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Gay choir sings "We're coming for your children"


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Real Person
Sensible Christians have been warning this was the agenda for years, and have been ridiculed, but you don't get it much more out in the open than this:
The lead singer is thoroughly demonic, just look at those arrogant eyes.
Heavenly Father, please protect the children that you have put in our care. Please guard their hearts and minds from the evil that is increasing on the earth. Lord, please given us strength, make us courageous, and give us wisdom and discernment so that we may be a guard and a wall around our little ones. Father, we know that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, so I pray for the men in this video, that you would grant them repentance so that they might repent and be saved from your judgement and wrath that will soon be poured out on the wicked. Strengthen us to stand firm, in the evil days that are coming and are even now here. Glory and honor and praise be to you, our Father. In your Son’s name I pray these things.
That is so disturbing :eek::(
The lead singer is thoroughly demonic, just look at those arrogant eyes.

They're tweaking you, so I encourage you to not fall for it, at least not in regard to sexual orientation. In that community, it is widely understood that the fear exists within the straight community that their children are going to be 'recruited' by gays to turn gay, but in the gay community there is also widespread awareness that they have no potential to successfully convert people from heterosexuality to homosexuality. I'm not asserting that no one in the homosexual community has the desire to create such conversions -- just that they represent a very small minority, with numbers that are dwarfed by the heterosexuals who fear such will occur to their children. The awareness in the gay community that this is a fool's errand in a macro sense is fueled by the fact that, from time to time, someone in that community puts great effort into 'turning' someone, with the typical outcome being that, at 'best', a little same-gender activity takes place, the gay individual falls deeply in love, but the straight person experiences it like experimentation that was perhaps relatively pleasant but only reinforces that what s/he really wants is someone of the opposite gender, so the main end result is deep heartbreak for the gay individual. It is for this reason that most gay people are very wary of bisexual folks, because everyone knows someone who nurses a broken heart from one of these "I'll turn hir gay" situations.

Having said all that, what they're serious about in this awful-melody ditty is this particular gay organization's alignment with radical progressive politics; they know that they're not really going to come for your children to turn them gay, but they also know just as surely -- and this can be observed in their smugness -- that they don't even have to come for your children in regard to post-modern progressivism, because that horse has already left the barn: the vast majority of children have already been significantly turned by progressive, woke philosophies. They own Big Education. They own Big Media. They own the Deep State. They own Big Sports. They own Hollywood and the rest of Big Entertainment. They are close to owning Corporate America. They are even on their way to owning the military. And our children's desire to receive approval continuously leads them toward adopting the agendas of these entities. I would think most here already recognize these facts and raise our children accordingly, making a valiant effort to keep them conscious so they can more successfully resist being sucked in by nonsense.

The song is and was meant to be a farce. It's nothing more than a thumb in your eye, reflective more than anything of the insecurity within that community which arises from knowing they have been dealt a difficult hand in life that means they will themselves never be part of the mainstream no matter how much they dominate the culture wars, inspiring them to pretend to be more confident than they are. As part of our own rejected subculture, we should have a little empathy for what that is like. The Adversary uses them to create such other-hating drivel. I invite us to resist falling into the trap of seeing them as anything but misguided children of Yah.
It's nothing more than a thumb in your eye,......
Like a thumb in the eye is benign? Ever had one in real life? Sometimes the intention is to permanently blind that eye.
You may have meant something closer to “It’s nothing more than flipping a bird in your face,.....”
It is a taunt. “We can sing this and be annoying and you cannot do anything about it!”

Like you said, they have accomplished many of their goals in normalizing perversion. Ok, the lifestyle, perversion is the word that I use.
They feel brave enough to flaunt their taunting song because they feel that they are on the ascendancy and cannot be countered.
This is what the enemy does.
Sometimes I can understand why Muslims do the things they do.
Funny you should mention that. At @PeteR's suggestion, I'm currently in the middle of reading We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves, and I'll have some other things to share elsewhere, but I'm currently just finishing up the section about how Muslims practice polygamy and have learned a number of things about Islam -- albeit from a biased source -- about which I was previously unaware. Mohammed bears responsibility for what he encouraged in the Qu'ran about jihad, but what I never realized was that one of the revolutionary things he did was introduce some empowerment for women and the sense that men and women were different but equal, even to the extent of encouraging women to work outside of the home as long as they chose female-friendly occupations. What we know now and I mistakenly assumed to be descended from Mohammed actually got introduced hundreds of years after Mohammed's death. Prior to his status as Prophet, the Ishmaelites had been having their women wear veils, but he discouraged that, stating that it put all women into a single category that treated them as if they were members of harems. He permitted polygyny but discouraged it and prohibited gathering up wives for the purpose of control or prestige. Only centuries after his death, when the Muslims were conquered by the Turks and the Moors, did the Muslims begin to introduce (usually by force from their captors) the Byzantine practices of full-body covering and full-head covering for women. Mohammed just required covering of the top of the head, for men as well as for women. Just as the Romans paganized Christianity, the Moors paganized Islam, and just as mainstream Christianity perpetuates what its oppressors coerced upon it, Islam has perpetuated practices that are not part of its Scriptures. Currently, they discourage having any more than 4 wives, which seems like a relatively reasonable proscription to me.

