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2019 Summer Conference and Family Retreat (late July)

We’re thinking of you all and wishing we were there.
Your absence is felt by me every hour, Zec. I've had many moments during which I could have used some combination of your support, humor or surprising wisdom.
For everyone who wasn’t able to make it this retreat, you missed a great retreat. This has been the best one I’ve been to.

Yes, you were definitely missed and hopefully you’ll be able to make it to the next one.

Please, Pray for safe travels for those on the road now and those that will be traveling later this evening and tomorrow
The black Suburbans were so well hidden that almost no one saw them.
Wow! What a great weekend... ended much too soon. Been processing and discussing on the road home. Bedding down in Memphis now with nine more hours tomorrow.
There is no limit to God. I believe things will keep getting better and better as long as we keep following him. Thank you for every one at the retreat. For me it is a time of reflection and learning. I always learn something new
I trust you will be blogging some thoughts in the near future?
Home now. Loooong drive, but lots of lime to think.

No direct blog posts concerning the retreat, however many blogs will be influenced by the things learned and experienced at the retreat....
Well, it was the first retreat for us as a family, and I believe everyone enjoyed it and wants to do it again.
The kind of fellowship experienced at retreats is not typical and far exceeds the kind of fickle "faux fellowship" of most churches that require adherence to their doctrinal statement.
It was great to meet so many new people, and to see respectful young people being raised in strong families.
We are on the road home now, and words just aren't going to do justice to the experience. I cannot believe how fast the time went.....and I'm already looking forward to next time.
A big thank you to everyone who planned, prepared, and made the retreat possible.
You can tell people are believers by the love....and this group shows love in everything they do.
We were blessed.