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Meat Sexual Duties & Children

Juice fasts are a good place to start. It challenges your self will, but in the end you feel amazing because of the strength of pushing past your cravings and your health has been ‘boosted’. Thyroid problems are the pits, so I’m told.
Edit: research and know what you’re doing before going on a fast.
Sugar and then chemicals for weight loss?
You trying to kill her?
She has difficulty with any kind of fasting. Our church had a 40 day period of fasting, and I chose one day of each week, while she chose a different day. I had no difficulty with it whatsoever, except that I had to switch it up one week, because of a choir/orchestra banquet, (right before I got expelled, mind you) that fell on my day. She couldn't do a full day of fasting. It was really rough on her.

Get that garbage out of your lives, it is anti-health and your wife is suffering while you encourage her to poison herself.
If Yah didn’t make it, it doesn’t belong inside of your body.
Sugar and then chemicals for weight loss?
You trying to kill her?
Look! She hates her addiction to sugar, but it is an addiction like any other addiction. As far as chemicals, we are all comprised of chemicals, and everything we eat, is comprised of chemicals. The hormones in our bodies are, wait for it, wait for it,....chemicals. Tylenol is made with chemicals. Midol, is a must for someone who is not post menopausal, who has as low of a pain threshold as she does! Chemicals are everywhere! You just gotta know which ones are good for you, and which ones are harmful. She has to have the thyroid medication, or she could die, at least according to the first doctor that prescribed it for her.

I ain't tryin' to kill nobody. If I wanted to kill her, all I would have to do, is say enough negative things to her, to drive her over the edge, and she would kill herself. Thyroid problems lead to severe depression and thoughts of suicide, and believe me, she has told me that she has thought about it, numerous times!

Get that garbage out of your lives, it is anti-health and your wife is suffering while you encourage her to poison herself.
NO! I am not encouraging her to eat that stuff! I don't have enough control over her yet, to stop her from doing that to herself, but the phentermine is quite effective!
If Yah didn’t make it, it doesn’t belong inside of your body.
Most of those chemicals, God did in fact make, but they need to be extracted, like that Armor Thyroid medication comes from desiccated pigs thyroid.
OK, well in the context of @Cap 's question, would you struggle to enjoy him, if he had a major accident or surgery, or perhaps his face was scarred for life?

I wouldn't love him any less but it would be hard otherwise. But as other women have stated. You can still get going and have good sex. And frankly something like that takes getting used to whether it happens to a man or a woman.
I don’t have time to educate you, but get rid of all processed sweeteners and start studying healthy eating.
Addictions are simply problems to work out.

Your statements on chemicals are not logical. As a man who spent literally years detoxifying, they are ludicrous.
Sorry to be so cryptic, but I just don’t have the time.
I don’t have time to educate you, but get rid of all processed sweeteners and start studying healthy eating.
Addictions are simply problems to work out.

Your statements on chemicals are not logical. As a man who spent literally years detoxifying, they are ludicrous.
OK, pardon me for being incensed at your remarks, but in all the time I have argued in favor of polygamy, and all the enemies I have made in the process of doing so, NOT ONE of them has EVER accused me of trying to kill my wife!

I would NEVER try to kill anyone who was not a threat to me or the ones whom I care about, much less my wife, whom I just celebrated 18 years of marriage to this past Sunday! I couldn't live with myself, if I were to do that, even if I could get away with it, my conscience wouldn't let me. In addition, imagine trying to marry another woman, with that on your resume! Sure! Marry me, and you might end up like my first wife, may she rest in peace! That would go over like a pregnant pole-vaulter!

I like sugars and sweet tea. We are not all going to live forever, you know! I'm not worried about hitting 80 or 90, and not being able to make it to 100, because I enjoyed sugar in my tea. I don't do Sweet N Low, or Equal or those other fake sugars, and neither does she, but I won't have someone dictating to my family their personal lifestyle preferences! I took chemistry 101. For crying out loud, the protein molecules that make up our cells, are collections of chemicals! You gotta know the difference between harmful chemicals and potentially beneficial ones. Sure! If you smoke cigarettes, you are likely to develop lung cancer or emphysema!! Got it! We are good there!

Quite frankly, I could care less how many years you spent detoxifying! My wife has done those detox fads! How many studies have been done on them? With medications, they go through rigorous testing, with subjects who volunteer themselves in trade for financial compensation, taking those risks on themselves, while others get the placebo, in order to be evaluated. Most doctors would recommend to my wife that she stay on the Levothyroxine, which is not as natural as the Armor stuff, so OK, I could say, "trust the doctors", but I don't, and believe me, that stuff is more expensive than the Levothyroxine. Phentermine works, whether it is natural or not, and the alternatives have not, and the real inherent danger of what could happen if she doesn't keep her appetite in check is far greater than if she takes them IMHO. That's all I'm going to say about that! If you think she shouldn't be taking Midol during that time of the month, just keep it to yourself. Your wife might have a higher pain threshold than mine. So be it! I have to do what I think is best for her. Headaches get in the way of her conducting day to day affairs, and if she doesn't take Tylenol in time, it just gets worse. I don't know of any evidence to suggest that getting off those pills will clear up her thyroid. If I did, I would tell her to deal with the pain. I am not one to let her suffer needlessly though. Good luck to you in your toxin free world! I hope you live a long and prosperous life!
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I wouldn't love him any less but it would be hard otherwise. But as other women have stated. You can still get going and have good sex. And frankly something like that takes getting used to whether it happens to a man or a woman.
But you acknowledge that it would be difficult. I'm sure it would be difficult for me as well. I don't like to deal in hypotheticals in the first place, but indeed that is a real possibility that we might one day face. There is a big difference though, in dealing with a situation brought on your spouse through outside events beyond their control, and dealing with a situation that they brought onto themselves through their own lack of self-restraint!
I will respond when I have time.
Wear that shoe on your foot, and ask yourself how you would feel about someone accusing you of trying to kill your wife!
For cryin' out loud, I thought the hostility was bad enough with the anti-poly crowd!
Why wouldn't you suggest that perhaps Steve overreacted even just a tiny little bit? Funny it is, how you were silent about that!