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One guy acused the other of lying, but then he himself obviously didn't have all his mental faculties together.
I don't recall any lies from trump. Some poorly framed stuff but that is trump and he is not that great at linear. Biden though lied constantly.
I like how he trotted out the many fine people lie just a couple days after snopes finally admitted it
Sadly, that debate may have lost Trump the election. Because it will give the Democrats the excuse they need to change candidates. Although the polls are clearly showing a Trump victory at present, they are close enough that a better Democrat candidate could swing them back in the other direction. This is how you win a battle but lose the war. I hope I'm wrong though, I am an eternal pessimist after all. :)
Sadly, that debate may have lost Trump the election. Because it will give the Democrats the excuse they need to change candidates. Although the polls are clearly showing a Trump victory at present, they are close enough that a better Democrat candidate could swing them back in the other direction. This is how you win a battle but lose the war. I hope I'm wrong though, I am an eternal pessimist after all. :)
The dems don’t have a very good stable to pick from in replacing him.
But they don't need a very good candidate. They only need to find someone who can talk using comprehensible words and doesn't stare vacantly into space much, and that will swing a certain portion of the electorate. Whoever they pick will look great in comparison to Biden. They don't need to swing much of the electorate to get back in positive territory.
In the abstract that is true. A generic candidate that can walk and chew gum at the same time could work.
But the choices being batted around are Gruesome Newsom and Big Mike, both with some serious negatives.