• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.


Sure. Musical notation.

Plural Marriage -- give it a REST already. It is NATURAL and the arguments are FLAT.

It also contains a second level veiled insult to the arguments, for hitting a note "flat" from where it is supposed to be is the mark of an unskilled amateur. Which (with apologies to anyone who feels insulted) pretty well describes ... well anyway. :p
CecilW said:
Sure. Musical notation.

Plural Marriage -- give it a REST already. It is NATURAL and the arguments are FLAT.

It also contains a second level veiled insult to the arguments, for hitting a note "flat" from where it is supposed to be is the mark of an unskilled amateur. Which (with apologies to anyone who feels insulted) pretty well describes ... well anyway. :p

All RIGHT! Thanks for that one, Cecil. :oops:

I hafta admit, once I concluded that the first line looked like,
"Give it a Percent..."

The Rest didn't make any sense to me either... (Sorry, I think. :p )
LOL. Ok. Maybe Sir BumbleBerry tried a bit too hard with the musical notation one. Out-clevered himself.
I'm not much of a fan of the girl symbols. The guy ones make sense, but the girls... are they carrying their cross, or using it to soak up their "monthly issues", or what?
Check the geography of the anatomy. So positioned as to interact receptively with the male.

Or maybe it is related to the famous children's song "Little Bo-Jangles" (occasionally misrepresented by the militant feminist crowd as "Little Bo-Peep") :lol:

"Little Bo-Jangles has lost his harem,
and can't tell where to fiiiiiind them.
Leave them alone and they'll come home,
Dragging their crosses behiiiind them."

Sorry. Couldn't resist. Now retreating to DQ for a Banana-Mint Blizzard!
Sir BumbleBerry the Tongue Twisted
Okay, a banana blizzard I can relate to. And a mint blizzard. But banana and mint together, ewwwww!

Anyway, I changed my browser so that I could see all the pictures (very creative) and now the whole thing is weird. This will take some getting used to.

I think maybe the musical ones might be a bit over the top. I mean, polygyny cool is good. Christian polygyny is good. But can you imagine how few Christian polgynists there are that know what those symbols mean?

Anyway, good thoughts everyone.

OK, back to the shirts. I am down to the Nathan suggestion for me, but I can't figure one for DeeAnn. I might go with the "my husband's" by Cecil for her. Or maybe a "don't worry about it, I wanted to marry him, too!" type of thing.

Actually , she deserves the "I am known in the gates" one for me to wear in honor of her. The above rubies is too played out.
pretty good, cec
yer just a lil over most of our haids with that music thang
hows about Her sisters also rise up and call her blessed

but not blatantly poly
Actually, steve, not bad. However your post on another thread gave me an idea.

"Single and Looking?
Grab a Hem! Isaiah 4:1

it could be expanded a little,

"Single and Looking?
See him,
Grab his hem,
It's ok with Him.
Isaiah 4:1"

Something like that.

Or, for bryce, cause of the name thing,

"Single and looking?
Grab a hem, it's alright with Hashem!
Isaiah 4:1,Exodus 21:10"

I actually really like that, it might make it onto a tshirt.
Paul not the apostle said:
"Single and Looking? Grab a Hem! Isaiah 4:1"

I love this one. So much so that I just had to text it to a single friend who knows our beliefs, doesn't care, and isn't interested for herself. But is definitely looking.

Response? "I LOVE it!"

I think that this one might be a serious keeper.

Here's another idea. Perhaps supplemental. I might start experimenting with it.

How about if we make up one or more business card document(s) that can be printed on standard business card stock, both sides, the stuff you get at Office Depot? It would have a brief, eye catching few phrases, maybe something along the lines of one of the longer suggestions earlier on this thread, with the http://www.biblicalfamilies.org deal across the bottom. Something like, "For more information, check out ..."

It would be something any of us could then easily print out and pass out when a t-shirt or other happenstance sparked a conversation and interest.

Hmmm. A brochure? Under windshields in parking lots? Ooooh, and church parking lots on Sunday mornings? And at busy intersections during rush hour? Are you ready for this, Nathan, Doc, and Todd? LOL
New t-shirt idea: This with one of the PM symbols to the left. ...

"Gay marriage. Ho-hum!
Biblical Plural Marriage."
Business card idea: Interlocked PM symbol or the BF logo used as an avatar on BF Staff posts to the left ...

"Plural Marriage --
The Bible is FULL of it, and
It's coming BA-A-ACK!

For more information explore
http://www.biblicalfamilies.org "

On the back, something like ...

"In a time of unprecedented loneliness, rejection,
involuntary singleness, unequal ratios of men to
women, functional fatherlessness, broken hearts
and broken homes, perhaps we should reconsider
the Biblical model for families, in which everyone
could be married and live their lives within a family.
Interested? http://www.biblicalfamilies.org"