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Any braless supporters out there?

..."You can't pick your family but you can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose but ya can't pick your friend's nose." Lol
But thanks for the interesting top ic.

I respectfully disagree. A real friend would let you pick their nose... and offer their services in return. :P
I prefer the "I'll scratch your back you scratch mine" friendship proof-test. :)
Nose pickin' is a must after really dusty dirty jobs, but someone else doing it would be too much like my dad pulling out his handkerchief when we were little (I almost just wrote hanky, but feared some of the youngsters here might not follow) and using it to clean our faces....with spit. :cool:o_O
It might be a parental nurturing kind of thing, but it wasn't super appreciated....by the lickees. :p(Might as well be!)
As a mom I clean my babies noses....but when they get bigger and figure that out for themselves they kinda resent it when I try. Lol
Right now I am doing my best to remember not to touch my own nose....flame roasted poblanos are heavenly in food, but are like the imagined hell should you get their oils in the wrong places! Got to remember to use rubber gloves because soap doesn't get rid of it. I was feeling my hands burn every time I washed them for two days!!!
flame roasted poblanos are heavenly in food, but are like the imagined hell should you get their oils in the wrong places!
It doesn’t sound like it is safe to even shake hands with you. :eek:
Peppers are evil and must be avoided at ALL cost!! (I’m mostly joking ;)). I had a horrible encounter with ghost peppers, habaneros, and some other evil ones. I cut up 3 gallons of these!! I was not aware one should wear gloves :mad:I’m now nervous to cut up a bell pepper.
Peppers are evil and must be avoided at ALL cost!! (I’m mostly joking ;)). I had a horrible encounter with ghost peppers, habaneros, and some other evil ones. I cut up 3 gallons of these!! I was not aware one should wear gloves :mad:I’m now nervous to cut up a bell pepper.

One of our little ones years old chewed on a raw cayenne pepper once out in the garden. That made me feel awful even if it made the little guy smarter. Another youngster here once made the mistake of handling some Anaheim chili and then touching himself somewhere tender before he washed his hands.
Chili peppers take no prisoners! You play by their rules or wish you had. I can only imagine how horrible your experience was, but I have a very good imagination! I have seeds for Carolina Reaper that I may never plant. Anything that hot is considered a chemical weapon in my book!
It doesn’t sound like it is safe to even shake hands with you. :eek:
After my once a year reminder of how bad it is to not use gloves when peeling chili peppers I play it smart and use them. Just ask if you meet me after August first about my recent culinary activities before shaking my hand. ;)Lol Maybe my memory will improve and someday I won't need the painful reminder every year. One can hope! :)
Yes, but the pattern would likely differ between individuals.
I suspect that for Jolene, given the current state of her hands, picking her nose would be the hottest option of the lot.
True story that!
I stopped biting my nails as a teen, and you can see my comment above about the necessity of picking ones nose after some jobs, but hot pepper juice/oil or whatever it is would certainly cure me of either habit, and make anyone painfully aware of how often they did such a thing.
That makes me realise this could be put to valuable use training certain children out of certain habits... Without them even realising that was what was happening, as they'd just been asked to help prepare a meal, which seems entirely unrelated and would not be taken as a punishment for said habit in any manner, as the effect would seem entirely coincidental...
That makes me realise this could be put to valuable use training certain children out of certain habits... Without them even realising that was what was happening, as they'd just been asked to help prepare a meal, which seems entirely unrelated and would not be taken as a punishment for said habit in any manner, as the effect would seem entirely coincidental...
Ah such wisdom, brother. You should write a book on raising children!
That makes me realise this could be put to valuable use training certain children out of certain habits... Without them even realising that was what was happening, as they'd just been asked to help prepare a meal, which seems entirely unrelated and would not be taken as a punishment for said habit in any manner, as the effect would seem entirely coincidental...

We have a son who, when he was little, sucked his index and middle fingers instead of his thumb. It was a terribly hard habit to break as he began messing up his pallet and teeth coming in... Then, he reached up onto the stove for something and touched those two fingers to the hot eye. He learned two lessons: Stove hot. Sucking fingers hurts.

Never sucked them or his thumb again.
That makes me realise this could be put to valuable use training certain children out of certain habits... Without them even realising that was what was happening, as they'd just been asked to help prepare a meal, which seems entirely unrelated and would not be taken as a punishment for said habit in any manner, as the effect would seem entirely coincidental...

Reminds me of a medicine we sometimes offer for certain ailments. We call it 'cure all'.