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How did you do that?

And according to you, then allowable fixes to relationship problems are her submition or breaking up. No wonder you are first who has started here in next last year be so for hookers.

You are just feeling broken and think only way to have relationship is to protect themselves first. This isn't way toward good life.

You have work for your relationship while keeping your dignity intact. Just because you lack skill doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
No this the mentality I've always had and it always has worked much better for me then trying to "fix the relationship". As I said before you can't negotiate geneniue desire. It's not me "breaking up with her" I just let her go do her thing and leave her alone. 9/10 she comes to her senses then come back and if she doesn't oh well there's other females in the sea.

Yes absolutely its her submission cause the man is the suppose to be the authority figure in the relationship (or at least should be). Did your mom and dad tried to negotiate with you when you acted that way? No. They made the rule and that's that and if you didn't like it well too bad.
No this the mentality I've always had and it always has worked much better for me then trying to "fix the relationship". As I said before you can't negotiate geneniue desire. It's not me "breaking up with her" I just let her go do her thing and leave her alone. 9/10 she comes to her senses then come back and if she doesn't oh well there's other females in the sea.

Yes absolutely its her submission cause the man is the suppose to be the authority figure in the relationship (or at least should be). Did your mom and dad tried to negotiate with you when you acted that way? No. They made the rule and that's that and if you didn't like it well too bad.
So if your wife loses genuine desire she should be left alone? And what about children?

Or maybe you should do something to restore genuine desire?
So if your wife loses genuine desire she should be left alone? And what about children?
Pretty much. A lot of the times you do that they come to their senses and come back to you. When they realize that you can live your life just fine without them they tend to wise up. Like a wise man once told me when dealing woman. "This is my boat you can come in if you want to but I am not expecting you to be here tommorrow either way the boat keeps moving".

Unfortunately most guys built their life around their woman not the woman building her life around him and I believe a lot of that comes from a monogamy only society as it promotes female idolatry.
Commitment ceremony?
Why would we remotely cede ground and play linguistic games? Get married. You don't need their paperwork on any level. Just live your life as people and not cogs in their machine.

I have some notions about where they can store their permission slips
Zero paperwork. It’s just a ceremony. It may look like a normal marriage - but once again - zero paperwork. Marriage is a big event that deserves a celebration imo. It’s a lifelong commitment to a person. She’s under your covering. Ideally she will be a blessing to your household and your household a blessing to her.
Zero paperwork. It’s just a ceremony. It may look like a normal marriage - but once again - zero paperwork. Marriage is a big event that deserves a celebration imo. It’s a lifelong commitment to a person. She’s under your covering. Ideally she will be a blessing to your household and your household a blessing to her.
If you want to do that that's perfectly fine but there's nothing in scripture saying that's what's required for a marriage. I'm actual the opposite I tend to like to keep my business private with a select few people knowing. Tends to be better that way.
If you want to do that that's perfectly fine but there's nothing in scripture saying that's what's required for a marriage. I'm actual the opposite I tend to like to keep my business private with a select few people knowing. Tends to be better that way.
Every man can do what he thinks is best. But commitment ceremony with only very close family and friends - shows seriousness of lifelong commitment and it’s also sympathetic to the bride and her family - because that’s what every woman desires.
Every man can do what he thinks is best. But commitment ceremony with only very close family and friends - shows seriousness of lifelong commitment and it’s also sympathetic to the bride and her family - because that’s what every woman desires.
Well I'm a man of my word if I say she's mine she's mine as long as doesn't do anything to jeopardize that like do something behind my back she knows I don't approve of (going out to club with friends, flirting with other guys, etc.), or cheats on me, then I'll keep my end of the bargain. Jesus said don't swear to an oath at all let your yes be yes and your nos be nos so let that be so.
Every man can do what he thinks is best. But commitment ceremony with only very close family and friends - shows seriousness of lifelong commitment and it’s also sympathetic to the bride and her family - because that’s what every woman desires.
I rarely leave women as it is and the only reason I did was cause I bought into that serial monogamy bs but now since I know it's perfectly moral for a man to have more than one woman that will likely be no longer an issue
Well I'm a man of my word if I say she's mine she's mine as long as doesn't do anything to jeopardize that like do something behind my back she knows I don't approve of (going out to club with friends, flirting with other guys, etc.), or cheats on me, then I'll keep my end of the bargain. Jesus said don't swear to an oath at all let your yes be yes and your nos be nos so let that be so.
Yahushua didn’t forbid making an oath in the name of YAHUAH. He just repeated what is written in his Torah:

Deuteronomy 23:21

When you make a vow to the LORD your God, be prompt in fulfilling whatever you promised him. For the LORD your God demands that you promptly fulfill all your vows, or you will be guilty of sin. 22However, it is not a sin to refrain from making a vow. 23But once you have voluntarily made a vow, be careful to fulfill your promise to the LORD your God.

