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It's not. (Meaning AGWBS. But the 'climate' is changing, as a result of the sun, which is THE primary driver. And it's NOT getting warmer, which would be a blessing, given what is coming.)
Given what is coming?
I think I have been explicit about my bespoke tinfoil hat notions are which will significantly effect climate, have you? If not then fill me in.
Given what is coming?
I think I have been explicit about my bespoke tinfoil hat notions are which will significantly effect climate, have you? If not then fill me in.

I talk frequently about AGWBS (Anthropogenic Global Warming BS) in a number of forums, including here, but also news and "Come out of her, My people" shows. Geoengineering is a big deal, and much further along than most are aware, and significantly more evil.

But the solar cycle, according to both cycles experts (books like "Cold Sun," and "Dark Winter," by John Casey) and a number of prominent Russian solar scientists, indicate we are headed toward a Maunder Minimum, rather than warming. (About which the data has famously been 'fudged' anyway; see East Anglia scandal in the UK, among others.)

So, I look for cooling. And the geoengineering will only make that worse. As will vulcanism which should likely correspond with the coming solar minimum.

And there's plenty more, befitting the 'conspiracy' arena as well, since all are being soft-pedaled, at best:

Nemesis. AKA, "Planet X," Wormwood, Nibiru, and Velikovsky. Real? Who knows. But you can't trust 'em anyway.
Pole shift, certainly magnetic, perhaps more, "soon..."
Energy infrastructure. Already under attack, and destroyed in much of Europe.

PS> Nukes would do it, too.