• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

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O.K., MemeFan is worried about only 10 posts for today, SO I will ask here the most embarrassing question I have ever put out anywhere. I am sincerely looking for an answer. SO PLEASE don't laugh loud enough I can hear you here in Iowa.

I have advertised on ModernPolygamy seeking a wife. I am 81, so not many healthy young women are going to be interested in me - and I really don't care. I want whatever woman/women God wants for me. So the thought occurred to me. Why don't I see if I can find a couple or three women who have lost their husband (from whatever cause), but want to stay together so much that they would be willing to take a man like me. Having been a pastor for 50 years, I know I can get along with almost anyone (well, except for a karen I suppose but a karen wouldn't work out in a poly situation anyway). I do enjoy women more than men, but then I think that may be a given for all men. Women seem to have more joy, more fun, more pleasant times with each other. Anyway, in my rather long profile I have listed that thought (of whatever women may be looking to stay together and find a man). DOES THAT EVER HAPPEN? Should I hang my head in shame and hide or keep up the search?
Why I'm not totally suprised?

Epstein, unlucky genius.

Heard real genius (won Nobel prize) also favored artifical insermation of women because world needs more geniuses as him.
Wait a minute... Isn't that what everyone is talking about? Artificial Insemination? Isn't that what AI stands for? That is what it stood for when I was a kid down on the farm. We would pay $5,000, a lot of money back then when most guys didn't even pay $1,000 for a bull and we had 4 or 5 $5,000 bulls on the place. We always had the best bulls, BUT STILL our best cows were AI'd. Sooooo, what then is this AI business now. Are we having our best cows (uhhh, errrr - I mean) our best women AI'd?
Russia has made it illegal for anyone from a country that accepts gender reassignment to adopt children from Russia.
O.K., MemeFan is worried about only 10 posts for today, SO I will ask here the most embarrassing question I have ever put out anywhere. I am sincerely looking for an answer. SO PLEASE don't laugh loud enough I can hear you here in Iowa.

I have advertised on ModernPolygamy seeking a wife. I am 81, so not many healthy young women are going to be interested in me - and I really don't care. I want whatever woman/women God wants for me. So the thought occurred to me. Why don't I see if I can find a couple or three women who have lost their husband (from whatever cause), but want to stay together so much that they would be willing to take a man like me. Having been a pastor for 50 years, I know I can get along with almost anyone (well, except for a karen I suppose but a karen wouldn't work out in a poly situation anyway). I do enjoy women more than men, but then I think that may be a given for all men. Women seem to have more joy, more fun, more pleasant times with each other. Anyway, in my rather long profile I have listed that thought (of whatever women may be looking to stay together and find a man). DOES THAT EVER HAPPEN? Should I hang my head in shame and hide or keep up the search?
Clever strategy! Another one is, "Hey! I only got a few more years to go, so if it doesn't work out to your liking, hang in there, and when I'm in the grave, you can find another husband."
Just to add to what I said above - I'm serious.
We know that you are, but please remember that this isn’t a dating site. No matter how clever the post.
They're also accepting/expediting refugees - clearly the US - from God-hating countries for asylum.
And the male to female proportion in Russia is rather favorable for polygyny. Most Russian men are not very attractive to Russian women, on account of the high drug and alcohol abuse that the men typically engage in.
We know that you are, but please remember that this isn’t a dating site. No matter how clever the post.
We know that you are, but please remember that this isn’t a dating site. No matter how clever the post.
And THAT is exactly why I asked the question on this site. I belong to a dating site (finally got on it). So my question was to the effect of how do I find these ladies in need, or is it even possible to do so. I hope you were JOKING about me using this site for that search. I WANT TO KNOW. Now if no one here can answer that question, so be it. But I thought if anyone knew how I might reach such ladies in need - YOU ALL WOULD. PARDON ME FOR MY MISTAKE.
And THAT is exactly why I asked the question on this site. I belong to a dating site (finally got on it). So my question was to the effect of how do I find these ladies in need, or is it even possible to do so. I hope you were JOKING about me using this site for that search. I WANT TO KNOW. Now if no one here can answer that question, so be it. But I thought if anyone knew how I might reach such ladies in need - YOU ALL WOULD. PARDON ME FOR MY MISTAKE.
When guys discover polygyny, they often treat the decision to take another wife in the same way that they treat the decision to buy a car. They want to know where to go to make their selection.
The reality is that there is no group of ladies hanging out somewhere waiting for men to snap them up. Men are coming to the understanding extremely slowly, and women are even slower at accepting it. There aren’t enough to go around.
I have friends that have searched half a lifetime for another wife and still haven’t found one. Most of the people on this forum are in the looking process. To be frank, an 81 year old guy is at a great disadvantage, as @Daniel DeLuca kinda hinted to you.

Unless Yah chooses to bless you, your responsibility before Him might simply be to be a supporter of the concept.
"But if ye have bitter envy and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth."

"Such wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish." (James 3:14-15).

Based on how Lawson was quick to condemn others and majority of Reformed gate keepers, who needs this type of fellowship. Perhaps we are beyond the time to start new denomination and let old gate keepers keep pulling their own hair.

Pastor gets disqualified for inappropriate relationship of five years with woman in her 20s. Perhaps he is closet polyginist. Perhaps someone can reach out to him and welcome him here.

Wait a minute... Isn't that what everyone is talking about? Artificial Insemination? Isn't that what AI stands for? That is what it stood for when I was a kid down on the farm. We would pay $5,000, a lot of money back then when most guys didn't even pay $1,000 for a bull and we had 4 or 5 $5,000 bulls on the place. We always had the best bulls, BUT STILL our best cows were AI'd. Sooooo, what then is this AI business now. Are we having our best cows (uhhh, errrr - I mean) our best women AI'd?

Just wait till we have AI doing the gene editing via CRISPR or some equivalent and then doing the other AI.
Soon thereafter you will have competing nation states as well as transnational corporations tryingvto out do each other to make the...best? babies. All taller, stronger, faster, higher IQ, better neurokenectics, better immune system etc etc...presumably some sort of control mechanism for them.

The end result is that if we do not have another great flood like event, we will be made obsolete by these new revolutionary phenotypes.

Not sure if I feel better about that future or about the fact that I feel confident the lights will go out first.

Or should I have put this over in the tinfoil hat thread...
Based on how Lawson was quick to condemn others and majority of Reformed gate keepers, who needs this type of fellowship. Perhaps we are beyond the time to start new denomination and let old gate keepers keep pulling their own hair.

Pastor gets disqualified for inappropriate relationship of five years with woman in her 20s. Perhaps he is closet polyginist. Perhaps someone can reach out to him and welcome him here.

From what I can see, Steve didn't sin with the woman. She wasn't married. Why have they condemned him? I always found him to be a very pleasant guy. It's a shame those accusers don't uphold the truth of Scripture.
The following opinion is my own opinion and is not reflection of biblical families as organization. I understand that if this opinion violates community guidelines it could be taken down.

Pertaining to Steve Lawson topic. “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves." (Matthew 23:15). Teaching adultery where there is no adultery is just one example of that.
