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Let's make some pro PATRIARCHY memes!!

I came across an interesting video that I thought fit in with some of the Right to Vote memes I have seen here, and I thought I might share. It ties together the Abortion movement, overpopulation fear-mongering and monogamy with the Women's Sufferage movement. Oh! and drug use FTM.
That graph doesn't actually say that because it's on a percentage basis (the lines will always mirror each other even if total enrolments are increasing and nobody is being displaced), but it would be very interesting to see that graph with absolute numbers to see how much truth there is behind the text. Did you make that one?

So, I was married w kids in the USAF. FEMALE airmen could get a totally free Bachelor's in Computer Science between GIBill & grants. Single male airmen were getting charged $10k+ for the same degree.

No married airmen, to my knowledge, pursued a degree.
1) Cost
2) Time
3) Priority conflicts.

However, they often paid for their wives to get her degree since she had the time & could do it during the day while he was working. Women had tons of grants to get cheap or free degrees.

5 years later, the workforce had not changed .01% for female programmers, etc. Most women got their free degree and got a job not in the field.
Not exactly a meme here....but hubby found this comment on a better bachelor video.....and we liked it a lot.

"Awoman" means no woman or the a can be not. Because the "A" prefix means "no" or "not" as in theist and atheist, so what they said was "so be it" and "no woman" or "not woman." :D

Not exactly a meme here....but hubby found this comment on a better bachelor video.....and we liked it a lot.

"Awoman" means no woman or the a can be not. Because the "A" prefix means "no" or "not" as in theist and atheist, so what they said was "so be it" and "no woman" or "not woman." :D

Or, 'no man and no woman' in keeping with their futile attempt to erase genders...
A large house with many ovens to bake that much bread.. :D
Seven wives in one house? :eek:

It would definitely have to be a large one or a community building for all and a bunch of tiny bedrooms surrounding it.
I don't know, how big of a house are we talking about here? I can picture a pretty big house. :D

Well it would need to have 1 master and 7 queen suites and then rooms for the children, so a decent size one. lol
Let's see if we can get this train back on the tracks.

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I found this photo and added the verse.

In my religious background, if that verse was mentioned at all, it was referred to w comments of "God's great curses on the Earth: not enough men and too many wives", "the level of depravity that humanity can sink to", the results of the apocalypse after the Rapture, etc.
Nice meme, but I think it should probably be in the Pro-Polygamy meme thread.
This meme can go either way in my honest opinion. All I know is this thread got DERAILED around page 26. So I am just TRYING to get it back on track. I can please some of the people some of the time, but I can't please all the people all the time.