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Nice guy versus Jerk?

Solomon's wisdom with the two women arguing over the baby would be an example of a man being a 'jerk'. It was horrible but acheived the needed result. So in retrospect, is 'wise' an appropriate description rather than 'jerk'.
How can one ever trust their parent or their husband or God?

If it is the power that corrupts then God must be the most corrupt of all.

NO ! It is the Lie and the Sin that corrupts

We were talking about mortal kings NOT the creator God or the King Of Kings. I already stated my belief that He is the only one fit to rule (under YHWH if you see them as seperate)
Creation is opposite of corruption.
Yeshua is now, like our Father, incorruptible, and we have the hope of being raised to that level too.
YHWH limited a man's authority to those in his household, with a responsibility to hold others accountable to His law. Even Israelite Kings were not to add or take away......yet YHWH knew what being a king would do to men, and He warned them. I would say more were wicked then righteous. It might be fun to actually count them.
Sometimes trust in parents or a husband is abused and destroyed. Trust has to be earned, honor is required/commanded.
YHWH limited a man's authority to those in his household, with a responsibility to hold others accountable to His law.

The subject is power, authority is pretty much meaningless without access to the power to back it up. Is a man to have power in his own house? Yes. What access to power would he have to have to hold others accountable? Would that power corrupt? We are promised power after the Holy Ghost comes upon us. Does that power corrupt?

It is a common statement that:
"Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"

My contention is that this statement is error.

Scripture says:
New International Version
2 peter 1:4
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

It is not the power that corrupts the desires, rather it is the evil desires that corrupt the power!

To assert that power corrupts is an assault and an insult to the very throne of God.

"Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"
This statement is degrading to the Kingdom of God. It insults the 2/3 of powerful angels that did not sin. This is partly the basis of liberal thinking that blames the gun for the crime. I once got a speeding ticket. It must not have been my fault I had access to too much power.

Is God the source of corruption for giving man the dominion (authority and power) to dress and keep his garden? I think not.
Power amplifies character. If a person is corrupt then they will use their power in a corrupt fashion. If a person is righteous they will use their power for righteousness. I agree with @Jim an Apostle the saying is flawed...
it especially flips my lid when wives have no problem with being disrespectful

You are right, that is a big problem these days. It's an aspect of this I hadn't considered. I'm mainly addressing the male perspective and men who think being nice will get them somewhere.

And yet as I think on this it is connected too. Part of pulling wives out of that disrespect and into proper relation to her man is in the man ceasing to be the pushover and setting boundaries. She may call him a jerk (or what have you) but in there is the seed of newfound respect (or even arousal) and such men need to grow a spine and not feel such words are righteous condemnation of his actions, much less indications that the new path will be ineffective.

Whatever word is used will have some level of negative connotation. It's an insult directed at a man doing something negative she didn't like even though she consciously/subconsciously is glad he did.

The alternative words I'm hearing are merely all positive aspects of masculinity.

What I'm describing is necessary a word of negative connotation, that is opposite of nice. It won't be a nice word.

"Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"

I like the saying, and in its usual application to government it is true enough. But you are right about it. It would be more accurate to point out power attracts the corrupt and only the absolutely corrupt would even seek absolute power.
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