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The benefits of polygamous structure....

EnchantedLife said:
There are plenty of pulp romance novellas for the female market, but as far as I know, they are all monogamous romances, and none are polygamous. Why?

This suggests to me that most women have an inborn preference for monogamy, and a strong aversion to polygamy, but I do not know why.

I would say that it is in fact an "inborn preference" for monogamy in women and it's called the flesh. Speaking from personal experience as a first wife, I had to get honest with what my hang ups were with living PM. Like you mentioned, I was brainwashed my entire life with the monogamous, romantic ideals which definitely didn't help with crucifying the flesh in this area. But along with that, I found that my main hang ups got down to plain selfishness...just like what you see in children who don't want to share their toys. Children don't like being taught to share, but they eventually learn to share and learn the blessedness of it. I have gone through the same process.
I'm not a woman and haven't done any real research on the subject, but I would guess that the preference, one way or the other is environmental, not innate. There are others cultures presently, and the Bible gives us plenty of indication that, in cultures where it is an accepted practice, women accept polygamy as easily as do men.

I believe that women desire monogamy for a couple of reasons:

1. Culture has trained us to desire it.

2. It is a power trip for a wife to think that she "owns" her man.

3. Like seekhim1 said, it is easier to be monogamous than polygamous while living in your flesh. Polygamy requires much more dying to yourself.
On top of those things, novels of all sorts are pop culture items, Polygamy is not in popular culture.
Cinderella and a polygamous prince

I have raised the question of polygamy in popular culture, including romance novellas aimed at the female market. This is a legitimate question, because popular culture reflects widespread social attitudes.

Paul not the apostle started this thread by pointing out the advantages of polygamy. My reaction was: why would any woman in her right mind NOT be interested in polygamy, assuming she can find a competent, responsible and caring husband.

The story of Cinderella tells of a young woman, living a dismal life with her stepmother and stepsisters, who is rescued by marrying a handsome prince. She solves her problems, moves up the social scale in a dramatic manner, and becomes a role model for girls.

The story of Cinderella can be a test of social attitudes to polygamy. Suppose the prince already has, say, two pretty young wives. What then? Does a polygamous prince increase or decrease the impact of the Cinderella story?
..im not pretty sure if everyone would agree but on my Own point of view why should a normal single woman would join a family is that, I'd rather marry a Spirit-filled (with holy spirit not alcohol) family man rather than an unbeliever..I've seen some of the most closest person in my life suffered or lets say struggling coz of their disobedience not only with their parents but most of all disobedience in our Almighty God..They have known the Word long before they know the guy..i'd like to share an encounter I had with a very faithful woman a week before I read this post..she's like a mom to me..she had married an unbeliever but before she got married she's a Sunday school teacher, she's been convincing herself and justifying it that in due time he can win this guy in the Lord(until now she's still praying for his husband),and she told me that i should never go for an unbeliever..Sometimes the problem is,, as what i've seen here is that usually christian women here is always convincing and justifying to themselves that they can win an Unbeliever, though their are really those men/women who brought their husbands/wives to the Lord but usually what happened is vice versa..She told me that we should not be deceived by that kind of thought that we can marry an unbeliever she said that the Word is clear..theirs been a very very very big difference on the marriage of the christian compare to the unbeliever, we may undergo the same problems but the difference is that we have Lord that is greater than anything..He don't reach for a bottle of beer/wine or drugs but Bible, you don't cry because of the pain of the black eye and bruises but because of the comfort and love the Lord and a Spirit-filled husband gave, you both pray together amidst adversities and won't leave you alone after the physical,and emotional affliction he made on you..
Yeah, thats right. One of the riskiest a godly woman (or man) can do is to marry an unbeliever. Though I think a Spirit-Filled man is the key here, as the worst cases of abuse I know of personally happened when a godly woman married a Christian man who was Christian in name only and never did act the part.
..yeah, that is one case also to found someone who's only a christian by name..I've seen some and known some christian woman who eventually change after their marriage with an unbeliever and you cannot keep yourself not to be affected specially if they are close to your heart..why would you go for someone and displease God if He prepared someone for you..