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Mike Winger

At the end of the day going to University or not going to University is, for most people, going to be the deciding factor on what the quality of life is going to be. Everyone should attempt it.
Why? Given what has been done to the 'dumbing down' of so-called "higher edukashun" er, indoctrination, most will be far better off learning how to THINK for themselves, rather than getting a worthless degree in Political Korrect-Speak.

I reluctantly conclude that engineering, of the non-PC (i.e., physical) type as opposed to 'social[ist]', may be the singular exception. Medicine no longer is.
I reluctantly conclude that engineering, of the non-PC (i.e., physical) type as opposed to 'social[ist]', may be the singular exception. Medicine no longer is.
mightn't it be that medicine more clearly isn't, not that it used to be, and no longer is?
its not like they are teaching different elementals than they used to; it's simply more obvious, to more people, that the elementals being taught, are wrong.
Well as they get older and they realize that they have hit the proverbial wall, they are more likely to give in to pressure as well. The same women who might be more inclined to accept polygyny, are women who realize that their prospects are looking grim. We want to reach them before they reach that point, so that they will realize that monogamy is not all it's cracked up to be. If we time it right, they will remain pure and at the same time be willing to say "Yes" to this area where God is leading them.
@Daniel DeLuca virtually all give in. Some man will come along and say the right words and they will give in. To find pure women our age is harder than finding a needle in a haystack. They don’t exist (except the unicorn I mentioned). They just don’t. At one point in time, I was on poly dating sites. Every, and I mean *every* Christian woman I talked to had been with multiple men. All had an excuse as to why they did it. Most of them in very large numbers. That is only my anecdotal evidence, but I highly suspect it is common.
@Daniel DeLuca virtually all give in. Some man will come along and say the right words and they will give in. To find pure women our age is harder than finding a needle in a haystack. They don’t exist (except the unicorn I mentioned). They just don’t. At one point in time, I was on poly dating sites. Every, and I mean *every* Christian woman I talked to had been with multiple men. All had an excuse as to why they did it. Most of them in very large numbers. That is only my anecdotal evidence, but I highly suspect it is common.

Over half lose their virginity before turning 19. And we know most Christian women are not getting married at 18.

Then when they do decide to marry - it’s usually with pagans or lukewarm believers. And I bet you most of these women would throw Moshe, Abraham, Jacob, and the Creator‘a torah under the bus due to the polygyny.

The adversary pushing young women to attend college so they can be indoctrinated; and groomed to hate the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - instead of seeking a husband is part of the problem. Lukewarm churches teaching it’s all done away with is another HUGE problem!

The fruit is there for all to see. Broken households. Divorce. Children don’t know if they are male or female. Cutting off their breasts and genitalia. Witchcraft being promoted in children cartoons from Disney and others. This is what happens when believers marry pagans. When churches throw Yahushua’s prayer to the Father for “all future believers” under the bus - John 17:17.
@Daniel DeLuca virtually all give in. Some man will come along and say the right words and they will give in. To find pure women our age is harder than finding a needle in a haystack. They don’t exist (except the unicorn I mentioned). They just don’t. At one point in time, I was on poly dating sites. Every, and I mean *every* Christian woman I talked to had been with multiple men. All had an excuse as to why they did it. Most of them in very large numbers. That is only my anecdotal evidence, but I highly suspect it is common.
Well, issue isn't starting relationships.

It's staying in them.
Maybe not.

If everybody is going into college, there will be overproduction of thinking workers and underproduction of manual. So high salaries for manuals, especially if some skill is needed for good way.

Skill will make them irreplacable even with immigrants.
Which is why I wrote "for most people." I do not think there is any argument that a professional degree will for the most part provide you with a much better life. Exceptions confirm the rule

The highest paid blue collar jobs are likely going to be oil rig workers, specialty welders, etc. That is the aspirational job, if one is trying to earn a high income with a blue collar job. I am guessing oil rig workers can get to ~$200,000 per year. I doubt they get to $500,000. Plus, it is a difficult job.

The aspirational job for a software engineer would be one of the California tech companies. The entry level pay pay for an M.Sc. there is around $200,000 per year, a senior software engineering lead with 15 years experience will be over $3.000.000 with their cushy stock options. And that is an office job which allows you to W@H for one or two per week, with the rest requiring being present in a very comfortable office environment.

Not necessarily everyone should attempt it, but if a woman's desire is to be a housewife, she would be better off choosing a proven commodity in a husband. My mother was a housewife, and we were in dire straits when it came to light the things my father had done, and we had to scrape what we could together, in order to survive.
Would it not have been more easier if you mother had the ability to pull a high income rather then "scrape" something together?