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Natural equity...OK scooter.
I am no biblical scholar obviously but I don't recall anything about an equal distribution of goods, services or life outcomes.
What a miserable manipulative take.
Who says that every man needs a wife? Who says all of them want wives, can protect them or frankly deserve one?

Consider me deeply skeptical to the point of approaching derisive at these notions
Natural equity...OK scooter.
I am no biblical scholar obviously but I don't recall anything about an equal distribution of goods, services or life outcomes.
What a miserable manipulative take.
Who says that every man needs a wife? Who says all of them want wives, can protect them or frankly deserve one?

Consider me deeply skeptical to the point of approaching derisive at these notions
Parable of the talents - the men capable and faithful with a little - more will be given to them. The men un capable and un faithful even with a little - even what little he has will be taken away from him - and given to the man with plenty. We saw that with king Saul. He became un faithful. He was killed off. The full kingdom of Israel and all of his wives were given to King David. Parable of the Talents.

This teaching might be offensive to the “church fathers” or the “leftist woke crowd” but it is what we see in the Word. And we know that the Most High does not change.
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Natural equity...OK scooter.
I am no biblical scholar obviously but I don't recall anything about an equal distribution of goods, services or life outcomes.
What a miserable manipulative take.
Who says that every man needs a wife? Who says all of them want wives, can protect them or frankly deserve one?

Consider me deeply skeptical to the point of approaching derisive at these notions

Parable of the talents - the men capable and faithful with a little - more will be given to them. The men un capable and un faithful even with a little - even what little he has will be taken away from him - and given to the man with plenty. We saw that with king Saul. He became un faithful. He was killed off. The full kingdom of Israel and all of his wives were given to King David. Parable of the Talents.

This teaching might be offensive to the “church fathers” or the “leftist woke crowd” but it is what we see in the Word. And we know that the Most High does not change.
It's interesting to see today's BS in historical document old at least millemium.

At least, you are facing familiar BS.
I have encountered that blah blah argument about you havevto leave wives for the rest of argument so many times. Lame and tired.
Nobody is bloody well stopping you...get one's ass out there and meet women. Get married, be happy and reproduce.

But absolutely don't give me your entitled whiney narrative about hoarding women etc. Just weak sauce on so many levels.

Not to mention the fact that I don't see any other forums, be they literal or figurative, talking about marrying woman with baggage etc somewhat intentionally. I do however see a lot of hedonistic idiocy out of the same types that claim plyg-life is a problem. Apparently if women are not whatever silly fantasy image they have concocted and managed to fall in their lap, then they are fine with a life of video games and bitching on the internet.

Personally I think their arguments can simply be hand waved away with asking them how many kids they are willing to Dad.

Edit - just happened across the right meme for these dorks
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I love that. Fathering is easy, Dading them is a whole nuther level.
I just finished reading my son a children's book about the bond of father and son earlier that he (with my wife's assistance obviously) got me for father's day. It is both of our new favorite book