People in the writing and prophets have made vows in haste that gotten them in trouble.
Pretty much. A lot of the times you do that they come to their senses and come back to you. When they realize that you can live your life just fine without them they tend to wise up.
Just do light flirting with others girls where can see you. No need for breakup.

Learn using dread.
Just do light flirting with others girls where can see you. No need for breakup.

Learn using dread.
Polygyny wont work for everyone under most conditions. Ideally - the man needs to be firing in all cylinders. Spiritually, physically, financially, and clear idea of headship and authority.
Zero paperwork. It’s just a ceremony. It may look like a normal marriage - but once again - zero paperwork. Marriage is a big event that deserves a celebration imo. It’s a lifelong commitment to a person. She’s under your covering. Ideally she will be a blessing to your household and your household a blessing to her.
You are misunderstanding my point
My point was objecting to ceding the word to them
They don't get to take the word and push us into a commitment ceremony because it is not a rubberstamped bit of paperwork and by extension not definitionally marriage

Make more sense ?
Polygyny wont work for everyone under most conditions. Ideally - the man needs to be firing in all cylinders. Spiritually, physically, financially, and clear idea of headship and authority.
The thing is relationships really shouldn't be hard. Plus women are more attracted to men who have other women already
Polygyny wont work for everyone under most conditions. Ideally - the man needs to be firing in all cylinders. Spiritually, physically, financially, and clear idea of headship and authority.
This isn't post about polygyny. It's about preselection. How women know their man is attractive? Because other women find him attractive.
No this the mentality I've always had and it always has worked much better for me then trying to "fix the relationship". As I said before you can't negotiate geneniue desire. It's not me "breaking up with her" I just let her go do her thing and leave her alone. 9/10 she comes to her senses then come back and if she doesn't oh well there's other females in the sea.
You poor man, you're missing out on the enjoyment of sex after 20 years of understanding each other intimately, all you're getting are the fun fluffiness at the start and then letting them get away before you get really close. You just don't understand what it is to truly be "one" with a woman. And you're too self-centred to find out. Again, as I've said elsewhere, your entire attitude is fundamentally flawed.

What will be the legacy of your life? Where are the children, raised well to follow in your footsteps and have grandchildren who will remember your name? There may be children, but you're not raising them, they might be being raised by women who hate you and will teach them you're scum. You're throwing your life to the wind, even by purely secular standards.
What will be the legacy of your life? Where are the children, raised well to follow in your footsteps and have grandchildren who will remember your name? There may be children, but you're not raising them, they might be being raised by women who hate you and will teach them you're scum. You're throwing your life to the wind, even by purely secular standards.
Let's be real for a second when we die nobody will remember us. After a generation or two were or less we're lost to history. Yes God gave us life to enjoy but I'm wise enough to know it's all vanity like saul says at the end of the day. This is why I always say without God life would have zero meaning. Since it's the only way anything we do will actually count.
You poor man, you're missing out on the enjoyment of sex after 20 years of understanding each other intimately, all you're getting are the fun fluffiness at the start and then letting them get away before you get really close. You just don't understand what it is to truly be "one" with a woman. And you're too self-centred to find out. Again, as I've said elsewhere, your entire attitude is fundamentally flawed.
Hmm you may think that but the woman's job is to serve the man. The woman was made for the man not the man for the woman but nowadays we have this backwards. I implore you to read the story of the skittles man where the only thing he gave his woman is a bag of skittles and she still loved him even though she did everything for him. When a child is being insubordinate do you set there and try to negotiate with them? Of course not you punish them or send them to their room.
Hmm you may think that but the woman's job is to serve the man. The woman was made for the man not the man for the woman but nowadays we have this backwards. I implore you to read the story of the skittles man where the only thing he gave his woman is a bag of skittles and she still loved him even though she did everything for him. When a child is being insubordinate do you set there and try to negotiate with them? Of course not you punish them or send them to their room.
That is an interesting abuse of that particular understanding.

If you could only see yourself through more mature eyes, but the young usually think that they have a fresh perspective.
We’ve been there, and grown beyond it.