• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

BibFam gets the shoutout... from the pulpit! 😂😂

“Cherry picking” sounds an awful lot like lying to me… especially coming from someone who claims to be a teacher of God’s holy word.

We all know he did a word search for into+bosom. He knows what God meant when He spoke to David through Nathan.
“But supporting tradition cannot possibly be a lie”
In the video that goes up today, I clearly call him a liar multiple times and prove his deceit.
I think God already beat you to the punch in Prov 30:5-6.
But you have to remember that he is singing to the choir and he's singing the only tune they want to hear. The vast majority don't want to hear anything different, and that is especially the case with the women. However, if any of them came onto e.g. the Biblical Families forum and started to read the lyrics to this different song, they may very well be surprised and discover monogamy is not the only song in the biblical hymn-book.
I think a good set of tools might be useful if we could mass produce them and hand them out like gospel tracts. A simple blurb on a leaflet, for some people would be akin to the light bulb falling out of the sky, to borrow a scene from Trumen Show.

EDIT: I also think women might be better to be the ones distributing material, in the same way that having women present the pro-life arguments, has been able to move the needle in society's attitudes towards abortion.
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Is this in Conestoga Christian School? I used to live in Morgantown and my son went to preschool there (in Milwaukee now, long story). Anyway, I am so sorry you’re going through this. Praying that your wife will see the truth of the situation.
Hershey PA area. Morgantown PA actually
Pastor Joel here would say that you are lying and that the only reason you think polygny is OK, is because you want more sex.

You know, I have to redact my knee jerk response. Which if I am honest is a real shame. Not gonna bother with with modesty here, I have a real talent for invecative that would make woman uncomfortable and a 50/50 wince belly laugh ratio from the guys.

So, since I am reacting...I will simply say in response to that hypothetical that the argument is that of a simpleton bumpkin with it's depressingly adolescent brain in the gutter. That while perhaps it is not how all couples conduct their affairs, there is nothing to stop a marriage man who has a strong libido from simply coupling with his existing wife bloody constantly. Duh.
And *whispering voice* some girls really really did I say Really like thst sort of thing as it turns out.

I would also wonder at how if in fact someone is simply wishing a new sexusl partner but willing to marry and support and commit to the new sex partner, how this is different from the motives many men will have in making what to my mind is sub par choices in monogamous marriage. Hell's bells, do please show me his diatribes against plain old utilitarian marriage over most of human history and plenty of the world today.

Every single strawman this grifter can put up could be blown away or set alight casually.

The simple facts of human history is that humans practiced polygyny since before recorded time.

On a personal level, while I will not claim I would not enjoy normal relations with a new wife upon being married, that is simply fairly low on my list of priorities.
Kind of a reason I have a consistent history of years of posts demonstrating my intent primarily in the practical aspects of polygyny. How to manage a family, comparison of various housing styles, managing finances etc etc. Not a single bally thing to do with bedroom shenanigans.

In fact I have recently been essentially singled out as the prude of the group for wishing to tone down the detail of some conversations about a failed relationship.
So I have no fear of this guy's claims even remotely.
Is this in Conestoga Christian School? I used to live in Morgantown and my son went to preschool there (in Milwaukee now, long story). Anyway, I am so sorry you’re going through this. Praying that your wife will see the truth of the situation.


From the IRBC website:

When & Where we meet​

IRBC meets at Conestoga Christian School (2760 Main Street, Morgantown, PA 19543).

EDIT: @ModernPolygamy might be a good idea to put up a billboard out there! That would give the good pastor there a jolt!
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Oh, O.K. I think my X wife expressed the conclusion perhaps some may have. I'd never been married. I was 18. I was before and have always been plagued with way too much need for sex. Then I married this girl who said to me on our wedding night... "Oh, Please NO. I don't want us to think that the reason we got married was for sex." Frankly, if I had realized that attitude would carry on throughout our marriage I would have settled the issue that night by calling off the whole marriage. Oh how I wish I had. Because that expectation also went for every day of the rest of our lives together. So, here is one man that EXPECTS lots of sex if I ever am able to find wives. I am a good man. I treat women well. But I have this expectation that may be unpopular. Is that evil of me?

In steps the prude briefly

No, your expectations are not off base.
My criticism, which I suspect you have already long since realized and read out to yourself, is that there should have been far more clear communication in advance. Yes, age and experience but the point being to learn lessons and to move forward with better practices.
So I would think that rather a lot of candid conversations should be had before one gets married to ensure that all parties really are on the same page with respect to expectations, responsibilities and goals etc to ensure there is a true match.

I have had opportunities throughout my search where if I were simply looking for another sex partner and nothing deeper, larger or more...I suppose loving, well matched as opposed to being simply utilitarian...if I had taken those opportunities, I could have a fist full of wives at this point and riding high on the hog so to speak from a carnal point of view.
More proof of concept for the paster come grifter that seems to believe that all plyg-life is about bouncing from bed to bed is absolute blather.
It's fun and self-satisfying to shoot down someone's stupid arguments with actual scripture - without changing anyone's mind. We can spend many hours doing so. Hence "diminishing returns".

