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Meat Sexual Duties & Children

If you understood the context of verse 2, you would understand that the church at Corinth wanted to know whether they should marry or remain celibate

I'm getting tired of your condescending tone. Don't just tell me, bring me Bible verses that say that. Once again you can't throw a verse at me and expect me to understand your interpretation of it. But moving forward, if that is the context what point are you trying to make with it? Paul has previously said it's best to be celibate but not all can do it so if you must marry then marry. Here he is saying stick to those you've married? So what was your point this isn't a command? I have no idea what you are saying ... probably because you aren't saying much, just throwing verses at me and saying I don't understand the context..

Yup! Exactly! The point of that passage is that you don't need another man's wife. It is NOT a mandate of any form to enjoy what you have, and that is what our anti-poly friends like to invoke all the time. If it were, that would be the only proof they would need, that we only need one wife.

Okay I am not anti poly so I'm not thinking in those boxes. One wife or more, a man needs to be satisfied with what he's been given. Remember Paul? Content in all things. This is not about if being satisfied means only having one wife, it's about if she needs to look certain ways for him to be satisfied. A man can be satisfied with his first wife and take more wives.
It is an example of what CAN happen when you are dishonest in marriage. I'm glad to see that you finally recognize the importance of HONESTY when it comes to physical appearances.
And the honest truth of it is he wasn't a man. It's not that her appearance mattered. It was that he wasn't a man. He was weak where he should have been strong. And man, I am so sad for them.

Again, I must point out that the "weak-willed" argument, is totally fallacious!
A man who is a coward, lier, and abandons his wife over weight gain is weak willed. Fallacious means mistaken belief, show me scripture to change my mind on it being mistaken. The Lord called it treacherous for husband's to mistreat their wives. Which means:
Strong’s Definitions
בָּגַד bâgad, baw-gad'; a primitive root; to cover (with a garment); figuratively, to act covertly; by implication, to pillage:—deal deceitfully (treacherously, unfaithfully), offend, transgress(-or), (depart), treacherous (dealer, -ly, man), unfaithful(-ly, man), × very.
So I think weak willed is okay. If he had strong will he would not have dealt treacherously with his wife.
I would like you to expound more. I'm not seeing the correlation between women's desire for her husband, her duty to submit, his to love her and his duty to be satisfied. And I'm not sure what balance you are referring to, so I can't really think it over without more details. :)
My bad.
The balance that was going through my mind was that God addresses women to make sure she desires her husband. Kinda keeping our eyes on our priorities, because He knew (IMO) some women would be drawn away by a better looking/acting or younger male. But that man wasn’t for her, she was to keep her husband as her desire, as her priority, not another man.
For the man he’s told to be satisfied with the wife/wives he has.
I’m coming from the standpoint that Words to live by are often given to create a’ decently and in an order’ (generation , family or )group of people to keep from chaos, sin and keeping our focus on serving Christ and others, not our sinful flesh . The balance- is a type of boundary to keep sin out of the camp, so to speak.
I’m not good at articulating my thoughts. So, I apologize for not being any clearer. This is all my opinion/thoughts.
On another note. Knowing my husband is satisfied with me has caused my desire for him in a way that I can’t think anything else would produce. It’s caused me to be more attracted to him and just enjoy being one. Sure I need improvement, but I don’t think it would change his satisfaction for me. I’m thinking it’s helped me progress towards being submissive and be accepting of PM, But that’s my opinion.
I'm getting tired of your condescending tone. Don't just tell me, bring me Bible verses that say that. Once again you can't throw a verse at me and expect me to understand your interpretation of it. But moving forward, if that is the context what point are you trying to make with it? Paul has previously said it's best to be celibate but not all can do it so if you must marry then marry. Here he is saying stick to those you've married? So what was your point this isn't a command? I have no idea what you are saying ... probably because you aren't saying much, just throwing verses at me and saying I don't understand the context..