It's a very interesting and useful book all the way around.
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Having said all that, what they're serious about in this awful-melody ditty is this particular gay organization's alignment with radical progressive politics; they know that they're not really going to come for your children to turn them gay, but they also know just as surely -- and this can be observed in their smugness

To the contrary, many of the singers in that video have since been shown to have been previously convicted of sex with minors. They really are coming for your children.
To the contrary, many of the singers in that video have since been shown to have been previously convicted of sex with minors. They really are coming for your children.
Can you share a link to somewhere outlining this please? That would help to explain why they're now trying to scrub it from the internet.
That would help to explain why they're now trying to scrub it from the internet.
They are claiming that it is satire just to deflect, but it is totally who they are.
I experienced this crap 55 years ago when there was zero organization on their part. The perp had no affiliation with anybody else, but now it’s almost mainstream.

Just in case there is anyone who doesn’t know, NAMBLA used to actually be listed in the phone books. North American Man Boy Love Association
Could it possibly be more blatant?
Yeah, they could sing about it with a full choir.
I immediately assumed NAMBLA was behind that choir... good to see that true dragged into the white hot light....

@MeganC mentioned the Muslim reaction, but Torah commands the same (that's where Mohammed got it)... I.e., the 'Christian reaction' should be extreme, too. But...

Sodom has nothing on where this country is headed.. and, we'll share in her judgment. Best heed the Rev. 18:4-8 warning....
To the contrary, many of the singers in that video have since been shown to have been previously convicted of sex with minors. They really are coming for your children.
You might notice that every one of those men was convicted of sex with a minor under 14 years of age. Clearly illegal, and just as clearly NAMBLA (@steve has the full name correct) is promoting lowering the age of consent between men and boys. They always have, and they've never really made much of an effort to avoid being in the sunshine about it. I don't support them and never did, even in the height of my liberalism, because they refuse to condemn within their ranks those who actively pursue children with ages in single digits. [As an aside, given our Judeo-Christian heritage, shouldn't we be supporting a viewpoint that allows for even marriage to occur as early as age 12?; isn't that when girls are bat mitzvah'd and become full women within the Jewish community?] The organization has never given anything but lip service to setting a firm boundary on where the practice becomes unethical, inappropriate, criminal. They are an incrementalism organization with a silent agenda that couldn't be clearer: push the limits as far as they will go. In fact, I once had a conversation with an avowed member who asserted at a large party that even some baby boys are ready for sex with adults.

So know that I see all that.

At the same time, I've shared in other threads here about my experience with Brian, the 14-year-old sexual predator Kristin and I had in our home for over a year in a structure called therapeutic foster care (basically, live-in therapy). I learned many things during that year, and one was that, no matter how the rest of us out here want to wish it away, sexual orientation isn't just a matter of straight or not -- or even a matter of a spectrum that runs from fully heterosexual through various gradations of bisexuality to fully homosexual. There are other fully-recognized sexual orientations, up to and including people who only seek or receive sexual satisfaction in the context of having sex with someone they're executing.

