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Let's make some pro PATRIARCHY memes!!

Yes you are correct this one is patriarchy and the other one is polygyny we just seem to have mixed the two. Lol

Interesting drawing, it’s a clever montage. But when did he start wearing a ring?

I suppose he started wearing a ring when he got married LOL.
Speaking of sterilizing men. I ran across a disgusting trend: wives making cakes and throwing parties to celebrate the castration of their husband. And as these make clear, it's not just about avoiding kids; they're celebrating that they won't have to have sex with him anymore...


This one doesn't need any caption...

Screen-Shot-2019-04-20-at-5.36.04-PM-758x703 (1).png


Not that we at BF would completely agree with this notion, but the RPM suggests that refusal of sex from the wife, partially falls on the husband who restricts himself to her and her alone. Needless to say, the imagery of scissors anywhere near that of what appears to be masculine reproductive organs, is disturbing to say the least.
the RPM suggests that refusal of sex from the wife, partially falls on the husband who restricts himself to her and her alone.

This is often true. It doesn't have to end up that way, but it takes a strong man in control to not let that happen when he restricts himself to just her.


I cropped the poor kids out of the above picture since I was trying to highlight the sign for that meme. These wives often rope the kids into it, making them t-shirts glorifying the de-sexualization of the man. It's one big shaming power-play.


Those poor kids have no idea, they're just pawns. And could 'swim team survivor' be any farther from 'children are a blessing'? Now about that man...


Now it is the case that some men genuinely want this, some even against their wife's wishes. And while I think this is ill-advised (it very often leads to her loosing respect/attraction for the man), it is their right to do so. But in a lot of cases, esp. when the woman is celebrating, what is going on is the women are bringing up the idea and manipulating him into it. It's often not as much about the children but her subconscious feelings about the husband.
This is often true. It doesn't have to end up that way, but it takes a strong man in control to not let that happen when he restricts himself to just her.

View attachment 1459

I cropped the poor kids out of the above picture since I was trying to highlight the sign for that meme. These wives often rope the kids into it, making them t-shirts glorifying the de-sexualization of the man. It's one big shaming power-play.

View attachment 1460

Those poor kids have no idea, they're just pawns. And could 'swim team survivor' be any farther from 'children are a blessing'? Now about that man...

View attachment 1461

Now it is the case that some men genuinely want this, some even against their wife's wishes. And while I think this is ill-advised (it very often leads to her loosing respect/attraction for the man), it is their right to do so. But in a lot of cases, esp. when the woman is celebrating, what is going on is the women are bringing up the idea and manipulating him into it. It's often not as much about the children but her subconscious feelings about the husband.
So sick...
This is often true. It doesn't have to end up that way, but it takes a strong man in control to not let that happen when he restricts himself to just her.

View attachment 1459

I cropped the poor kids out of the above picture since I was trying to highlight the sign for that meme. These wives often rope the kids into it, making them t-shirts glorifying the de-sexualization of the man. It's one big shaming power-play.

View attachment 1460

Those poor kids have no idea, they're just pawns. And could 'swim team survivor' be any farther from 'children are a blessing'? Now about that man...

View attachment 1461

Now it is the case that some men genuinely want this, some even against their wife's wishes. And while I think this is ill-advised (it very often leads to her loosing respect/attraction for the man), it is their right to do so. But in a lot of cases, esp. when the woman is celebrating, what is going on is the women are bringing up the idea and manipulating him into it. It's often not as much about the children but her subconscious feelings about the husband.
The silver lining that comes with diminishing cultural standards is that my stock goes up Every. Single. Day :cool:
I am fine with women voting, but yeah, the reality certainly hasn't lived up to the propaganda.
Ironically, when they gave women the right to vote in Utah, they voted overwhelmingly in favor of keeping polygamy legal. The US Government assumed that women would naturally vote to outlaw it, but it didn't work out that way, so they had to resort to other unconstitutional measures, such as denying people the right to serve on a jury, based on their beliefs.
I am fine with women voting, but yeah, the reality certainly hasn't lived up to the propaganda.

I used to be fine with it too until I realized they don't care about equality when it is men getting the short end of the stick, when killallmen started trending, when I realized that abortion is the end result of women voting, and that it's at the center of our political problems in general...


You can pretty much lay all the radical political changes of the last century at the expansion of the franchise.

We are after all talking about patriarchy here. Only men voting is the very definition of that politically.
Well, I am fine with other races voting too, and look where that has gotten us. If we only had non-Hispanic whites voting, even with the female vote, we would have overwhelmingly right wing voting, but I can't see disenfranchising people based on gender or skin color. Legal status, definitely! If they are not here legally, they should be culled from the voting registrars.
Well, I am fine with other races voting too, and look where that has gotten us. If we only had non-Hispanic whites voting, even with the female vote, we would have overwhelmingly right wing voting, but I can't see disenfranchising people based on gender or skin color. Legal status, definitely! If they are not here legally, they should be culled from the voting registrars.

You'd rather live in a genocidal communist hell hole than reduce the franchise? That's why the country is doomed.
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You'd rather live in a genocidal communist hell hole than reduce the franchise? That's why the country is doomed.
Thank you. I was trying to figure out how to answer the 'disenfranchise' line. That grated on me SO badly. Doesn't take much research to figure out the trajectory of this country began to change when the libs insisted on 'enfranchising' anyone and everyone.

'Disenfranchise' is generally a libtard word.
Thank you. I was trying to figure out how to answer the 'disenfranchise' line. That grated on me SO badly. Doesn't take much research to figure out the trajectory of this country began to change when the libs insisted on 'enfranchising' anyone and everyone.

'Disenfranchise' is generally a libtard word.
It used to be only landowners voted, and the vote was only binding on those who participated in the vote (vote for "temporary" tax for example) non participation was a healthy option.

The problem with letting everyone vote is that groups of people can be promised benefits, and many lack understanding of basic principles of liberty and prosperity. You can never make a country prosper by playing Robin Hood.....but people still mistakenly think that when politshittans do that they are "providing" something.

The problem in the world is parasites! Bankers, polishittans, and the welfare class that is manipulated by said polishittans. None of these groups produce anything....but the worst by far is the group that pretends to have the answers while they CAUSE the problems that then pretending to solve makes it appear they have done something.

Think about it honestly and you realize they have not done a single thing that actually helped mankind.

Gotta go make breakfast. Think I'll rest in knowing the kings and captains will be critter turds after YHWH judges them. THEN they will be good for something!