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Child Rearing - Home Schooling, Polygyny, Careers, Subject Matter Experts. Win win?

However, you do do the typical American thing of just looking at extremes instead of shades of grey. Germany has more social programs, however they also have constitutional provisions on government spending which the US does not have.
Germany got to Adolf via shades of grey - the same way AmeriKa is NOW. With a Reichstag fire or so along the way: ditto.

And we had "constitutional provisions" that outlawed any and EVERY form of socialism/communism/fascism by prohibiting the very things that are now being DONE.

And that includes (included) "fiat" (dishonest) currency. It never was "money." But if you can't print it, you can't spend it. Didn't stop 'em, did it?

And Hitler had a better claim to being 'elected' than BIden.
I live in Europe. US healthcare isn't my problem. For me its only interesting in what states does to anything (make it way worse).

Ah classical who will pay to roads argument. Those who benefit from roads, obviously. It seems that taxation has destroyed any imagination in people. They can't imagine society working differently.
I am aware of spending based taxation systems, vs. income based ones. For my family we would likely profit from a spending based ones I doubt the majority would though.
Did you noticed you have provided argument for anarchism? If nobody like paying for taxes it means state isn't providing enough value. So either cut taxes massively or best remove state.

Then why do you not live in Iraq or Sudan? Basically no functioning state exists in those countries, it is a free for all, as per your definition a paradise. Historically, countries with no functioning state administration are not desirable to live in.
I am aware of spending based taxation systems, vs. income based ones. For my family we would likely profit from a spending based ones I doubt the majority would though.
It's consumption based. That's official name.
And it's means not double taxing saving and investments.

This is because broad based taxes all hit consumption or lower it due to reduction in production. Some taxes just hit consumption twice or more.


All would benefit in longer time. See how much investment is taxed. Amount of investment == amount of economic growth.

Then why do you not live in Iraq or Sudan? Basically no functioning state exists in those countries, it is a free for all, as per your definition a paradise. Historically, countries with no functioning state administration are not desirable to live in.
Nice opportunity to spend with your father about quality of governance. I'm just against monopolization of societal-wide governance.

There is reason monopolies are bad. 😀
On the other hand, I have problems with home schooling as well. How qualified are the parents? I was at a fundraiser with a woman who home schools her child, who could not do % calculations. If she cannot even do the most fundamental math, she should not be be teaching anyone /discussion.
By teaching a son or daughter how to gain knowledge, many parents have enabled their children to study subjects that were beyond their own understanding or comprehension.
Insisting that kids only learn from a teacher who can spoon-feed them is very stifling to their future growth.
I am more highly qualified than the vast majority of teachers, yet I cannot remember everything I have learnt. So often my children are learning things that I once learnt and then forgot (e.g. specific maths techniques I have not used for years), or that I never learnt at all (e.g. technology which did not exist when I was at school). It doesn't matter at all, because they are not learning from me, they are learning from their textbooks. Just this morning one of my sons re-taught me how to do some maths that I once was good at but had forgotten - he'd learnt it from the textbook I gave him, then he taught it back to me.

Remember that teachers don't study to become experts in every topic. They study to become experts at teaching.

You don't need to know any maths to teach maths. You need to know how to choose a good curriculum, how to assess whether it suits the child, how to know whether they are progressing through the curriculum or are getting stuck, whether they are enjoying it enough to retain the knowledge or whether it is just a routine they are completing but won't remember... That's the skillset - and it's very similar to the skillset you need to be a good parent. And with that skillset, and access to books, you can teach anything, even things you've never learnt yourself.