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So I'm Introducing Myself...

I'm basically with @The Revolting Man on this one. I know nothing about bears but I'd be going for the shortest 12G semi or pump that is legal where you are as backup, standard size magazine, loaded with slugs. Or even just a double barrel. If you have to use your backup against a charging bear you're going to have so little time you'll struggle to get off more than a couple of shots before it's on you anyway, so they need to be something that will count - but also from a small enough gun that you can actually get it on target in an awkward situation. I don't have any experience with large calibre handguns and appreciate they'd probably be a good option also, but you can't beat a 12G slug for stopping power at close range.

And I'd persuade @MemeFan to ditch the flamethrower and take a shotgun instead also! :)
See my reply to him rather than my repeating it and boring people.

I like a shotgun for that type of thing for backing up friends when I take them hog hunting. I also prefer a lot of ammunition left in the magazine after the shooting is done... the notion I was proposing is a comedic farse but the details I put in were intentional based on experience in hunts and people's real world accuracy under stress while being charged by huge scary hogs, much less our hair on fire godzilla of bears coming to eat you.
Pretty sure the flex is misplaced. I am simply going to disagree on every level. Based on experience.
Not with bears but with large groups of hogs (feral ones ladies, this is the sort of thing that happens in specific types of hunting, not abusing domesticated livestock).
A pistol is fine. I have an old s&w mod 29 .44 that would be the sort of thing you likely have in mind. It however is limited capacity and the point of the original gag was capacity and the notion of the sort of comedic behemoth behemoth that would withstand having all its hair burned off by a flamethrower, shrugged off 5 rounds of 30-06 while eating our memeing friend. Presuming that this was a real scenario and not silliness, I would want as high a capacity as is practical in a high caliber rifle round. Given my druthers it would be a bally BAR with a banana mag against a super bear. I am a hoss but I have never seen any man that can have a BAR hanging from their two point. So that is out. AR10? Maybe. Not encountered a shorty in the wild but I don't go to shows now days and I have not been looking...can build it obviously but that seems like an expensive proposition for one hunting trip I would think was zany to start. So, intermediate caliber that is already on hand and has the high capacity.

Re the only having FMJ...we have not had the opportunity to hang out to date but take my word for it...this is one of my nerd topics and a field I have worked in ie hunt guide as well as firearms instructor. If we get the opportunity to in the future and the topic comes up, I am a bit of a bore on it after a while... Now I am just a too busy to indulge hobbiest. So, if I were going hunting, I would take the annoyingly expensive actual hunting 7.62x39. Yeah I have way more FMJ than hunting ammo but you do more recreational shooting than hunting. Now I hunt to fill a freezer only. Would prefer to ring steel or punch paper.
Also, not a krinkov type of guy. Nothing that silly and gangstery. For context, I have never once in my life discharged a weapon sideways. I have however gone R Lee Ermy at volume on dumbasses at the range doing that kind of crap and bounced several for that sort of unsafe shenanigans.
Those are all unique choices for a hunting guide. As I’ve never been a guide I don’t have any experience with it. I know 7.62x39 though and there are far better option out there; especially if .30-06 has already failed.
They are 349 at palmetto state armory every two or three months. You let me know when you are in the area and we can go hunt bear.

You carry the flame thrower. I will back you up with a 30-06 AND my shorty AK on the sling.

Bears ain't problem. Real issues are equipment malfunction and burning whole forest down.

No bear will run straight into fire. To stop attack I just need to turn towards bear and press "fire".

In no flamethrower is allowed 😔, then .50 is my choice. Machine guy will stop godzilla if it can penetrate. @The Revolting Man, can man carry .50 or do I need something lighter?
Those are all unique choices for a hunting guide.

not what I would take for deer or pronghorn obviously.

in fact not what I have taken while being paid. All the hog hunts I have taken guys on have been extended friend groups of vets and non vet gun dorks.
Suppose I got paid in venison once when going with a friend on a game ranch doing pest control acting as backup to him in the event that it goes funny. Happily it didn't then.
My preference honestly for hogs is thermal on top of a bolt action. I have come entirely too close to getting my dumb ass stomped and gored while going with guys doing the stuff I consider idiocy, the hunting hogs with dogs...ugh
As I’ve never been a guide I don’t have any experience with it. I know 7.62x39 though and there are far better option out there; especially if .30-06 has already failed.
Insert shrug. The premise is that 30-06 has already failed to stop hair on fire demon bear still hungry after eating a memer, so not the most serious proposition.

