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Gay choir sings "We're coming for your children"

I don't understand... why would God create men with homosexual desires? If homosexuality were normal, they should not ejaculate, that is to make the woman pregnant.

Nature itself testifies that this desire is a biological error.
The entire male and female body shows that they belong to each other.

I even avoid talking among common people. They are too hysterical and will deny the truth.
OK, I'm going to make two points, so please read through to the end of the second one:
  1. The above graphic makes a profound and legitimate point. However, one has to skip through tons of studies to pull out the one study based on 150 male and female children, as well as to ignore that the study asserted the assumption that any man who had sex with a male child was a straight-up homosexual and any man who had sex with a female child was a straight-up heterosexual. Meta-analyses of all the research on this subject have generally supported a consensus that child sex predators of all types are 4-5 times more likely to be homosexual than heterosexual. Additionally, the research that produced the 48% was about sexually-inappropriate behavior of all types with children, but the research that focuses strictly on rape or other forced sexuality has tended to indicate that heterosexuals are more likely per capita to be child rapists than are homosexuals. Statistically, hetero men outnumber homo men 44 to 1, and children are almost 50 times to be forced into sex by straight men than by gay men. It's important to keep in mind that the law defines any sex as nonconsensual below whatever age of consent a particular state has defined by statute, and the vast number of 'childhood' sex 'crimes' take place between teenagers who are within 2 years of reaching the age of majority and adults of all ages, the vast majority of whom are less than 5 years older than the 'victim.' This produces a situation in which, in one state a 19-year-old boy who is prosecuted for having consensual sex with a 16-year-old girl ends up having to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life, whereas in another state it's just considered part of the normal dating milieu or a 55-year-old man who marries a 16-year-old is given a chorus of attaboys. When these ridiculous convictions are taken out of the mix, a much different impression is left upon us. The vast amount of those homosexual sex crimes involving 'children' include boys in their mid-teens who are more likely to be the pursuers than the pursuees. You name me a major metropolitan area, and I'll research for you some city park where teenage boys show up every night to offer their sexual services to adult men. When caught, the boys get slapped on the wrist, and the men have to live with the sex offender registry from there on out -- and will be tagged as a sexual predator.
  2. Please don't miss this apology, though: while I continue to think the threat from Queer Choirs and prowling child molesters is overblown, I have to acknowledge something that relates to this discussion, and it relates to having taken my eye off the ball since all of my 6 children are now beyond junior high (and one is 2 months from high school graduation): forget the queer choirs and men pulling up to the curb with offers of candy in exchange for deflowering our children -- the actual grooming is going on in plain sight in places like our public schools. Here is what I'm appalled by: not so much the predictable culture-war protests against a supposed "Don't Say Gay" Bill in Florida, and not even so much the fact that an actual law prohibiting the discussing of sexual orientations and positive presentations about transgenderism has to be passed to stop such behavior on the part of teachers and other public school employees (who are being paid by us, for goodness' sake) -- but the fact that even a warrior such as Governor Ron Desantis can't work up the balls to craft such a prohibition for anything more than prohibiting such misbehavior only up until 2nd grade. What the what! They have no business grooming children of any age or promoting transgenderism to children of any age or teaching children of any age about how to engage in sexual behavior. All of that is no business of government workers and should be left entirely up to parents and matters of self-discovery outside of the institutions that apparently consider their mandate to be instilling a uniform obedience to a set collection of 'approved' philosophies and beliefs.
Therefore, I'm to a great degree crying uncle. This situation is much worse than I imagined, and I've been thinking about writing this apology ever since hearing a far-leftist nominee to the Supreme Court assert on live television that she cannot define what a woman is, offering as her only excuse the fact that she isn't a biologist. I was wrong; for probably other, unspoken agendas, these folks really are grooming our children to lead sexual lives that will destroy them as individuals and our cultures writ large.

Please forgive me.

Leftists Are Angry About The Florida Anti-Grooming Law Because They Want Your Children​

March 30, 2022

By Brandon Smith

Why would someone be enraged by a law that prevents teachers from exposing children to sexual indoctrination and demands parents are kept in the loop on classroom lessons? It’s obvious; they’re mad because they like the idea of grooming kids and they don’t want the process interfered with [remainder at: https://alt-market.us/leftists-are-...grooming-law-because-they-want-your-children/]
I don't understand... why would God create men with homosexual desires? If homosexuality were normal, they should not ejaculate, that is to make the woman pregnant.

Nature itself testifies that this desire is a biological error.
The entire male and female body shows that they belong to each other.

I even avoid talking among common people. They are too hysterical and will deny the truth.

It's important to realize that sexual preference in people can be changed. Porn is great example. Everybody is born prefering real people for sexual activities. But watch porn enough time and you will prefer pixels instead of real people.

Details can be found on yoirbrainonporn.com. I don't have now time to find explanation from above website.

Get Them Young

Activist teachers with approval from the state have been grooming children for years.​

So far I’ve only written one piece on ‘social justice’ (Our Race Back Into The Cave).

This is an unplanned post that’s also personal. The topic is too important not to share.

There are experts who are focused on exposing the grooming of children in schools and are activating parents and politicians to fight back.

The most notable person is of course James Lindsay, Ph.D. He’s the (co)author of Critical Theories, Social (In)Justice, Race Marxism, and Counter Wokecraft and the founder of New Discourses. There are useful articles and videos on New Discourses. I’ll be including one video at the end related to the topic of the Marxist history of Sex education.

If you are a parent with children in public or private schools in the U.S., Canada, or the U.K. and you want to protect your children (or grandchildren) from abusers and groomers, his books are a good place to start, after first getting your kids away from the groomers of course.

It’s not always easy to recognize them though. They aren’t all wearing nose rings and they don’t all have pink or blue hair. Don’t think living in a red state or sending them to private school is enough to shield them. These monsters are everywhere and include school board members
[remainder at: https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/get-them-young]
In recognition of some distinctions . . .
