Yes, they can be. The main point I was making is that we lived in a sin-cursed fallen world. Ideally, all married women would never have to work outside the home. Husbands would never die, become disabled, lose their job or abandon their families, but if they do women would have a family to fall back on or would find a suitable man and remarry. The reality is that because of feminism and a general bias against traditional Christian values, many women do not. Their families may be their biggest persecutor for their faith and obedience to Christ. Education of girls is just as important as the education of boys and we should encourage our sons and daughters to have some sort of marketable skill. The latter could use that skill to help their husbands get through an illness, injury or job loss until he can work or secure more work. As far as women in the medical field, especially in GP and OB/GYN areas can allow single and some select married ( with husbands blessing) to serve their sisters in Christ. Many husbands/fathers do not want a strange man examining intimate aspects of their wives and daughters. And lack of female health care providers can prevent women and girls from getting the health care they may need due to not wanting to compromise their modesty.