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Giving your daughter in marriage...

Because maybe a first or second wife with skillsets like nursing, accounting, business management, journalism, tailoring, etc would be beneficial additions to a family business or community venture? Just spitballing here...
Yes, they can be. The main point I was making is that we lived in a sin-cursed fallen world. Ideally, all married women would never have to work outside the home. Husbands would never die, become disabled, lose their job or abandon their families, but if they do women would have a family to fall back on or would find a suitable man and remarry. The reality is that because of feminism and a general bias against traditional Christian values, many women do not. Their families may be their biggest persecutor for their faith and obedience to Christ. Education of girls is just as important as the education of boys and we should encourage our sons and daughters to have some sort of marketable skill. The latter could use that skill to help their husbands get through an illness, injury or job loss until he can work or secure more work. As far as women in the medical field, especially in GP and OB/GYN areas can allow single and some select married ( with husbands blessing) to serve their sisters in Christ. Many husbands/fathers do not want a strange man examining intimate aspects of their wives and daughters. And lack of female health care providers can prevent women and girls from getting the health care they may need due to not wanting to compromise their modesty.
Historically speaking this is a very modern view. 100 years ago there were almost no jobs available for women, and society moved along fine.

There are male OB/GYN and GPs. There is no reason a full service hospital could not be staffed with 100% males.

Not just fine, better. The wholesale movement of women into the workplace has depressed wages to the point that it is now very hard to support a family on just one income. Supply and demand. Every woman who works means another man can't support his family and his kids are deprived of a mother at home.

Here is my plug for midwifery. Traditional female work going back to Moses. Much better way to fulfill the same need. Self employed, work from home, lower education costs, pent up demand, better baby outcomes and you're not working for the evil system that is American health care.
The wholesale movement of women into the workplace has depressed wages to the point that it is now very hard to support a family on just one income. Supply and demand. Every woman who works means another man can't support his family and his kids are deprived of a mother at home.
I call bullhockey.

The fact that the economy has grown in orders of magnitude and unemployment is at all-time lows proves your assertion fallacious. Working women do not depress wages.

The greater reason a single income does not make ends meet is because Johnny and Jane Twentysomething want the lifestyle of their parents who have 30 working years under their belt. So, they use credit to buy things they don't need with money they don't have then are *gasp* forced to both work.

There are other factors at play, too... just throwing the biggest at you.

Truth: any man who wants to bring his wife home, can. He/they may have to make some lifestyle changes, but it is a choice.

Caveat.. she may need to work a while while he goes to school or while he establishes a business, etc, but that is temporary to help the family get established.
I’d say the greater impact to a family being able to survive on a single income at a moderate lifestyle has been inflation. This has drastically robbed the majority of citizens of massive amounts of buying power. It has virtually enslaved our citizenry to force more of a family into a workplace to compensate for lost buying power.
I’d say the greater impact to a family being able to survive on a single income at a moderate lifestyle has been inflation. This has drastically robbed the majority of citizens of massive amounts of buying power. It has virtually enslaved our citizenry to force more of a family into a workplace to compensate for lost buying power.
You have a point, conditionally accepted...

Define 'moderate lifestyle.' Does that include eating out once or twice a week? A new car every three years or so? One week vacations at nice places? Cable TV? The latest iPhone? etc...

Culturally, we spend an immense amount on entertainment as well as value, too much, 'down time.' Point, precious few of us are productive to the degree we could be. Ie, gardening, food preservation, sewing, etc...
You have a point, conditionally accepted...

Define 'moderate lifestyle.' Does that include eating out once or twice a week? A new car every three years or so? One week vacations at nice places? Cable TV? The latest iPhone? etc...

Culturally, we spend an immense amount on entertainment as well as value, too much, 'down time.' Point, precious few of us are productive to the degree we could be. Ie, gardening, food preservation, sewing, etc...
I’m basically comparing what it costs today to match the same lifestyle our grandparents enjoyed with a single breadwinner. Basically before WW2.

Granted, what you’ve mentioned is another factor in economic success of a family, but its a visible, self inflicted factor that is fixable on your own. Inflation is not. It’s a mostly invisible, mostly unrecognized factor by the low and middle class. It is the epitome of an unfair and unjust balance.
I call bullhockey.

The fact that the economy has grown in orders of magnitude and unemployment is at all-time lows proves your assertion fallacious. Working women do not depress wages.

The greater reason a single income does not make ends meet is because Johnny and Jane Twentysomething want the lifestyle of their parents who have 30 working years under their belt. So, they use credit to buy things they don't need with money they don't have then are *gasp* forced to both work.

