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Child Rearing - Home Schooling, Polygyny, Careers, Subject Matter Experts. Win win?

I am not against home schooling, and for certain people it might be the best arrangement. However, one should honestly look at oneself and ones ability. What scares is people who home school their children and who do not know the fundamentals of math, or basic things like Volt, Amps, Ohm etc.
I am not against home schooling, and for certain people it might be the best arrangement. However, one should honestly look at oneself and ones ability. What scares is people who home school their children and who do not know the fundamentals of math, or basic things like Volt, Amps, Ohm etc.

Most people I have met don't know the fundamentals of most things and most of those same people would never even consider home schooling as an option as it would be to difficult anyways.
I am not against home schooling, and for certain people it might be the best arrangement. However, one should honestly look at oneself and ones ability. What scares is people who home school their children and who do not know the fundamentals of math, or basic things like Volt, Amps, Ohm etc.
My sons are 3rd generation homeschooled. I've never met a homeschooled kid who was less educated than the average public schooled person.
I am not against home schooling, and for certain people it might be the best arrangement. However, one should honestly look at oneself and ones ability. What scares is people who home school their children and who do not know the fundamentals of math, or basic things like Volt, Amps, Ohm etc.
Anybody who's ever taught has learned one simple fact:

If you really want to learn a subject - teach it!
What scares is people who home school their children and who do not know the fundamentals of math, or basic things like Volt, Amps, Ohm etc.
Most people who go to public school don't learn basic things like Volt, Amps or Ohm, and if they do it's usually as such a simplified level that it never sticks past the test.
Parents who now homeschool and never learned any these things in their public schools have the chance to learn them with their child. Both parent and child have the opportunity to learn and grow in knowledge. If the parent needs to educate themselves to teach their kids, so be it. It will better all of society.

But there will always be lazy parents and lazy homeschoolers just as how there are lazy public school teachers and lazy public school kids, so it really comes down to the accountability of all involved in the education.

What you should worry about it the public school kids who don't know basic math or language. I moved from a prestigious school to a ghetto school and I helped tutor some 15 year old kids on basic things like elementary math, grammar and spelling simple words.
I am not against home schooling, and for certain people it might be the best arrangement. However, one should honestly look at oneself and ones ability. What scares is people who home school their children and who do not know the fundamentals of math, or basic things like Volt, Amps, Ohm etc.

Agree to an extent. However, as someone who is homeschooling, please rest assured that part of the process...presuming that one is a responsible parent of course... is to stay ahead of the child. Happily for me as my son is five it is not difficult at this point. Just had to brush up a tiny bit on the phonics method of teaching reading as it has been a long time. As the boy is extremely intelligent and curious, I fully anticipate rather a lot of work in staying ahead of him on some topics. In some cases we will likely learn a topic together. The fortunate thing is that there an enormous amount of resources out there to be had for free.
I don't know that homeschool will be for more than a certain chunk of the population even if finances allowed for it but public education can be so much worse than in the fairly recent past with respect to the quality of the education and even more so the creepy maladaptive lunatic cultural indoctrination that seems to institutional at this point.
We are not part of a homeschool group yet but we do have a fair amount of contact with other homeschool kids via the martial arts school my son attends and they are all great so far. It gives me more confidence that we made the right decision.

Fingers crossed the world gets less insane and schools get better. I am not willing to bet money on it however.
I never sent my kids to any form of public education. Sorry, but no to public school indoctrination.

Enjoying all of these deeply based takes.
Mostly completely off topic. Ohms law is one of the few things I use all of the time. Descartes' Theorem? Never use it. Ohms Law and the Law of Sines and Cosines... now that I use frequently.
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I wouldn’t worry so much about what homeschoolers aren’t learning, it’s what public students are actually learning I’d be concerned about.
Same. And none of the Christian families I know who home educated their kids ended up with the woke clownworld goons the public education system turns out.
Nope that definitely still happens. I had a few homeschool friends (because I homeschooled 8th grade) a couple of them went insane once they got to Uni or made some whacko friends but they didn't end up worse than the regular public schoolers I knew. And the ones that stayed good were generally better than the average christian who attended public school.
Mostly completely off topic. Ohms law is one of the few things I use all of the time. Descartes' Theorem? Never use it. Ohms Law and the Law of Sines and Cosines... now that I use fruequently.

Omhs knower out here bragging he can chant and meditate better than the rest of of us
I wouldn’t worry so much about what homeschoolers aren’t learning, it’s what public students are actually learning I’d be concerned about.
And it's not so much about learning 'facts,' or even useful understandings, like a bit about Ohm's Law, or Newton's Second...

...and it's not EVEN that they are NOT being taught to "think" at all. The truth is far worse:

they are being taught NOT to think. (What you FEEL is all that matters...)
Anybody who's ever taught has learned one simple fact:

If you really want to learn a subject - teach it!

Oh boy is that true

Back when when was a good tech. When When got a side job teaching how to be a tech nerd I had to stop and think about Why and be able explain to others the why and the How. Given that people learn different ways, I had to think things through enough to be able to explain the same idea a dozen different ways.

Teaching really forces you to drill down
And it's not so much about learning 'facts,' or even useful understandings, like a bit about Ohm's Law, or Newton's Second...

...and it's not EVEN that they are NOT being taught to "think" at all. The truth is far worse:

they are being taught NOT to think. (What you FEEL is all that matters...)
And being taught what to feel.
Gender identity is an open underwear test, but they are taught to question their own genitalia.
My sons are 3rd generation homeschooled. I've never met a homeschooled kid who was less educated than the average public schooled person.

I've never met a (religious) homeschooled 13-20ish year old that was able to function in basic social situations, and I've met a ton. In these instances, though, they've not had social situations outside of church activities with peers.
I've never met a (religious) homeschooled 13-20ish year old that was able to function in basic social situations, and I've met a ton. In these instances, though, they've not had social situations outside of church activities with peers.
That’s bizzare. If that’s truly been your experience, I must assume your framework for “normalcy” is skewed by the world. For you to have never met a single homeschooled person who you think is able to function at a basic level must mean the basic level is an odd one.

The premise is similar to saying you’ve never met an asian person who could function at a basic level. The framework by which one established the standard of basic normal function must be skewed towards something strange.

Yes the majority of homeschoolers are different in their behavior from the typical public schooled product. I for one think that’s a wonderful thing.

If government indoctrination camp products are the lofty standard by which one judges the rest, then…. Well… good on ya. And bless yer heart.
I've never met a (religious) homeschooled 13-20ish year old that was able to function in basic social situations, and I've met a ton. In these instances, though, they've not had social situations outside of church activities with peers.
I think you need to explain your phrase, "able to function in basic social situations", because my kids functioned very well socially. The difference was when they were around kids from the public school system who had very poor language skills, who often used expletives for punctuation, and had little or no interest in anything other than gossiping about their peers. My kids never liked being around them socially. Home educated kids, and especially Christian home educated kids, generally excelled socially and academically when we were raising our kids. We were first generation home educators, so we saw the vast difference between what our kids achieved compared to those from the state public schools. There are a lot more home educated kids around now, so there will probably be wider differences in levels of achievement. However, I doubt the public schooled kids would be vastly superior in their social skills compared to home educated kids. Shalom
I've never met a (religious) homeschooled 13-20ish year old that was able to function in basic social situations, and I've met a ton.
Really? I might've said you need to get out more.

Instead, I'll just note the opposite: I have not met ANY homeschooled teens or young adults that weren't, in general, superior in education and understanding in just about every way to what I see from the "Publik Skool Indoctranashun Sinturs." (And they spell better, too. ;) )