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Let's make some pro PATRIARCHY memes!!

Thank you. I was trying to figure out how to answer the 'disenfranchise' line. That grated on me SO badly. Doesn't take much research to figure out the trajectory of this country began to change when the libs insisted on 'enfranchising' anyone and everyone.

'Disenfranchise' is generally a libtard word.

I didn't like the idea of disenfranchising people either for a long time. It isn't nice. It get's you called all sorts of bad words.

But it it how this country was founded and for good reason. The alternative is far far worse; that should have been well and good proven by now.

No! We don't live in one, yet! I would rather be prepared in the event that that happens, but I don't believe it is right to deny people the right to vote, simply because that voting block of people typically votes against the policies I am in favor of. If we did that, we would be just as wrong as the people that would deny us our rights.

Voting is not a right, it is a government granted privilege. Look around, that is the way we are heading.

Did men while in charge ever call for the murder of all women? Were they ever responsible for murdering the most innocent to the tune of millions a year?

So, we can work on the definition of what it means to be vested or enfranchised, but it certainly is more than having a pulse.

A pulse isn't even required these days.
I'm guessing you intentionally left yourself out. I appreciate the humor; at least it appears to be tongue in cheek.
I am not joking in the least. It appears to be the only fair way to do it. Clearly only believers should be directing our course. It is hard for women to be in authority and under authority as well as in authority and their peculiar emotional and mental make up dictate that dispassionate decisions making is not a natural gifting. Clearly many men are not worthy of voting as well but they get harder to winnow out. Literacy and means tests do nothing to exclude the bad or include the good. A Christian man who has had a son who had a son had demonstrated enough sense to live long enough to have learned some lessons as well as convinced at least one woman to go along with him at least a little all while not managing to screw up his son bad enough to prevent him from having an son himself. It is by no means a perfect system but it is probably the best possible.
In the interest of returning to memes, I am not going to address any of these. If someone wants to start a new thread, we can discuss it there.
Ironically, when they gave women the right to vote in Utah, they voted overwhelmingly in favor of keeping polygamy legal. The US Government assumed that women would naturally vote to outlaw it, but it didn't work out that way, so they had to resort to other unconstitutional measures, such as denying people the right to serve on a jury, based on their beliefs.
We have it drummed into us in school how New Zealand was the first country in the world to give women the vote, and how that makes New Zealand so morally righteous.
It's a lie, because people ignore Utah as that doesn't fit the narrative.

But it's very interesting to read what the women's suffrage movement in New Zealand actually said. I believe this was written by Kate Shepherd, the heroine of the whole thing over here. Emphasis added by me:

Ten reasons why the women of New Zealand should vote (1888)
This is the text of a leaflet published by the Women's Christian Temperance Union in May 1888, which was sent to every member of the House of Representatives.

1. Because a democratic government like that of New Zealand already admits the great principle that every adult person, not convicted of crime, nor suspected of lunacy, has an inherent right to a voice in the construction of laws which all must obey.

2. Because it has not yet been proved that the intelligence of women is only equal to that of children, nor that their social status is on a par with that of lunatics or convicts.

3. Because women are affected by the prosperity of the Colony, are concerned in the preservation of its liberty and free institutions, and suffer equally with men from all national errors and mistakes.

4. Because women are less accessible than men to most of the debasing influences now brought to bear upon elections, and by doubling the number of electors to be dealt with, women would make bribery and corruption less effective, as well as more difficult.

5. Because in the quietude of home women are less liable than men to be swayed by mere party feeling, and are inclined to attach great value to uprightness and rectitude of life in a candidate.

6. Because the presence of women at the polling-booth would have a refining and purifying effect.

7. Because the votes of women would add weight and power to the more settled and responsible communities.

8. Because women are endowed with a more constant solicitude for the welfare of the rising generations, thus giving them a more far-reaching concern for something beyond the present moment.

9. Because the admitted physical weakness of women disposes them to exercise more habitual caution, and to feel a deeper interest in the constant preservation of peace, law, and order, and especially in the supremacy of right over might.

10. Because women naturally view each question from a somewhat different standpoint to men, so that whilst their interests, aims, and objects would be very generally the same, they would often see what men had overlooked, and thus add a new security against any partial or one-sided legislation.

The assumption was that women would remain real, sensible, stay-at-home women, and then vote from that perspective. That's not what happened of course. But the feminists of today would probably be rejected fervently by many of those well-meaning suffragettes, who just didn't see how far this would go.
We have it drummed into us in school how New Zealand was the first country in the world to give women the vote, and how that makes New Zealand so morally righteous.
It's a lie, because people ignore Utah as that doesn't fit the narrative.

But it's very interesting to read what the women's suffrage movement in New Zealand actually said. I believe this was written by Kate Shepherd, the heroine of the whole thing over here. Emphasis added by me:

Ten reasons why the women of New Zealand should vote (1888)
This is the text of a leaflet published by the Women's Christian Temperance Union in May 1888, which was sent to every member of the House of Representatives.

1. Because a democratic government like that of New Zealand already admits the great principle that every adult person, not convicted of crime, nor suspected of lunacy, has an inherent right to a voice in the construction of laws which all must obey.

2. Because it has not yet been proved that the intelligence of women is only equal to that of children, nor that their social status is on a par with that of lunatics or convicts.

3. Because women are affected by the prosperity of the Colony, are concerned in the preservation of its liberty and free institutions, and suffer equally with men from all national errors and mistakes.

4. Because women are less accessible than men to most of the debasing influences now brought to bear upon elections, and by doubling the number of electors to be dealt with, women would make bribery and corruption less effective, as well as more difficult.

5. Because in the quietude of home women are less liable than men to be swayed by mere party feeling, and are inclined to attach great value to uprightness and rectitude of life in a candidate.

6. Because the presence of women at the polling-booth would have a refining and purifying effect.

7. Because the votes of women would add weight and power to the more settled and responsible communities.

8. Because women are endowed with a more constant solicitude for the welfare of the rising generations, thus giving them a more far-reaching concern for something beyond the present moment.

9. Because the admitted physical weakness of women disposes them to exercise more habitual caution, and to feel a deeper interest in the constant preservation of peace, law, and order, and especially in the supremacy of right over might.

10. Because women naturally view each question from a somewhat different standpoint to men, so that whilst their interests, aims, and objects would be very generally the same, they would often see what men had overlooked, and thus add a new security against any partial or one-sided legislation.

The assumption was that women would remain real, sensible, stay-at-home women, and then vote from that perspective. That's not what happened of course. But the feminists of today would probably be rejected fervently by many of those well-meaning suffragettes, who just didn't see how far this would go.

Isn't it funny they simultaneously claimed both equality with men and moral superiority. But the truth has been conclusively demonstrated since: it was the patriarchal control of women which was responsible for their seeming uprightness and moral rectitude.

I kind of like Sarah Palin and Sarah Huckabee Sanders. It might be interesting to get people's perspective on the group, "Feminists For Life". I'll never forget the Brouhaha over the exchange between Barbara Bush and HRC.
We disfranchise children. If disfranchising is automatically wrong, then is it not also wrong to not permit children to vote?
The first couple are on the rocks. There is physical/emotional distance between them and she's desexualizing herself. The second woman is hot for her man, sexy, engaged, attentive.
I don't see anything different. The first guy is obviously a dominant man that just had to tell his wife to button it up and go make breakfast.

LOL :):cool::D:rolleyes::)