There are other factors at play, too... just throwing the biggest at you.

Truth: any man who wants to bring his wife home, can. He/they may have to make some lifestyle changes, but it is a choice.

Caveat.. she may need to work a while while he goes to school or while he establishes a business, etc, but that is temporary to help the family get established.

Supply and demand. More workers equals lower wages. It's axiomatic. It is economically undeniable that women working has driven down wages. Oh, and unemployment numbers are bs.

And no it's not just about unrealistic expectations for lifestyle, all the key major expense items of life are exceptionally more expensive today: cars, education, housing, fuel, everything. Meanwhile inflation adjusted wages are lower than the 70s.


Supply and demand. More workers equals lower wages. It's axiomatic. It is economically undeniable that women working has driven down wages. Oh, and unemployment numbers are bs.

And no it's not just about unrealistic expectations for lifestyle, all the key major expense items of life are exceptionally more expensive today: cars, education, housing, fuel, everything. Meanwhile inflation adjusted wages are lower than the 70s.


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And yet we have some folks running for POTUS that want to hand out $1,000 and month to everybody. Guess what that will do to prices!
And yet we have some folks running for POTUS that want to hand out $1,000 and month to everybody. Guess what that will do to prices!

Exactly. This is economically predictable. Extra money always boosts prices. And that will drive calls for more money and for price controls. Which was the plan all along; socialization of the economy. That's why they push the free money.

In a way, I actually like universal basic income. But no one has figured out how to do it without these sorts of things happening. It's much better the state focus on fixing the problems that lead to unemployment and high cost of living than to just give out free money.
Yes, they can be. The main point I was making is that we lived in a sin-cursed fallen world. Ideally, all married women would never have to work outside the home. Husbands would never die, become disabled, lose their job or abandon their families, but if they do women would have a family to fall back on or would find a suitable man and remarry. The reality is that because of feminism and a general bias against traditional Christian values, many women do not. Their families may be their biggest persecutor for their faith and obedience to Christ. Education of girls is just as important as the education of boys and we should encourage our sons and daughters to have some sort of marketable skill. The latter could use that skill to help their husbands get through an illness, injury or job loss until he can work or secure more work. As far as women in the medical field, especially in GP and OB/GYN areas can allow single and some select married ( with husbands blessing) to serve their sisters in Christ. Many husbands/fathers do not want a strange man examining intimate aspects of their wives and daughters. And lack of female health care providers can prevent women and girls from getting the health care they may need due to not wanting to compromise their modesty.
I found a highly recommended female dr...and then discovered she was lesbian!
I found a highly recommended female dr...and then discovered she was lesbian!

I had that suspicion about a midwife once, but she was entirely professional in all she did. Best one I ever worked with actually.
I found a highly recommended female dr...and then discovered she was lesbian!
I can understand wanting to find a new provider for that very reason. I would just find a Christian female provider if possible. Speaking for myself, I would not go to a male Ob/GYN even if he was a sodomite. I just do not want men touching me ( unless its an emergency and a male is the only provider available)other than my husband in an intimate manner. I do not shake hands with other men or even have any physical contact outside my close male relatives. The former often have. offended some male members of my former churches, when they have the meet and greet aspect to the worship service.
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I found a highly recommended female dr...and then discovered she was lesbian!
Back to the drawing board...sigh
Why is that a problem? Serious question. I'm just struggling to see the leap in logic from "she's a lesbian" to "back to the drawing board". You're just looking for a doctor.
In the military here there use to be a don't ask don't tell situation (not sure it's still there) policy were gay men could be in the military. I would find it very uncomfortable to be in that position with someone who views the same sex in an endearing way. I understand what @Robhar is saying.
In the military here there use to be a don't ask don't tell situation (not sure it's still there) policy were gay men could be in the military. I would find it very uncomfortable to be in that position with someone who views the same sex in an endearing way. I understand what @Robhar is saying.
Clinton implemented that as a compromise to allow homosexuals to serve in the military, while remaining in the closet, because prior to that, everyone was required to answer whether they were homosexual, and that was a dis qualifier, so if a homosexual wanted to serve in the military, they had to lie on that question. Don't ask, don't tell, allowed them to serve, as long as they kept quiet about it. Obama ended that. Our Liberal friends like to claim that the "Slippery slope" argument, is misplaced, when in reality, that has been their strategy all along.
Why is that a problem? Serious question. I'm just struggling to see the leap in logic from "she's a lesbian" to "back to the drawing board". You're just looking for a doctor.
What Serena said. I am not comfortable with a female dr who may potentially feel an attraction for me. I think it would be no different than going to a male OB. JMO...or call it discernment...