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Let's make some pro polygyny memes

Not exactly a meme, but...

My mother-in-law (who believes Polygyny is immoral, btw) sent this little forwarded blurb about the healthy relationships of Men vs. Women. I think I know a relationship structure which cultivates such a healthy system... any guesses, anyone?

Here is what she sent:

One for the gals...
In an evening class at Stanford University the last lecture was on the mind-body connection - the relationship between stress and disease. The speaker (head of psychiatry at Stanford) said, among other things, that one of the best things that a man could do for his health is to be married to a woman; whereas for a woman, one of the best things she could do for her health was to nurture her relationships with her girlfriends.

At first everyone laughed, but he was serious. Women connect with each other differently and provide support systems that help each other to deal with stress and difficult life experiences. Physically this quality "girlfriend time" helps us to create more serotonin - a neurotransmitter that helps combat depression and can create a general feeling of well being. Women share feelings whereas men often form relationships around activities. We share from our souls with our sisters/mothers, and evidently that is VERY GOOD for our health. He said that spending time with a friend is just as important to our general health as jogging or working out at a gym.

There's a tendency to think that when we are "exercising" we are doing something good for our bodies; but when we are hanging out with friends, we are wasting our time and should be more productively engaged? Not true. In fact, he said that failure to create and maintain quality personal relationships with other humans is as dangerous to our physical health as smoking! So every time you hang out to schmooze with a gal pal, just pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for doing something good for your health! We are indeed very, very blessed! So let's toast to our friendship with our girlfriends (incl grandmas, sisters, mothers, nieces, cousins, aunties... ). Evidently it's very good for our health.

Forward this to all your girlfriends to stay in touch, just like I just did! Thanks to all the girls in my life who have helped me stay healthy, happy, and feeling very loved.

So a genuine sister wife relationship would be the ultimate healthy lifestyle for a woman I would say.
So a genuine sister wife relationship would be the ultimate healthy lifestyle for a woman I would say.
And for a man...

Any wonder why the enemy hates it so much?
In an evening class at Stanford University the last lecture was on the mind-body connection - the relationship between stress and disease. The speaker (head of psychiatry at Stanford) said, among other things, that one of the best things that a man could do for his health is to be married to a woman; whereas for a woman, one of the best things she could do for her health was to nurture her relationships with her girlfriends.

Girls night out at the bar vs. a family with sisterwives. I wonder which ultimately leads to more stable, long term healthy relationships and children?
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I wouldn’t say they have a correct view of what a plural family can look like.. the are very inclusive on any family arrangement.
Perhaps not explicitly, but (in my English reading of it, at least, and perhaps the Greek says something... scholars out there?) Romans 1:26,27 seems to liken whatever unnatural thing the women are doing to men who lust after each other instead of pairing up with women.
In the KJV, the term “natural use” is in both verses. If you use the context of verse 27, it gives a better definition to verse 26.

There are two ways those verses are taken. One meaning is that as verse 27 states that men with men is a sin, and the applies to women with women in verse 26.

The second thought is, that anal sex, either with men in verse 27 is also wrong with women in verse 26.

If the former is correct, it is the only place in the Bible the former is mentioned, to my knowledge. If it refers to the latter, this is mentioned many times throughout the Bible.

Then there is that whole thing regarding vexing. Don’t do the vexing thing either.
Romans 1:26-27 KJV
[26] For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: [27] And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

It would seem that the women are giving up their natural use, think anti-male feminist who “needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle”. Then in verse 26, the men are ALSO leaving the natural use of the woman. Both are leaving the natural use of the woman. The natural use of the woman is to be a helper to her husband and a mother. In both cases it’s the woman’s natural use that is being done away with.

Females being intimate with one another is not a sin under the Law, nor is it prohibited anywhere in the New Testament.
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