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Let's make some pro PATRIARCHY memes!!

Quite frankly, posting pictures of the derrières of married women bothers me.
Appearing to compare them, even worse.
Oh well, never mind then. I have never been good with recognizing faces. :D
Quite frankly, posting pictures of the derrières of married women bothers me.
Appearing to compare them, even worse.

I find that a Prius has a different ability than does a Porsche.
It’s not a good idea to attempt to use either for the other’s intended purpose.

So a comparison is rather pointless.

So apparently, you didn't have a concern at first, except for the fact you found it pointless.

Like I said, I thought it funny and relevant because of the current political situation we are in, however I placed it in this thread just because I didn't really think it would be so picked to death. But, then again that's what you do best when it comes to anything I post. Gaslighting, strawman, passive aggressive, the labels get old. (How about I am just more witty than you, maybe that's it.) I do remember somewhere pacman making the argument about looking at other women married or not is healthy for men. I don't recall you objecting then. Asformeanmyhouse made a reasonable comment and I responded about the meme. No big deal until you come along. The one derogatory comment I did make was in regards to the thread about physical beating women. I find that barbaric. And that assessment is not a personal opinion it is a result of a potential SW finding it on a thread and I had to come up with a great feat to persuade her that that was not what this site was about. That conversation left a stain. (You met her) So your remarks about this stupid meme is misdirected. What are you views on beating women?

Anyway, I think Melania Trump is a very classy lady and Jill Biden, well not so much. Unless you are a Biden lover. Melania is the idea of a good mother and focused on the benefit of children and family. Jill Biden is a feminist and has no issue with the destruction of the family. The meme's message is a powerful one if you could come off your piousness.

I told <wife> I was going to post on BF. Her comment to me was, why do you want to get into that mess again. I thought the view that brought light to the Law would be at least considered. But, as I have witnessed in my lurking is that anyone who tries to bring up the subject of tribes or Law different than the standard torah narrative is quickly shadow band, if not outright shunned. I had no idea the meaningless meme thing would bring it off the rails so quickly. But, I guess I should have expect it. I don't fit the club. So forget about me, consider the message about the Law. I think it is very important here for BF. It's obvious to me that this site is going downhill. Lack of members and lack of meaningful messages. If you were to ask me, and I know you don't care what I think, but it does seem reasonable to me that God is not in this place, or is slowly removing himself. Consider the relationships, both the lack of plural or otherwise, that have generated from here, NONE. All the plural families have left, except you. (oh and maybe that Ish guy who claims to be in a plural relationship but I have yet to see him post anything about is family are the struggles they face or anything that would be beneficial to wannabe polygamist. Only thing you get from him is his defense of his Jewishness, but I digress). The anger and hatred. Things are falling down. And you can't blame me, this all happened after I left. Everything in that message I posted about the importance of the Spirit of the Law is coming true here. Where is the Spirit of God here? Was He ever here?
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Whatever you want to believe.
This thread doesn’t need to become another one about your issues.
Why don't we just delete that meme, and forget about this whole conversation. Perhaps if it were a picture of Hillary and Melania, side by side, or Hillary and just about anyone, and showing them from the front, we could all get the point.

I have always thought that BF is a good mix of TO and Evangelical Christians. We don't need to be at each other's throats. We have enough enemies, as it is.

I remember when this meme first came out so I'll identify it. That is not Hilary nor Jill Biden. It is the first lady of France, Brigitte Marie-Claude Macron. It's a political meme, sort of a political dick measuring contest given one is prettier and far younger than her husband and the other less so and far older than her husband and what that says about the masculinity and leadership of the two men.

But it also highlights some of the potentially untowardness going on. Brigitte is not just 24 years older than Emmanuel, she was his High School teacher. They had a 'secret romance'. Stateside we call that statutory rape. But there is also not unfounded speculation she's a beard. Or maybe a handler.

No one thinks Melania is a handler; which plays into Trumps independence image. Rather she's a rich mans arm candy; meant to be seen. The colors were coordinated, clearly Melania wanted to draw a comparison.
I remember when this meme first came out so I'll identify it. That is not Hilary nor Jill Biden. It is the first lady of France, Brigitte Marie-Claude Macron. It's a political meme, sort of a political dick measuring contest given one is prettier and far younger than her husband and the other less so and far older than her husband and what that says about the masculinity and leadership of the two men.

But it also highlights some of the potentially untowardness going on. Brigitte is not just 24 years older than Emmanuel, she was his High School teacher. They had a 'secret romance'. Stateside we call that statutory rape. But there is also not unfounded speculation she's a beard. Or maybe a handler.

No one thinks Melania is a handler; which plays into Trumps independence image. Rather she's a rich mans arm candy; meant to be seen. The colors were coordinated, clearly Melania wanted to draw a comparison.
That makes a lot more sense. I am glad to see that I am not the only who misidentifies backsides. With that in mind, I'd have to admit that this is actually a pretty good meme in the sense of being in line with the Patriarchal concept.
I am glad to see that I am not the only who misidentifies backsides

Maybe I should ask why you all correctly recognized it was Melania? o_O:confused::eek::rolleyes::D

Pretty soon everyone will want something to talk about beside Trump. Here's a nice reaction response pic you can use in your patriarchy discussions on social media...


(not mine)
Lucky guess on Melania...not so lucky with Brigette.
Evidently you have been....ahem, cough, cough....following her.
Not really. I get your humor, but I am not really in the mood for that, at this point in time.
This isn't the 50's anymore, women don't value men who have "built and invest and gotten ready for marriage". Women in this society don't need provision, barely want protection and all too often marry men they don't love all that much compared to those they slept around with.

More is the bloody pity

Lot to say on the topic but instead I will just contribute a meme