A sexual orientation is well known among specialized sex therapists that is shared by the vast number of NAMBLA proponents. This sexual orientation is sometimes possessed by females, but most are male. It works like this:
  • When young, and by all accounts this is experienced as early as memory serves for most such people, the child has no or at most only very minor attractions to other children, whether male or female, but they have strong urges to have sex with a certain type of adult, almost always of the same gender (more on that later).
  • The older they get, the stronger their sexual urges for these adult men get -- right up until puberty.
  • During puberty, their sexual urges are as strong as they'll ever be, especially for boys (just like everyone else, right?), but sometime into puberty, the objects of their attraction become confused between adults and children. Most of these boys become so confused and angst-ridden during this transition that they will have sex with anyone, and many even go through a period of being prostitutes, because they find they can monetize the fact that they're propelled to be sexual but find it nearly impossible to enjoy it due to their simultaneous desire and revulsion, both toward themselves and toward others.
  • Once puberty is complete, these young men now no longer have any sexual attraction to adults. They're physiologically repulsed by public hair, and the only human beings who inspire any increased libido for them are children of their same gender. But this is made more complex by the fact that they are truly only significantly attracted to members of the same gender who have the same sexual orientation they have. In other words, they are only attracted to boys who have the same sexual orientation that they have, and, in fact, the boys with this sexual orientation are only attracted to the men who have this same sexual orientation.
Effectively, this means that these men are decidedly not coming for your children, unless one of your children has this sexual orientation. These people do not indiscriminately target and groom just any children (that's social worker hooey); they instead enter into sexual relationships with people who are also seeking them. I've watched this in action, because, during one half-year cycle, the sexual predator facility to which I had to take Brian each week scheduled the 14-and-unders' group therapy session on the same day each week just prior to the 21-and-overs' group therapy session. The sexual tension getting Brian out of there each week until that was corrected was palpable. It's a magnetism beyond what most all of us have experienced in our own lives with a woman. No size of magnets has ever produced greater attraction between north and south poles.

We don't have the ethical, political or social will in our cultures to face up to such a thing, but it's worth recognizing that people like I'm describing (which includes most NAMBLA proponents) actually pose almost no threat to anyone but themselves. For whatever reason, our Creator has seen fit to include among the human panoply these sexual pole-switchers, but one of the only things that causes such people to inflict themselves on anyone but each other is the meddling of governmental social services; their attempts to 'fix' these people by mainstreaming them only causes them to seek gratification elsewhere (especially the adolescents), but otherwise they just wouldn't have to do it. Over time, I came to the conclusion that we would all be much better off if we let these pole-switchers sort themselves out. In fact, this trait does generally have a tendency to run in families; i.e., it's usually genetic. However, it's not always the case, or the heredity is something that skips multiple generations (or certain people just keep it hidden, but I think that's relatively unlikely). So, the only children of ours that these people are going to come after are children of ours who have very unfortunately been programmed by their DNA to be pole-switchers. We can pretend that we can 'protect' them from this by being vigilant to keep NAMBLA activists a mile away at every moment of their childhoods, but I can promise you that, if this is their sexual orientation, you are only delaying the inevitable. You have the power, perhaps, to prevent them from being 'exploited' by their pole-switcher counterparts, but inevitably they are going to become adults who pair up with young boys. This is exacerbated by another observed dynamic: those who aren't persuaded to go into full hiding tend to do the least harm to others; the biggest problems are men who ashamedly make every effort to pass as normal straight men; when they inevitably get caught doing it with a little boy, they don't just bring shame upon themselves -- they shatter their entire families and every individual within them. Worse yet, such individuals have a tendency to turn first toward their own children for gratification.

On the other end of the spectrum, Brian came from a small (200+ population) isolated community in north Georgia. They had been practicing this lifestyle with no disruption or other sociopsychological problems for many generations. Not all individuals were pole-switchers, but the pole-switchers were fully embraced (no pun intended), and one of the reasons was that the adult pole-switchers provided support for families with children, so no one was in poverty, and no one was on food stamps or was obtaining any kind of government support other than Social Security. It ended because a visiting relative of one family caught on and called DFCS, which initiated a snowballing process that produced every child in every family being sent into the foster care system, most children being separated from their siblings as well as their parents, and numerous adults incarcerated -- the town itself was entirely abandoned. The disruption to these people was horrific, and there is no way you can convince me that any of the children ended up better off; all that DFCS accomplished was resultant disruption in the environments where they were sent. I'm 100% convinced that we should just leave such subcultures entirely alone, because they're self-contained and are not going to pollute the mainstream culture.

And, no matter how much they may dream (or torture us with horrendous 'melodies'), neither is the San Francisco Queer Choir. I simply don't fear them in any way whatsoever. On the contrary, I very much pity them, because whoever among their ranks is a boy lover is predominantly living a sexless life (I've known many such men in my life), because so many obstacles exist to prevent such liaisons, and they simply can't find any kind of meaningful satisfaction getting it off with each other.

So, please relax about the 'threat' of NAMBLA or the SFQC. Your children are safe; in fact, all children are much more safe than our lively imaginations would indicate. The majority of registered sex offenders are men, most under 25 at the time, who had sex with a girl between 12 and 15 years of age. Adult men having sex with little girls is about as frequent as lightning striking winning mega-millions lottery tickets. I'd even guess that most of those boys the members of the Queer Choir got convicted of having sex with were 12 or 13 years old.

Sometimes we can create tempests where there are none.