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Let's make some pro polygyny memes

Drag and drop is how I get things to work here.

Thanks, but it can't be that simple. Oh, nevermind. :D
I'll draw the 25. Thanks
I wish more Christians made that choice, or at least supported their fellows that did. The church closest to us rents a performance space and since they kindly offered a zoom option, required proof of ... to grant a physical presence. So we started going to another that actually has their own space, and so does not fall under the same rules (or as the rules are interpreted), and they let us in. I used to be pickier about theology, now I'm happy just to not have them reject us outright. This is a meme thread, so when I get a sec, I'll make this rant a meme.
My first (and presently only) wife is pretty wonderful. The bar is set pretty high if.i ever get a second.:rolleyes:
I wish more Christians made that choice, or at least supported their fellows that did. The church closest to us rents a performance space and since they kindly offered a zoom option, required proof of ... to grant a physical presence. So we started going to another that actually has their own space, and so does not fall under the same rules (or as the rules are interpreted), and they let us in. I used to be pickier about theology, now I'm happy just to not have them reject us outright. This is a meme thread, so when I get a sec, I'll make this rant a meme.
Churches have been pretty bad about this covid crap. At my parents Nazarene church, everyone is still wearing masks. For a long time, they didn't even sing.

At our Baptist church, the pastor and a few other overly sensitive souls are still wearing them, but most of us quit over a year ago, and don't give a crap what our governor says (and would leave if the pastor tried to push us on it). The church leaders have been the worst, on the issue of COVID, and the homeschool families with ten kids each have been the best. Homeschooler's generally know that the government is full of crap.o_O
Overly sensitive souls is a nice way to put it. Part of the reason I'm probably not going to check out the most recent recommendation I got from an elder Christian: Dane Ortlund’s ‘Gentle and Lowly’
My first (and presently only) wife is pretty wonderful. The bar is set pretty high if.i ever get a second.:rolleyes:
I take it she has an account on here and monitors your posts!:rolleyes:

Sadly she doesn't. She isn't keen on polygyny yet. Hopefully someday she will be on here.
Then you need to have someone tell her to come view that post you wrote about her above!
Probably not the best way to bring up the subject.:D
yeah, trust me, i know. lol
seriously, though, I was going to reply to your other post about your wonderful wife and actually I'm just using these memes to explore ideas not indicate my actual status, of course. I am married to one woman just like you, and I feel my meme making outreach ministry would probably suffer if I had to take the additional time and energy to husband another wife.
One senses a theme . . .