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Let's make some pro polygyny memes

There are regular LDS who live The Principle as they call it.
There are regular LDS who live The Principle as they call it.
But they would be more accurately described as "independant fundamentalists" as they do not adhere to the current teachings/politically correct position of the church run from salt lake. We (my family) knew some when I was young, and some of my mormon family are accepting. This means if we ever took another woman to the "family maroonion" she would get mucho hugs and would be welcomed.
I wonder how many BF forum members have an LDS, Mormon, FLDS, etc. background or connection. Considering the Pew Research Poll image I posted above, here is a safer place for them than that current church that left plural marriage behind. Well, I cannot point the finger at that church too much, all officially recognized churches are against it.

Hey, maybe this group is the new church. Video services each week? Any BF veterans want to head that up? Would be so fun.
I wonder how many BF forum members have an LDS, Mormon, FLDS, etc. background or connection. Considering the Pew Research Poll image I posted above, here is a safer place for them than that current church that left plural marriage behind. Well, I cannot point the finger at that church too much, all officially recognized churches are against it.

Hey, maybe this group is the new church. Video services each week? Any BF veterans want to head that up? Would be so fun.
Please, no.
We agree on one thing, everything else we do not agree on. In fact, it would probably shut down a lot of fellowship.
That would be a freaking mess.

Our retreats are probably the closest that you are going to get.
Please, no.
We agree on one thing, everything else we do not agree on. In fact, it would probably shut down a lot of fellowship.
That would be a freaking mess.

Our retreats are probably the closest that you are going to get.
Golden, oh Wise One!

And what do we need a church for? We're already members of the Body of Christ.
In the dark times we are moving into, we all need local fellowship - people we can actually live our lives with and help each other practically. Time spent making online "church" would be time taken away from making the local connections that are truly Church in the most real sense.
Wow, I thought my post would get more action from the LDS/Mormon part, the other things was a passive afterthought.

You know in my mind, the "church" I mentioned was more of an online fellowship (webinar) or have some people live-streaming during a certain time and discuss faith, scripture, plural families. Like a more regular online retreat. Maybe have some laughs, come up with some ways to support others, or gain acceptance socially. Not some pass the plate, formal thing.

Most all in this forum seem to have thick enough skin to disagree and openly I might add (see your replies to my suggestion as an example), and it is already obvious that there are differences... that hasn't mattered to this point. Anyone who couldn't take the heat, already left.

Thx for the feedback though...
I agree that an occasional video-call event is a great idea. We've talked about doing it before, but it's never eventuated other than small-scale things between a few families. Could certainly do it if someone wanted to organise it. Those of us overseas would especially appreciate it.

We have had many people in the past want Biblical Families to be their "church" though, meaning their regular weekly fellowship and primary source of Christian peers. That is what the rest of us thought you were referring to, and spoke against. It would be less helpful.
Wow, I thought my post would get more action from the LDS/Mormon part, the other things was a passive afterthought.

You know in my mind, the "church" I mentioned was more of an online fellowship (webinar) or have some people live-streaming during a certain time and discuss faith, scripture, plural families. Like a more regular online retreat. Maybe have some laughs, come up with some ways to support others, or gain acceptance socially. Not some pass the plate, formal thing.

Most all in this forum seem to have thick enough skin to disagree and openly I might add (see your replies to my suggestion as an example), and it is already obvious that there are differences... that hasn't mattered to this point. Anyone who couldn't take the heat, already left.

Thx for the feedback though...
I’ll take on the LDS thing. I’ve been here second longest after @steve and the Founding Family. I’ve never seen any real Mormon influence. I believe @Joleneakamama has been open about an exposure to it, possibly even a background, but that’s about it. It seems anyone who sticks is some flavor of traditional Protestant or the Torah/Hebrew Roots/Messianic Jew mishmash. We don’t seem to have an appeal to most Mormons.

It’s likely we have a wide range of opinions on them too. On one side people like me think they meet the basic requirements for salvation and entry to the Kingdom but that Joseph Smith was a huckster charlatan; and on the other extreme some here would say that they’re total heretic cult members.

My guess is that they want to fellowship more with those who look more favorably on Joseph Smith. I wouldn’t object to them being here though as long as they weren’t proselytizing.
Wow, I thought my post would get more action from the LDS/Mormon part, the other things was a passive afterthought.

I don't know that we have any LDS/Mormon folks on here. Do we?
Is or was he a member here?
No, but he has attended a Biblical Families conference, and, if he ever comes around to polygyny and full patriarchy, I'm sure @The Revolting Man would be thrilled to guide one of his daughters or stepdaughters in his direction!
He is 25, married and a pilot trainer for the Air Force.

My older son is 28, unmarried, and works for the TSA at Pittsburgh airport.