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Convoy 2022 NZ

MSM news anymore is weirdly evasive.

Like if someone in the US video records police and gets arrested even though it's a protected activity the news people consistently act as if freedom of speech and protected activities are these mysterious new things that no one ever heard of before.

All while they're on screen exercising that very right. :rolleyes:
they played the confused card and got all wound up that nobody trusts the media to report honestly.
That reminds me of how my younger sis would act when accused of snitching a pickle. We all knew that the more offended she acted....the guiltier she was!
Please pray.

Things have gone very badly. Protestors are literally just standing there and peacefully protesting and our police are attacking them, arresting them, pushing them back, dragging them by their hair etc. The police are escalating things like I could never have believed possible. Everything the protestors are doing is LEGAL.

The call went out to people (and was discussed beforehand), that if things were escalating and getting violent then everyone should sit down. That separates the fake people wanting to escalate things from the true protestors. When anyone sat down, they were arrested or pulled to standing by the police. They were not allowed to calm things down or de-escalate anything.

I have a live feed going of the protest, and I just can't believe what I've been watching all morning. Sometimes the police back off a little bit to de-escalate the situation for a while.

For a live feed, you can watch here: This is Chantelle Baker. She's great. If this video goes down then go to her page as she'll get another one going asap.

This is just a brief note on what's happening, there's so much. The police are stopping everyone from coming into Wellington, they've blocked the roads, so reinforcements aren't allowed. Just so much.

Now there's pepper spray and more arrests happening while I'm writing this, and the protestors aren't doing anything, they are just standing there!!!

Samuel is heading into Christchurch with our eldest son and most of his family. They're going to be protesting outside the police station with a bunch of other people, a spur of the moment protest in response to this major injustice. Please pray that they are kept safe, and that things calm down. This is insane, and incredibly heartbreaking.
The word is that the riot police are on the way (rumour about the military too but I'm not sure about that), and that they are intending on arresting every single protestor. I don't know how on earth they're going to do that, but that is what is being said by MSM at the moment.

Once again, the protestors are not doing anything. They are just standing on the grass outside parliament. They are not being violent, they are not breaking the law, they have the right to protest. There is nothing to arrest them for.
I pray they will all have the strength to withstand what is headed in their direction, Sarah. It seems clear that Justin Trudeau is preparing to take the same types of actions against the truckers in Canada -- and I have no doubt similar preparations are afoot here.

I'm also praying that Tucker Carlson trains his sights on what is happening in New Zealand.
Police have removed all barriers and all pulled back. The protestors have freedom of movement within parliamentary grounds again.
Not before breaking a middle aged woman's sternum, or breaking an old man's ribs, or arresting a 14 year old girl, or arresting a woman in a wheelchair though.

Everyone is happy but VERY cautious. It may be they pulled back for something stronger to move in.

The police complaints authority have disconnected their telephone line and disabled their submission form on their website.
It is possible that our protests helped. We were outside the Christchurch police station for about 6 hours this afternoon, while there were simultaneous spur-of-the-moment protests outside many other police stations all over the country. It is our understanding that the local Wellington police are also disgusted by what was going on today, the actions of the "brute squad" brought in from wherever else in the country they round them up from for a major action like this. It is possible that police all around the country were calling up Wellington saying "what the f*ck are you doing, you're making people hate us", and that caused the pullback. We will probably never know. However, I am satisfied that the action we took today (along with several hundred other people) was most likely worthwhile.

My cousin is in that Wellington protest with her children. I couldn't let that go down without doing something, however small, to try and bring peace.

Being a peacemaker is difficult. Most of the protestors at the police station were great, and had the right attitude - the cops are on our side, most are probably horrified at what's going on, we just need to make sure they're aware of it so they contact their colleagues and make it stop. However there was a small minority of people from that sector of society who already hate the police, who were booing at the police cars and doing all they could to undermine the positive actions of the rest of us (while all along genuinely thinking they were doing the right thing). I found myself in the position of having to take a leadership role in trying to reign this element in.

It is immensely difficult that the freedom movement is so diverse. Today included everyone from conservative Protestants to self-described "woo-woo Catholics" to Buddhists to hippies to low-class-police-haters and everybody else you can think of. I'm sure that the Wellington protest is similarly diverse. It is incredible that such people can unite around a cause even briefly - and it's a very fragile unity.
What is a shareable link to the live feed? More eyes = better accountability... I'd like to post the link where others may be interested in watching.
It is possible that our protests helped. We were outside the Christchurch police station for about 6 hours this afternoon, while there were simultaneous spur-of-the-moment protests outside many other police stations all over the country. It is our understanding that the local Wellington police are also disgusted by what was going on today, the actions of the "brute squad" brought in from wherever else in the country they round them up from for a major action like this. It is possible that police all around the country were calling up Wellington saying "what the f*ck are you doing, you're making people hate us", and that caused the pullback. We will probably never know. However, I am satisfied that the action we took today (along with several hundred other people) was most likely worthwhile.

My cousin is in that Wellington protest with her children. I couldn't let that go down without doing something, however small, to try and bring peace.

