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The gender affirmation surgery boat is starting to sink.
The Fox News item linked in this article is very telling. The guy repeatedly highlights that the whole transgender industry in the USA is money focused; the billions of $$$ involved, and that those pushing the trans agenda are more concerned about money than the health of the children whose lives are being ruined. It prompted me to call to mind 1 Timothy 6:10; For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil... .

Thanks for the link, and I pray that boat will sink quickly!
We use both cut earmarks and ear tags on the every animal. They each give different information, and earmarks can't rip off. Branding hasn't been used on any farm I've known in my lifetime, it's far more brutal, but we've still got all the equipment hanging on the wall from a couple of generations back.
I chose to tattoo ears. Tags are better with a large flock of look alikes.
The gender affirmation surgery boat is starting to sink.

Tough to buttress a fake concept.
It is all just a grift, from the language manipulation to the concept of affirmation of mental illness to the butchery. All an exercise in cultural gaslight, humiliation issue to shore up your sense of unreality and helplessness to push back. All to just coincidentally support their nauseating fetishism

Have fun:

Indian nuclear submarine dives without closing hatches:

Gay porno actor becomes jihadi working for German intelligence agency:

Just watched RFK's speech pulling out of the race and endorsing Trump. I am very impressed with him. He comes across as so sincere about the issue of most importance to him - children's health - and has a way of explaining the crisis clearly and bringing you along with him in this cause. But most importantly he brings it all back to God, and pragmatic logic. I wish we had such a sensible centrist in our politics here, and I pray that God is able to use him strategically for good in your country. Obviously he has problematic views outside this - someone's going to point that out if I don't - but nobody's perfect. He has a mission that is worthwhile and needs to be done, and he may have the opportunity to actually do something about that.
Just watched RFK's speech pulling out of the race and endorsing Trump. I am very impressed with him. He comes across as so sincere about the issue of most importance to him - children's health - and has a way of explaining the crisis clearly and bringing you along with him in this cause. But most importantly he brings it all back to God, and pragmatic logic. I wish we had such a sensible centrist in our politics here, and I pray that God is able to use him strategically for good in your country. Obviously he has problematic views outside this - someone's going to point that out if I don't - but nobody's perfect. He has a mission that is worthwhile and needs to be done, and he may have the opportunity to actually do something about that.
Thanks for posting the video, @FollowingHim. It was a pleasant change to listen to politician make such pertinent points clearly and logically.
Just watched RFK's speech pulling out of the race and endorsing Trump. I am very impressed with him. He comes across as so sincere about the issue of most importance to him - children's health - and has a way of explaining the crisis clearly and bringing you along with him in this cause. But most importantly he brings it all back to God, and pragmatic logic. I wish we had such a sensible centrist in our politics here, and I pray that God is able to use him strategically for good in your country. Obviously he has problematic views outside this - someone's going to point that out if I don't - but nobody's perfect. He has a mission that is worthwhile and needs to be done, and he may have the opportunity to actually do something about that.
There is push by some people to make him Trump's Attorney General. He would have absolute immunity and free hand to prosecute globalists.

Actually this position would make him more dangerous than being president.
Just watched RFK's speech pulling out of the race and endorsing Trump. I am very impressed with him. He comes across as so sincere about the issue of most importance to him - children's health - and has a way of explaining the crisis clearly and bringing you along with him in this cause. But most importantly he brings it all back to God, and pragmatic logic. I wish we had such a sensible centrist in our politics here, and I pray that God is able to use him strategically for good in your country. Obviously he has problematic views outside this - someone's going to point that out if I don't - but nobody's perfect. He has a mission that is worthwhile and needs to be done, and he may have the opportunity to actually do something about that.
Scott Ritter chatted with an undercover agent who was posing as a 15 year old girl... Which means he didn't chat with a 15yo girl funnily enough.

Also, if merely having a burger with him makes RFK evil, and him endorsing Trump makes Trump evil, then everyone here is evil as well. You forget the ages of many of the men in the Bible's wives...

But that's only if those dots are trying to link them all as simply being morally corrupt (for some reason). Instead, these dots apparently lead to the obvious conclusion that they all work for Russia.

My brother had lunch with a Marine the other day. I had lunch with my brother yesterday. Can I call myself a Marine now? I think Zec would have a problem with that 🤣