I am sorry but I am going to have to get really condescending to you on this one, and I'm not trying to, but you are WAAAYYY off base on I Cor 7:2. It is the same mistake our anti-poly friends make when approaching verse 2. The following links should help:
From greekbible.com I Cor 7:1: Περὶ δὲ ὧν ἐγράψατε, καλὸν ἀνθρώπῳ γυναικὸς μὴ ἅπτεσθαι:

It is good not to be fastened to a woman. Many translations use the lesser form of the word ἅπτεσθαι, to mean "not to touch" a woman, but the more accurate translation, which best fits the context, is "to not marry". Paul was saying, and I am paraphrasing here, that it is good to not marry, BUT since you are tempted to commit fornication, go ahead and get married, so that you will have someone that you can have sexual relations with, without committing fornication. It is the same thing where he talks about whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, etc. in Philippians. People beat themselves up because they had an impure thought, when Paul isn't saying that it is sinful to think other than the way he thinks! He goes on to say that you should do these things, and that the God of peace will be with you! Now if you think impure thoughts, it can lead to impure actions, and we should be cautious about that, but those actions are what is considered sinful, whereas by thinking pure thoughts, we will avoid those actions. Likewise, by marrying a woman, you will have less temptation to commit fornication. In that same way, Solomon is advising his son, to enjoy his wife, rather than falling into the snare of the seductive adulterous woman.
My bad.
The balance that was going through my mind was that God addresses women to make sure she desires her husband. Kinda keeping our eyes on our priorities, because He knew (IMO) some women would be drawn away by a better looking/acting or younger male. But that man wasn’t for her, she was to keep her husband as her desire, as her priority, not another man.
For the man he’s told to be satisfied with the wife/wives he has.
I’m coming from the standpoint that Words to live by are often given to create a’ decently and in an order’ (generation , family or )group of people to keep from chaos, sin and keeping our focus on serving Christ and others, not our sinful flesh . The balance- is a type of boundary to keep sin out of the camp, so to speak.
I’m not good at articulating my thoughts. So, I apologize for not being any clearer. This is all my opinion/thoughts.
On another note. Knowing my husband is satisfied with me has caused my desire for him in a way that I can’t think anything else would produce. It’s caused me to be more attracted to him and just enjoy being one. Sure I need improvement, but I don’t think it would change his satisfaction for me. I’m thinking it’s helped me progress towards being submissive and be accepting of PM, But that’s my opinion.

Thank you so much! I really enjoyed hearing what you said. I don't think I've heard that part about the woman's desire being explained like that before and it's interesting, I'll have to stew on that. I've mostly heard of it like her desire is for being her husband (like having his authority) but he will rule over her (so therefore submit.) There is an interesting balance to be considered there if both parties are told to have desire and be satisfied. And like you said, if both are acting that way, how could they not feel more of a 'one' together? :)
Not nearly to the degree that men are.
I think you think you know how women think. I am far more attracted to my husband when he's in shape than not. I actually struggled the one time he shaved his beard off. I survived. Women are carnal as well. Soft and pudgy is not my thing or skinny and weak. Women have standards as well and to assume we don't or less so is laughable.
Okay I am not anti poly so I'm not thinking in those boxes. One wife or more, a man needs to be satisfied with what he's been given. Remember Paul? Content in all things. This is not about if being satisfied means only having one wife, it's about if she needs to look certain ways for him to be satisfied. A man can be satisfied with his first wife and take more wives.
The context of what Paul said with regard to contentment, had to do with material needs.
I highly recommend phentermine.

Edit: I also admire @Isaac 's willingness to take personal responsibility for not leading.
Emphatic NO taking a drug to help lose weight is obsessive and detrimental to mental health.
And the honest truth of it is he wasn't a man. It's not that her appearance mattered. It was that he wasn't a man. He was weak where he should have been strong. And man, I am so sad for them.
Again, you are employing the "weak-willed man" argument. That is a form of the "No True Scotsman" Fallacy.