Being a peacemaker is difficult. Most of the protestors at the police station were great, and had the right attitude - the cops are on our side, most are probably horrified at what's going on, we just need to make sure they're aware of it so they contact their colleagues and make it stop. However there was a small minority of people from that sector of society who already hate the police, who were booing at the police cars and doing all they could to undermine the positive actions of the rest of us (while all along genuinely thinking they were doing the right thing). I found myself in the position of having to take a leadership role in trying to reign this element in.

It is immensely difficult that the freedom movement is so diverse. Today included everyone from conservative Protestants to self-described "woo-woo Catholics" to Buddhists to hippies to low-class-police-haters and everybody else you can think of. I'm sure that the Wellington protest is similarly diverse. It is incredible that such people can unite around a cause even briefly - and it's a very fragile unity.
I admire you so much for going to the protest Samuel! Hopefully I’ll do as well when the time comes.
What is a shareable link to the live feed? More eyes = better accountability... I'd like to post the link where others may be interested in watching.
The live feed isn't going all the time. If you go to the Facebook page of Chantelle Baker then you can see any current live feeds she has going there. She will also have them up on Instagram.
She is filming on two cameras, her phone that is doing the live stream, and another good quality high definition camera. The second camera she is going to upload full videos of so that people can see it later.
She's just started a live stream on her page now. Another woman named Megan is running as Chantelle has gone off to sort out camera stuff and will be back later. Although the protestors thought that the police may move in overnight when everyone was quiet, it seems this didn't happen. It was a very quiet night which was a blessing as the protestors needed sleep. There were protestors up in shifts as security to keep watch and wake others as needed.

If you want to see any MSM live feeds, then you can do that here. This is the live update on the news that's happening with the protest. They often have 'live videos' going.
This media are against the protestors, so here you can see the other side of it, and what most of NZ is seeing. They are saying the protestors were being violent so the police had to step in. They show small, close up shots, of the protestors reacting to the violence of the police and trying to hold their ground to prove their point. Their live feed yesterday was either zoomed in really close so you couldn't see what the police were doing, running on a loop, or they stopped it right when something was going to happen.
Don't believe anything they say.
A bunch of people are flying up today to join the protest. This weekend the second wave is coming. This is being organised quietly, you can't find much information about it unless you ask organisers because you want to participate. But I am hearing of many people involved in this.
Lots of local people will also be there over the weekend.

Police say that they arrested 122 people yesterday. Anyone who wasn't seriously injured is out again and back at the protest. They weren't actually charged with anything because they have nothing to charge them with. One guy was charged with 'resisting arrest' which he is going to fight because he didn't resist (which is on camera) and there was also no grounds to arrest him in the first place so it's all void anyway.
Reuters has video of the NZ police attacking people and quite frankly torturing some of them.

Not a fan of the NZ police. Not at all.
This is from someone at the protest yesterday.
The protestors are peaceful, and many of these Police are everyday people like you and me. We stood for hours on the front line, and met at least a dozen different officers as they rotated shifts. And we had some awesome conversations!
We shared about our families to each other, had some banter, were asked to share our personal stories for why we were there, and they respected them – some even agreed.
Here are some comments from the Police:
“This is a bit of a stale mate, because you’re within your rights to peacefully protest...”
“This is not the worst protest I’ve been to...”
“The government listen to us less than you...”
“This is a bit awkward, because you’re actually good blokes and we’re having a great yarn...”
“Tell you what, if you just go home, I’ll shout you Maccas...”

“It’s only a few bad eggs that ruin it for everyone – us (the police) included...”
“Why can’t you guys just go and dance with the Hare Krishnas?...”

They even shared their lollies with us.
When we got to deeper conversation, many of these officers did not want to be there, and want to leave us alone. But they’re conflicted. I saw one officer visibly shaken and upset.
In fact, one officer actually gave us a heads up that they were about to push us, giving us time to link arms. We held them off for 20min, and then got back to laughing and chatting. The whole thing is just bizarre!
These officers are not our enemy. Yes there are several bad eggs that handled people way too aggressively, but they don’t represent the whole.
There is an obvious conflict and compromise within the Police, and that’s only exposed itself more over these last two days. But I am praying and staying hopeful that the righteous ones in there would rise up, and that we would see the Police protect and serve the way many of them deep down desire to.
Please pray for the Police and peaceful protesters. And if you want to come, come. It is a risk, but we know the risks and costs of our actions, and I’m at peace with mine. You must be at peace with yours.
“One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know that they’re not alone.” – SL Alder
Maccas = McDonald's fast food restaurant.

The talk today is that they're planning on restricting cell phone access this afternoon. Presumably that means the police intend on doing something again. At the moment all is quiet, and people are happily singing, dancing, hanging out, doing Tai Chi, and chatting. It's possible that live feeds may go in and out this afternoon, or that they may stop altogether. But people will keep filming. There are many people filming. It will just be uploaded at a later stage.
Just keep going. Momentum is what matters now, that more and more people keep going.

They can't arrest everyone. Not enough place in jail. I think states can only have enough capacity only for max 1.5% population.

In long run no goverment can stay that isn't supported by majority. In Canada Trudeau was attacted by member of his own party. Split is happening.
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They can't arrest everyone. Not enough place in jail.
That's what happened yesterday. The cops would push and arrest a bunch of people, then there would be a lull for an hour. As it turned out, the jail cells were full and they had to wait until they processed people and got them out, then they'd push and arrest again. The quicker they processed people, the quicker they got back to the protest lol. It's a bit like a revolving door.