Bears ain't problem. Real issues are equipment malfunction and burning whole forest down.

No bear will run straight into fire. To stop attack I just need to turn towards bear and press "fire".

In no flamethrower is allowed 😔, then .50 is my choice. Machine guy will stop godzilla if it can penetrate. @The Revolting Man, can man carry .50 or do I need something lighter?
That's the spirit!
You be brave and go right in.
.50 is honestly a bit heavy. Only ever fired the bolt version of the Barrett. It is not something you hump out to the shooting line out in the country. It is something that stays in the truck bed till you are set up near you bench.

Personally I would be happier back at camp round the fire making eyes at the single ladies
I just realized we are on @Ruth Elizabeth ’s introduction thread.
Lol...well, she should be aware that guys are a bunch of silly bastards who really will argue silly points like these over an adult beverage or in whatever proxy we have for hanging out.
Let her understand part of what sort of nonsense she is in for...at least she will go in eyes open to men's occasional foibles and shenanigans.

We should probably move it over to tinfoil where scenarios like Memer running from a bear and my dumb ass giggling as a fear response from 30 feet up in a tree is more appropriate topic.

Sorry @ruwe eill try to wipe our feet before we walk on your rug going forward :)

Bears ain't problem. Real issues are equipment malfunction and burning whole forest down.

No bear will run straight into fire. To stop attack I just need to turn towards bear and press "fire".

In no flamethrower is allowed 😔, then .50 is my choice. Machine guy will stop godzilla if it can penetrate. @The Revolting Man, can man carry .50 or do I need something lighter?
Most .50s are in the 25-30 pound range. They’ll get the job done though.
Is there a new law against derailments on Introduction threads? I didn't get the memo. :)
It’s in the new rule book that came out tomorrow.
I don't care it's been entertaining to say the least
Haha you’re a good sport
Lol...well, she should be aware that guys are a bunch of silly bastards who really will argue silly points like these over an adult beverage or in whatever proxy we have for hanging out.
Let her understand part of what sort of nonsense she is in for...at least she will go in eyes open to men's occasional foibles and shenanigans.

We should probably move it over to tinfoil where scenarios like Memer running from a bear and my dumb ass giggling as a fear response from 30 feet up in a tree is more appropriate topic.

Sorry @ruwe eill try to wipe our feet before we walk on your rug going forward :)
It’s definitely becoming more tinfoil hat by the second.
Personally I would be happier back at camp round the fire making eyes at the single ladies
We’ll have to arm wrestle over that spot.
That's the spirit!
You be brave and go right in.
.50 is honestly a bit heavy. Only ever fired the bolt version of the Barrett. It is not something you hump out to the shooting line out in the country. It is something that stays in the truck bed till you are set up near you bench.

Personally I would be happier back at camp round the fire making eyes at the single ladies
Desertion won't be allowed, soldier.

And we will follow first rule of Roman military discipline. All camp followers (read single ladies) are to be fired.

We can spend time with them after barbecuing some bears.

No distraction in fight.
Lol...well, she should be aware that guys are a bunch of silly bastards who really will argue silly points like these over an adult beverage or in whatever proxy we have for hanging out.
Let her understand part of what sort of nonsense she is in for...at least she will go in eyes open to men's occasional foibles and shenanigans....

Sorry @ruwe eill try to wipe our feet before we walk on your rug going forward :)
Ah again I really don't mind. 😊 It's quite entertaining
Maybe it's because I grew up in a large family with a large extended family but this kind of conversation doesn't seem all too unnatural
Desertion won't be allowed, soldier.

And we will follow first rule of Roman military discipline. All camp followers (read single ladies) are to be fired.

We can spend time with them after barbecuing some bears.

No distraction in fight.
Suits, me...I will strip, butcher and smoke the bear. After y'all kill it. In the meantime I will be pouring wine for the ladies in the kitchen. Find out who is most interested in learning some archaic skill sets and who can outrun me
I just can't believe it.

I just gave advice (flamethrower) and you let's use it for real. I brave one jump on board and you bug out.

I could understand if target was xenomorphs of Aliens fame, but large teddy bears?

Seems I will be only finishing with ladies since just one here has balls.
Loads of fortitude, just seen entirely too much of peripheral pop culture in the form of horror movies etc...apparently there are now cocaine bears out there...and you want to light it on fire. Gotta presume that will make it more than a little upset.

If you can get hold of the previously mentioned .50bmg then I eill happily contribute my thermal scope. Can sit off at a mile and try to shoot the massive great hot spot as it chases the smaller hot spot running for its life