A man who is a coward, lier, and abandons his wife over weight gain is weak willed. Fallacious means mistaken belief, show me scripture to change my mind on it being mistaken. The Lord called it treacherous for husband's to mistreat their wives. Which means:
Strong’s Definitions
בָּגַד bâgad, baw-gad'; a primitive root; to cover (with a garment); figuratively, to act covertly; by implication, to pillage:—deal deceitfully (treacherously, unfaithfully), offend, transgress(-or), (depart), treacherous (dealer, -ly, man), unfaithful(-ly, man), × very.
So I think weak willed is okay. If he had strong will he would not have dealt treacherously with his wife.
I think we are in agreement that he should not have told her that he was OK with her ballooning up. Whew! Finally! Yes! A lot of men out there are too cowardly to admit that their wife's weight gain is unattractive, afraid of how their wife's feelings will be hurt. This man had a reason for not caring about his wife's physical appearance though, that went beyond whether he was attracted to her or not. He didn't care, because as long as he had a side chick, he was happy with that arrangement.
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Emphatic NO taking a drug to help lose weight is obsessive and detrimental to mental health.
Side effects:
  • itching;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • dry mouth, unpleasant taste;
  • diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain; or.
  • increased or decreased interest in sex.
I didn't see mental health in there at all! My wife is on Amour Thyroid, which is controversial, but she insists on taking that over Levothyroxine, after reading a bunch of books that have to do with Thyroid medication. She HAS to have thyroid medication. That is unavoidable. I took Accutane for several months to clear up my acne. I don't suffer from IBF or whatever that scare was! I was under the care of a doctor who checked my liver, to make sure everything was OK! OK, who really knows what drugs do what? We all think we know, and we do know that the drug companies hide side effects from us from time to time. It's a risk we take. My wife tried diet and exercise, but she didn't have the time or energy to stay on a regular exercise plan, and she didn't have the willpower to avoid excessive eating and consumption of junk foods. What is the alternative when you have tried everything else? We can't avoid every risk that is out there! She had tried phentermine before through Slim4Life, and it had positive effects. Now she goes to Medi Weight Loss, to get her prescriptions. It's easy to say, "Diet and Exercise", but sometimes, you just need help! I mean, we have stacks of those books, on which diet to get on, and how to prepare food, and none of that actually worked! If diet and exercise works for you, GREAT! I highly recommend phentermine, because I have seen how well it works, quite a few times, with my wife. As far as mental health is concerned, I can relay to you the Depression, anxiety and thoughts of suicide my wife has endured as a result of being overweight. Her mental health has drastically improved as a result of the weight she has lost, but it hurts to see how she regresses from time to time, when some of that weight starts to come back. If you can do it without the pills, more power to you! If you can't, there is help available, and it works!
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My bad.
The balance that was going through my mind was that God addresses women to make sure she desires her husband. Kinda keeping our eyes on our priorities, because He knew (IMO) some women would be drawn away by a better looking/acting or younger male. But that man wasn’t for her, she was to keep her husband as her desire, as her priority, not another man.
For the man he’s told to be satisfied with the wife/wives he has.
I’m coming from the standpoint that Words to live by are often given to create a’ decently and in an order’ (generation , family or )group of people to keep from chaos, sin and keeping our focus on serving Christ and others, not our sinful flesh . The balance- is a type of boundary to keep sin out of the camp, so to speak.
I’m not good at articulating my thoughts. So, I apologize for not being any clearer. This is all my opinion/thoughts.
On another note. Knowing my husband is satisfied with me has caused my desire for him in a way that I can’t think anything else would produce. It’s caused me to be more attracted to him and just enjoy being one. Sure I need improvement, but I don’t think it would change his satisfaction for me. I’m thinking it’s helped me progress towards being submissive and be accepting of PM, But that’s my opinion.
I think you hit the nail right on the head there. The man should be faithful to his wife even if he hates her, in the sense of Deut 21:15, but God has given women the desire to be loved by their husbands, which is why Paul instructs men to love their wives. As part of that love, he is to wash her with the Word, to make her holy, as Christ did for the church. Is excessive eating of garbage, something that someone who is holy would do? When you love someone, you have to let them know when there is something they are doing that displeases you. You can't just say, "Well, I have no standards, and whatever goes!" Sometimes Christ rebukes the church. That doesn't mean He doesn't love her any more!
Sorry to disappoint but no. I will no longer be in this conversation with Daniel. You crack me up though Isaac! I keep laughing yesterday over the popcorn one you posted. :)
Have a blessed day!
I think you think you know how women think. I am far more attracted to my husband when he's in shape than not. I actually struggled the one time he shaved his beard off. I survived. Women are carnal as well. Soft and pudgy is not my thing or skinny and weak. Women have standards as well and to assume we don't or less so is laughable.
OK, well in the context of @Cap 's question, would you struggle to enjoy him, if he had a major accident or surgery, or perhaps his face was scarred for life?