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Giving your daughter in marriage...

What Serena said. I am not comfortable with a female dr who may potentially feel an attraction for me. I think it would be no different than going to a male OB. JMO...or call it discernment...
That makes a ton of sense! If it were any other doctor, it wouldn't matter so much, but when the doctor is someone who might see you in that way, when you are in that vulnerable of a position, that could be quite uncomfortable!
I can understand wanting to find a new provider for that very reason. I would just find a Christian female provider if possible. Speaking for myself, I would not go to a male Ob/GYN even if he was a sodomite. I just do not want men touching me ( unless its an emergency and a male is the only provider available)other than my husband in an intimate manner. I do not shake hands with other men or even have any physical contact outside my close male relatives. The former often have. offended some male members of my former churches, when they have the meet and greet aspect to the worship service.
So then I Thessalonians 5:26 would be one of those passages you would be fully on board with. :p
I can understand wanting to find a new provider for that very reason. I would just find a Christian female provider if possible. Speaking for myself, I would not go to a male Ob/GYN even if he was a sodomite. I just do not want men touching me ( unless its an emergency and a male is the only provider available)other than my husband in an intimate manner. I do not shake hands with other men or even have any physical contact outside my close male relatives. The former often have. offended some male members of my former churches, when they have the meet and greet aspect to the worship service.

What Serena said. I am not comfortable with a female dr who may potentially feel an attraction for me. I think it would be no different than going to a male OB. JMO...or call it discernment...

while I completely understand and respect your position on this subject... I think this perspective is coming from a misunderstanding of what modesty is in scripture, as well as a misunderstanding of lust/covet.

I encourage you to actually study those things out and remove the puritanical Christian bias while doing the study. Your practical application may not change and that’s ok but we should be seeking the mind of God on these issues and I can tell you with absolute certainty that the typical conservative Christian views on these matters are far different from what is revealed in scripture.

Ultimately whatever your position ends up being your practical application should follow the wishes of your head. (Husband or father etc...)
The OB/Gyn who delievered my son may or may not have been a lesbian. She just gave off that vibe, but she was a good doctor. Would I go back to her again? No, because I do not want a provider who may feel an attraction.
I’ve had two male OB’s- one I trusted and one who was incompetent. One Doctor did his job well, that changed mind on OB’s... a matter of preference though I’d choose a woman for normal health, delivery though-take care of me and baby, do your job well, it’s all good.
I’m not sure I’d continue to see a Doctor if I knew they were into witchcraft or same sex lifestyle. I’m more concerned about health and well-being then dealing with spiritual warfare every time we needed medical services.
So I had a chat with a lady and she informed me that her first choice would be a midwife, but failing that it would be a male doctor.
Reason being was that too many female doctors were a bit feminazi. “We’ve all had rough exams, suck it up, Buttercup!” seemed to be their attitude. And it may not have helped that they didn’t want their own plumbing.
Whereas most men treat the area as something delicate and valuable.

For what it’s worth.
Then I go to utube and the headline in the feed is:
Trans activist complains gynecologists won’t see her

First World problems.
Not all women are called to marriage and the medical field can be a vocation for single women to serve the Lord and their neighbours.

Just because you are not called to marriage does not mean that you must get a vocation. Women have traditionally served the Lord and their neighbors without having vocations and being in the marketplace. One does not require the other.
Why is that a problem? Serious question. I'm just struggling to see the leap in logic from "she's a lesbian" to "back to the drawing board". You're just looking for a doctor.

I might ask the same question about a male doctor. You're just looking for a doctor. He has job to do. If you are really concerned have your husband stay in the room with you, or if he is not available a nurse.

Personally I want the best doctor I can get.

I remember when I was in the Navy and I was in this cattle call in-processing for flight school, and we went from station to station in our skivies and I went around the corner and there was this rather attractive female doctor and she was doing the test where they grab your testicles you turn your head to cough to check something or another. It was kind of strange, but whatever. I got over it.
That makes a ton of sense! If it were any other doctor, it wouldn't matter so much, but when the doctor is someone who might see you in that way, when you are in that vulnerable of a position, that could be quite uncomfortable!

Now days any doctor of either sex could see you in that way and you would never know unless you knew them well. Picking one sex or the other will not mitigate the risk.

I am not a doctor, but I understand that in actual practice they see so many people and body parts they just do not get turned on in that way by patients. They have a job to do.

