in highschool is training.
I'm not talking about a full college degree (which is really four years of partying) that requires a life debt. I am talking about a local community college, even online if necessary just to get some kind of training. You use to be able to get away with progressing in life with out training after high school, but that is quickly fading away, mainly because of the number of applicants. Somehow one has distinguish themselves from the rest of the pack. Even votech in highschool is training.

Certainly votec is better than university cost wise and propoganda wise. But I'm still saying it's not necessary. A lot depends on what you want to do and what part of the country you are in. Votech may be necessary for somethings, or entirely unnecessary. I see kids getting degrees for things they could get hired to do without any accreditation at all and spending money to learn things they could learn on their own in less time.

But around here there are plenty of jobs for the asking at good pay. All it takes is a willingness to work hard.

But not only is post high school education unnecessary, getting corporate employment is unnecessary. I would encourage anyone with work ethic and even a modicum of intelligence to start their own business and to do so as a teenager when you are at home and your living expenses minimized.
You don't need a degree to get a good paying job. This is a massive myth used to enslave people with school debt.
Nobody said it had to be a degree, even a certificate program that can be completed in less than a year will often pay for itself. Our local community college offers everything from IT to HVAC certification. One does not have to go into debt to get an education at a community college, there are grants and scholarships that can be applied for to cover the cost. Some prospective employers are also willing to pay for certification training if you will agree to work for them for a certain time period. Many people who go into the CNA field, do just that.
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But not only is post high school education unnecessary, getting corporate employment is unnecessary. I would encourage anyone with work ethic and even a modicum of intelligence to start their own business and to do so as a teenager when you are at home and your living expenses minimized.

So doctors do not need anything more than a high school diploma to practice medicine?
So doctors do not need anything more than a high school diploma to practice medicine?

That statement only makes sense in the context of my actual statements if you think doctors are the only ones with good paying jobs.
Certainly votec is better than university cost wise and propoganda wise. But I'm still saying it's not necessary. A lot depends on what you want to do and what part of the country you are in. Votech may be necessary for somethings, or entirely unnecessary. I see kids getting degrees for things they could get hired to do without any accreditation at all and spending money to learn things they could learn on their own in less time.

But around here there are plenty of jobs for the asking at good pay. All it takes is a willingness to work hard.

But not only is post high school education unnecessary, getting corporate employment is unnecessary. I would encourage anyone with work ethic and even a modicum of intelligence to start their own business and to do so as a teenager when you are at home and your living expenses minimized.

I would say there is one training that should be gotten and that is how to start and understand a business, particularly an LLC.
In our present booming economy, it may be possible to get into certain fields of employment that would be unattainable during lean times. When I lost my job prior to 9/11, it was a result of the dot com bust, and I tried for three years to find another job as a software developer, before I ended up doing what I should have done all along, and started pursuing my MS in Computer Science. The degree wasn't what resurrected my career though. It was the paid internship that I was able to get, because I earned a high enough GPA. Man! During the post 9/11 years, those were some lean times, and I had a fellow trombone player in my church up in DFW, who ended up taking a teaching gig, and never could seem to resurrect his career.
I am blessed that my husband has encouraged me to pursue my education. I have three undergraduate degrees, two years of law school and two graduate certificates in communications and digital marketing. My inlaws were doctors and my father was a doctor, we both come from backgrounds where education was emphasized.My husband is from an East Indian background and for many of them education is seen as a ticket out of poverty. All of my higher education has been online, which allowed me to stay home and raise my child and homeschool him. Thus a wife is not required to put off marriage and motherhood to pursue higher education. She does not even need to leave her home. My son is getting ready to graduate from homeschooling at the end of this month and hopefully, he will be going to work after the first of the year. However, I am hoping that he will go to the local community college to learn a trade and earn a qualification to get a good-paying job.
You then might be able to give some advice on which state would be most likely to grant a waiver from its anti-bigamy laws. My thought would be California.
You then might be able to give some advice on which state would be most likely to grant a waiver from its anti-bigamy laws. My thought would be California.
The only state that has been notorious for actually prosecuting people for polygyny is Utah. Most states only define bigamy as having more than one marriage licence, not being legally married to one woman and then cohabitating with another. Utah's law is unique that they still recognize common law marriage, so if you are in a state-sanctioned marriage with another woman and cohabitate with another, holding yourself out to be married, then under Utah law one has committed the crime of bigamy. However, they have said they will not prosecute unless there is proof of welfare fraud, abuse or forced marriage of under age girls. Other states are not going to grant a waiver, they just choose not to enforce the law.If you want the law changed or at least decriminalized than you need to start with the state and federal legislatures. On the federal level, polygamy is a crime.
The only state that has been notorious for actually prosecuting people for polygyny is Utah. Most states only define bigamy as having more than one marriage licence, not being legally married to one woman and then cohabitating with another. Utah's law is unique that they still recognize common law marriage, so if you are in a state-sanctioned marriage with another woman and cohabitate with another, holding yourself out to be married, then under Utah law one has committed the crime of bigamy. However, they have said they will not prosecute unless there is proof of welfare fraud, abuse or forced marriage of under age girls. Other states are not going to grant a waiver, they just choose not to enforce the law.If you want the law changed or at least decriminalized than you need to start with the state and federal legislatures. On the federal level, polygamy is a crime.
I am not concerned about prosecution. My employer will not grant benefits to anyone not legally recognized as a spouse.