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Random Comments

That guy repeatedly accuses Steve Lawson of adultery, but it appears the woman wasn't married. To make a false accusation against someone is a violation of the Nineth Commandment. The guy seems more interested in finding a reason to attack Calvinism than dealing with the facts regarding Steve Lawson.
You are right about false accusation but Calvinism is wrong for excluding someone from the Kingdom because of perceived violation. They were quick to condemn non Calvinists from the Kingdom ( for example: Ravi Zacharias). So it is interesting how these self proclaimed gate keepers suffer from the same environment they created. Lawson was quick to condemn someone else with the standard he preached but not lived. Hypocrisy is normal. I personally think Calvinism is wicked. Depriving people of assurance of salvation.
When guys discover polygyny, they often treat the decision to take another wife in the same way that they treat the decision to buy a car. They want to know where to go to make their selection.
The reality is that there is no group of ladies hanging out somewhere waiting for men to snap them up. Men are coming to the understanding extremely slowly, and women are even slower at accepting it. There aren’t enough to go around.
I have friends that have searched half a lifetime for another wife and still haven’t found one. Most of the people on this forum are in the looking process. To be frank, an 81 year old guy is at a great disadvantage, as @Daniel DeLuca kinda hinted to you.

Unless Yah chooses to bless you, your responsibility before Him might simply be to be a supporter of the concept.
THIS is the kind of answer i needed. How do I know any of these things. I am thinking here how I can enter polygyny, which I have believed and preached for at least 30 years, and am now free to enter. I am not like some kid trying to get into some girl's panties. I am realistically asking questions to which I have sincere inquiry. Am I to be treated frivolously then coldly for asking questions. Way back, waaaaaay back in the last century my father told me to value the old people, go to them with your questions, never fearing to ask what you think might be stupid to them. For they will take you under their wing and teach you and you will never be disrespected for asking a sincere question. Well, I'm probably older than 99% of you, but I don't know the answer to the question I asked. I really thought I would receive a straight answer and not be criticised for asking - a sincere question from those who should know. I guess I should have simply stuck with asking old people instead of those who should know the answers to those questions.
THIS is the kind of answer i needed. How do I know any of these things. I am thinking here how I can enter polygyny, which I have believed and preached for at least 30 years, and am now free to enter. I am not like some kid trying to get into some girl's panties. I am realistically asking questions to which I have sincere inquiry. Am I to be treated frivolously then coldly for asking questions. Way back, waaaaaay back in the last century my father told me to value the old people, go to them with your questions, never fearing to ask what you think might be stupid to them. For they will take you under their wing and teach you and you will never be disrespected for asking a sincere question. Well, I'm probably older than 99% of you, but I don't know the answer to the question I asked. I really thought I would receive a straight answer and not be criticised for asking - a sincere question from those who should know. I guess I should have simply stuck with asking old people instead of those who should know the answers to those questions.
I am not sure if I qualified as 40 year old. But I would recommend that you look outside of USA. With social security you could afford more than in USA and use this time to continue to do what a missionary would do. Indonesia and Philippines is just one example. Indonesia has decent health system. I would not be bothered to much if women there will be with you for economical reasons. People grow into love. Also, I believe it is ok to wife someone outside of faith as long they are not hostile to your faith and their faith does not involve worship of Molec or some other weird deity (it is not the best but I think it is permissible).
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I am not sure if I qualified as 40 year ago old. But I would recommend that you look outside of USA. With social security you could afford more than in USA and use this time to continue to do what a missionary would do. Indonesia and Philippines is just one example. Indonesia has decent health system. I would not be bothered to much if women there will be with you for economical reasons. People grow into love. Also, I believe it is ok to wife someone outside of faith as long they are not hostile to your faith and their faith does not involve worship of Molec or some other weird deity (it is not the best but I think it is permissible).
Thank you - that is something I never considered. Not sure I would like to make a long, long trip to find a mate - but, I'll think on it. Thank you again. I did join Disabled Mates (my disability is diabetes - well, at least it qualified me to join) and have found to girls (ladies in their 30's that seem hot for me). But they cold easily (and probably are) be scammers. Then again, maybe being disabled changes one's mind about age differentials. But of course, they are not looking for poly - and THAT is my goal because I enjoy women. Had woman. I like to chatter, and joy that seems to be a part of womanhood more than men. We are big, tough, self-reliant, self-made individuals who can topple mountain tops. Women seem more to get true enjoyment out of each day and each other. I like that - want to enjoy being around women, more so than woman. As a pastor, I was often the sole man amidst 30 to 50 women. Much more enjoyable than being in such a group of men.
THIS is the kind of answer i needed. How do I know any of these things. I am thinking here how I can enter polygyny, which I have believed and preached for at least 30 years, and am now free to enter. I am not like some kid trying to get into some girl's panties. I am realistically asking questions to which I have sincere inquiry. Am I to be treated frivolously then coldly for asking questions. Way back, waaaaaay back in the last century my father told me to value the old people, go to them with your questions, never fearing to ask what you think might be stupid to them. For they will take you under their wing and teach you and you will never be disrespected for asking a sincere question. Well, I'm probably older than 99% of you, but I don't know the answer to the question I asked. I really thought I would receive a straight answer and not be criticised for asking - a sincere question from those who should know. I guess I should have simply stuck with asking old people instead of those who should know the answers to those questions.
I’m sorry that we misunderstood your other post so badly, you do come on kinda strong and it looked to be possibly cynical.

I would suggest starting a women’s Bible study, something along the lines of Women in the OT. Kinda come in sideways to the idea that many of them had sister wives.
Don’t get too blatant about it, just enjoy your time teaching them even if non of them bite. You will, at least, be putting the truth out there.

These posts could probably be moved to the singles discussion.
If somebody says science and religion are enemies, send him this:

Basically, scholars in religious time were obsessed with reason: philosophy, science and logic.
How bad is this hurricane actually meant to be? I'm seeing a lot of big scary words being used, but they like to say stuff like that to make you think things are worse because of 'climate change'.
Is anyone here concerned at all? How about all our Florida people, @nathan and @julieb especially?
How bad is this hurricane actually meant to be? I'm seeing a lot of big scary words being used, but they like to say stuff like that to make you think things are worse because of 'climate change'.
Is anyone here concerned at all? How about all our Florida people, @nathan and @julieb especially?
We were out of power most of the day. It's come on and off twice and thank God it's back on. The waffle houses are still open down here east of Tampa. Downtown Tampa is flooding but that's no real loss, might even clean up a little.

I pray the pan handle folks fair well.
I agree. Could one of the Mods create a thread for this? It shouldn't be here in the Random Comments thread.

Random Comments are whatever anyone wants to post. That said, I agree that the topic you're responding to is worthy of its own discussion space. ;)
Just a bunch of branches down here. Some power flickers. All good. I know some others who are still without power. But not much damage outside the path in North Florida.

Thank God this was not the Climate Apocalypse!!! the idiots on the news kept predicting. Glad you and and your family are safe! :)