So it is ok to teach people they must keep the law, but not to teach them they must keep it to be saved? What's the difference really?
The difference only exists because people have changed the concept of salvation from a national concept.....keeping and respecting Biblical Law which makes a people and nation free and strong, to a personal concept, pray the sinners prayer so you can be "saved" and go to heaven when you die.
I hate how misused and overused the "slippery slope" is in trying to manipulate people by fear into various ideologies, but any departure from the standard scripture gives puts mankind on just such a steep decline into humanistic 'standards' (is there even such a thing?) and lawlessness.
In effect preaching personal salvation but neglecting God's moral standards as a nation produces a nation of mourning believers living in a man made hell of corruption and abuses of power.
Yeshua/Jesus will make it right in the end.... mankind never could "save" themselves.