I think it has to do with optimist vs pessimist perspective.
I read and consume political information from all over the world...I will admit somewhat obsessively. But it is because is see it as a duty as head of family. I have no choice at all to my way of thinking in the matter.
I Have to be well informed. I Have to have a tonne of data about...well, all of it. I Have to be able to analyze all of the variables that can potentially effect my family.
So, by extension...all this reading shows me an enormous amount of ugliness and evil. Lots of it to do with human trafficking. Could be for labor, a fee, sex trafficking...you name it. There is just that massive overlap with sex trafficking though and the easiest way for many of these trafficked women and children to be controlled is with drugs. Not many escapes and little resistance.
If we were speaking in a private format where the woman who I do not wish to freak out were not present, I would express the levels of my disgust and the sort of solutions I would propose.
As we are in public though, it is just that I object to that sort of activity and those people in the strongest terms and find the idea abhorrent enough that it colours my view on all supposed sex work.
That and the government definitionally sucks, so whatever they get their dirty mits on will suck even worse. So while I could shrug my shoulders at decriminalization, not legalization of hooking...I don't like the idea of government stamped and endorsed anything