Playing doctor is more of a non-medical field fantasy.
I remember when I was in the Navy and I was in this cattle call in-processing for flight school, and we went from station to station in our skivies and I went around the corner and there was this rather attractive female doctor and she was doing the test where they grab your testicles you turn your head to cough to check something or another. It was kind of strange, but whatever. I got over it.
I'm just getting over a very severe infection. When I got rushed to hospital doctors and medical staff examined me in various places and took tests and did a scan, and I'll be honest; I didn't care if they were male, female, or whatever, I just wanted the pain to stop. They were all very professional and I don't think any of them were concerned with anything other than finding the cause and getting it cured. I'm super grateful for doctors and appreciate what God has blessed me with through their skill and intervention. So like my brother @cnystrom, I just get over it. Shalom
Now days any doctor of either sex could see you in that way and you would never know unless you knew them well. Picking one sex or the other will not mitigate the risk.

I am not a doctor, but I understand that in actual practice they see so many people and body parts they just do not get turned on in that way by patients. They have a job to do.

Playing doctor is more of a non-medical field fantasy.
A person has a right to feel comfortable with their medical provider. I do not expect you as a man to fully understand the vulnerability of a woman she is getting well-woman care. My husband will only let me see a female provider for well-woman care, ( unless of course, it was a true emergency). As a survivor of past sexual trauma, those exams can be very distressing, they are even distressing for many who have not had sexual trauma. As far as lesbian providers go, it is possible I may be treated by one, but lesbians are very small per cent of the population, versus the number of straight males. In a nutshell a woman should have the right to choose a female provider for her own modesty and comfort.

Just because you are not called to marriage does not mean that you must get a vocation. Women have traditionally served the Lord and their neighbors without having vocations and being in the marketplace. One does not require the other.

We see in Scripture women being in the marketplace. The Proverbs 31 wife was in the marketplace in addition to attending to her household. "She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard."( Proverbs 31:16)In the New Testament Lydia was a merchant who was involved in the trade of purple cloth. These are two examples of women being in the marketplace in the Bible. As far as the medical field is concerned, you are forgetting that women as midwives have traditionally been the ones to care for women during pregnancy, birth and post partem. Men traditionally have been banned from the birthing room, it was the domain of women. I believe that it is time that godly women are encouraged to take back that aspect, by becoming a midwife or a doctor to care for women. Until the last 100 years or so , doctors respected the position of the birthing room, being a female-only space.

We need a new thread called "Women in the workplace" or something like that.
Changing the subject for just a moment. I know we've talked about the lack of value of a college education (especially daughters) for many. Here's a clip I came across this morning...p.s. #Ilovemikey

Many are not cut out to be college material and that is why they should be encouraged to learn a skill or trade. Community colleges do not just prepare to transfer to a four-year program or for those who want an associate degree. My son does not want to go to college, but I have urged him to apply at the local community college for one of their vocational programs. They may offer a certificate or an Associate of Applied Science, they are not focused so much on the general ed, but what one will need to learn to work in a certain trade.
College vs. VoTec vs Direct Employment vs Self Employment

Almost no one actually crunches the financial numbers on these choices. They just assume, often erroneously, that College will see you better off in the long term.
If all women quit their jobs tomorrow, would wages go up or down?
I would think wages would go up, especially in the fields that women dominate, but so also would the cost of provisioning those services. For you and I, who are working in the STEM fields, we wouldn't see much increase, especially since corporations have a nasty habit of looking for help overseas. in spite of the fact that often times that help can be inferior.
Now days a woman can spend the last few years of high school at a Tech school and learn in a field that they can use to ‘work at home’.
Web and graphic design, herbalist, photography, and bookkeeping to name a few.
I wish this option was available for me while growing up, I think the knowledge back then would have allowed me to be a better helper to my husband in our first few years of marriage and his business.
I definitely see an advantage and a good thing for both ‘sexes’ to have a trade or knowledge and experience in a field before marriage. However, I DO NOT promote the line of thinking that you should be engaged for two years while finishing your degree, then wait five more years before you have children, to establish your career. I don’t comprehend that mindset. It was given to me over and over again before I married.
I know of a couple that the man was on a path to be a Missionary. He met a gal he wanted to be his wife. People in her church were discouraging her from marrying the Missionary boy because she didn’t have the calling on her life to be in that field. Her wise response was, ‘my calling is to follow wherever my husband is led, if I’m not supposed to marry a Missionary my dad will be the decider.’ She worked at a daycare through high school and had thought about being a teacher if she didn’t find a man to marry.
The man found her and she’s ‘living the dream’ as she homeschools her kids and helps her husband on the mission field.