What is far more difficult is actually engaging with them in a way that will change their minds.

As a political, science and history nerd...I gave up on changing minds a long time ago.
There are so many for whom ideas are functioning as an ersatz arm of their foundational beliefs that you can not shake them with any number of proofs and regularly you will simply receive a refusal to look at facts presented.
Cognitive dissonance doesn't
cut it...Cognitive refusal perhaps
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After having now caught up on the thread after being out of the topic for a few days, it is pleasant to see my first blush conclusions being confirmed.

I believe my comments were something along the lines of narcissistic, machiavelian, pathological lying grifter. Probably the word transparent was used. Who knows
I think a good set of tools might be useful if we could mass produce them and hand them out like gospel tracts. A simple blurb on a leaflet, for some people would be akin to the light bulb falling out of the sky, to borrow a scene from Trumen Show.

EDIT: I also think women might be better to be the ones distributing material, in the same way that having women present the pro-life arguments, has been able to move the needle in society's attitudes towards abortion.
Samuel and I have been meaning to show The Truman Show to the children. Last night Samuel says to me "I downloaded The Truman Show today for us to show the kids." Which totally confused me because I had downloaded it that afternoon also. What followed was a very strange and hilarious conversation where we tried to work out why on earth we would both download it on the same day.
This post. We both saw this post, on the same day, at the same time and it had the same result on both of us lol.
Samuel and I have been meaning to show The Truman Show to the children. Last night Samuel says to me "I downloaded The Truman Show today for us to show the kids." Which totally confused me because I had downloaded it that afternoon also. What followed was a very strange and hilarious conversation where we tried to work out why on earth we would both download it on the same day.
This post. We both saw this post, on the same day, at the same time and it had the same result on both of us lol.
OK, but be aware of the anti-God/anti-religion propaganda hidden in the movie.
As a political, science and history nerd...I gave up on changing minds a long time ago.
There are so many for whom ideas are functioning as an ersatz arm of their foundational beliefs that you can not shake them with any number of proofs and regularly you will simply receive a refusal to look at facts presented.
Cognitive dissonance doesn't
cut it...Cognitive refusal perhaps
Well, you can always plant the seed. Remember the parable of the sower. It can apply to hearing the Word of God, but it can also apply to other ideas as well.


From the IRBC website:

When & Where we meet​

IRBC meets at Conestoga Christian School (2760 Main Street, Morgantown, PA 19543).

EDIT: @ModernPolygamy might be a good idea to put up a billboard out there! That would give the good pastor there a jolt!
Please give me the name of this pastor, and mailing address and I will send him a paper I wrote a few weeks ago on accepting poly as God's Truth. Or Not, if you don't want.
In steps the prude briefly

No, your expectations are not off base.
My criticism, which I suspect you have already long since realized and read out to yourself, is that there should have been far more clear communication in advance. Yes, age and experience but the point being to learn lessons and to move forward with better practices.
So I would think that rather a lot of candid conversations should be had before one gets married to ensure that all parties really are on the same page with respect to expectations, responsibilities and goals etc to ensure there is a true match.

I have had opportunities throughout my search where if I were simply looking for another sex partner and nothing deeper, larger or more...I suppose loving, well matched as opposed to being simply utilitarian...if I had taken those opportunities, I could have a fist full of wives at this point and riding high on the hog so to speak from a carnal point of view.
More proof of concept for the paster come grifter that seems to believe that all plyg-life is about bouncing from bed to bed is absolute blather.
Am I odd here? Sex was the reason I found two concubines, old women. Supposedly not interested at all. Both were voracious. Well, one is now - the other has gone to be with the Lord. I did not love them when we came together. But it was the sex which drew us together and I loved them both, now the one very, very much. There is a reason she cannot join me here or she would be in my home now. Because of my experience, I have found sex to bring about love and the more sex, the more love. The remaining concubine is a terribly obese woman. Someone I WOULD NEVER have chosen. But she was there. Now, I love this woman very much though I am still somewhat repelled because of her looks. How did Isaac come to love his wife? Through sex. They became one flesh and they became one of mind and spirit.
I was re-reading the text of a very long article/paper I wrote on the subject of one man/one wife. Here are a couple of paragraphs. Whoops!!! I see I can't copy and paste. Oh well, just believe me - they are brilliant. "If it were not so I would have told you."
I was re-reading the text of a very long article/paper I wrote on the subject of one man/one wife. Here are a couple of paragraphs. Whoops!!! I see I can't copy and paste. Oh well, just believe me - they are brilliant. "If it were not so I would have told you."
On Windows use:

Ctrl-A - Select All
Ctrl-C - Copy

On a Mac: Good luck! I would suggest Ctrl-Shift-C