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Let's make some pro PATRIARCHY memes!!

Only Christian men who have had a son who has had a son should vote.
Very interesting thought.. certainly, that had at least an implied impact on decisionmaking in ancient Israel. They didn't vote, perse, but they earned influence through wisdom and age and keeping the fruitful and multiply command....

You'd rather live in a genocidal communist hell hole than reduce the franchise? That's why the country is doomed.
No! We don't live in one, yet! I would rather be prepared in the event that that happens, but I don't believe it is right to deny people the right to vote, simply because that voting block of people typically votes against the policies I am in favor of. If we did that, we would be just as wrong as the people that would deny us our rights.
No! We don't live in one, yet! I would rather be prepared in the event that that happens, but I don't believe it is right to deny people the right to vote, simply because that voting block of people typically votes against the policies I am in favor of. If we did that, we would be just as wrong as the people that would deny us our rights.
Someone isn't enfranchised because they are given the right to vote, they are enfranchised because they have 'skin in the game.' Property ownership is a major! Someone who owns nothing and chooses not to help and protect the economy by investing sweat equity, measurable by business or property ownership, is probably nothing more than a mooch and has no reason to vote besides getting themselves a handout. If someone wants a voice, they need to earn it. Enfranchisement doesn't come with being a consumer, else I should be eligible to make decisions for every company I buy from.
Voting is a leadership responsibility. Male land owners should be the only voters. It used to be this way...
Voting is a means of peacefully resolving our disputes with one another. Just because something used to be a certain way, doesn't mean that it should be that way. I mean, people used to own slaves, for crying out loud!
Someone isn't enfranchised because they are given the right to vote, they are enfranchised because they have 'skin in the game.' Property ownership is a major! Someone who owns nothing and chooses not to help and protect the economy by investing sweat equity, measurable by business or property ownership, is probably nothing more than a mooch and has no reason to vote besides getting themselves a handout. If someone wants a voice, they need to earn it. Enfranchisement doesn't come with being a consumer, else I should be eligible to make decisions for every company I buy from.
I am an engineer. I don't have to sweat to produce software, although it does wear on my fingers quite a bit. As a software engineer, I contribute software that is used to connect residents to the internet. I'm not sure whether you appreciate that as a contribution to society, or not. Our wives work hard to help their husbands. They may not be able to lift 150 lbs of tractor equipment, but they are nonetheless contributing to society by contributing to the work that we need them to do.
Guys! Just get your wives to the polls in November, and let them vote alongside you. Leftists only win when we fail to show up!
I'm sure that if we created a separate thread for this, it would cause a firestorm.
Voting is a means of peacefully resolving our disputes with one another. Just because something used to be a certain way, doesn't mean that it should be that way. I mean, people used to own slaves, for crying out loud!

“ it used to be this way” is simply a statement of fact. That wasn’t a supporting argument for my statement. I stand by my statement that voting is a leadership role and only male land owners should be legally allowed to vote. That being said because the laws are what they are I do think that all eligible citizens should be voting...
I think if you really want a leadership role, you should run for office, but for obvious reasons, you might want to keep your pro-polygyny pro-patriarchy views secret. Now if you want to set up a church, a rotary club, a Boy scout troop, whatever, you can decide who gets to vote as you see fit.
Politicians are rarely leaders and absolutely not producers. Generally, they are leeches on the economy.

As to 'deciding who gets to vote' I would refer you to the original Constitution. Vested males (irrespective of color) get to vote. They represent the women under their authority.

Those who have no holdings, land/business/etc are not in a place to make decisions that benefit the system. The very problem we have today is that self interested persons have about 40 or 45% of the voting bloc creating the 'just get your wife to the polls and vote so the lefties don't win' problem.
If no one runs against the leeches, the leeches will rule over us. I wholeheartedly disagree with the notion that if you don't own property, you are a leech on society.
If no one runs against the leeches, the leeches will rule over us. I wholeheartedly disagree with the notion that if you don't own property, you are a leech on society.
So, we can work on the definition of what it means to be vested or enfranchised, but it certainly is more than having a pulse.
I think we should take a vote on who should start the new thread and what should we title the thread. ;)
What is being left out of the conversation is who people are by nature.
Women are the natural nurturers and more often approach a problem leading with their heart. Thank Yah for this blessing. It works well in the family, the only legitimate Socialist structure. From each according to his ability to each according to their need. I may have some of the words wrong, but you can hopefully see the point.

The problem is that you cannot judge community issues bigger than the family from that perspective. It’s like asking a software engineer to rebuild your car motor. I’m sure that some could, but it’s not their normal skillset.

Granted, in this period of feminized males, many women could easily do a better job than a lot of the men, but changing the design of society to accommodate anything and everything isn’t the answer.

Taking the thread back to patriarchy.
Let the memes continue.