So I am going to chime in here. Sex has never been a lacking component of my SW and Husband's marriage. Nor has it been lacking in ours. There are six children in our household. Sex doesn't happen every night for any of us. You want to talk about needs not getting met? If her need for emotional connection is not being fulfilled then her ability to have sex with you is not going to be fulfilled either. Men are like Microwaves and Women are like Crockpots. We have a simple rule we live by called yes but. This means yes I want to but I am tired etc. Not a rejection. It's a yes I want you but I need this first. Many times it might be a middle of the night or early morning wake up call. Our husband is a truck driver so we are lucky to get sexual intimacy one to two days a week. However, great sexual intimacy starts outside of the bedroom. How are you stimulating her during the day? Are you walking up behind her and unexpectedly kissing her? Are you helping to cook, clean, organize and help make the home too? Personally, both of us are stay at home wives while I am in school. We homeschool six children. This means we never get a break from household responsibility. I think that a man needs to look long and hard about how is he making his wife feel like connecting to him sexually after long hard days. Yes he has needs but those needs don't trump her's either. 1 Corinthians 13 says that Love doesn't seek it's own way. Clearly if he is basing everything off his needs then it is in direct violation of 1 Corinthians 13 and he needs to check his heart and relationship with God