• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Let's make some pro PATRIARCHY memes!!

What if the way they display themselves is a reaction to the way the world has treated them because they don't fit a pattern that is accepted and so they rebel. Doesn't this not display their heart and do you think God has compassion for them, should we? Maybe they are really only looking to be genuinely loved?
I actually believe some women are wired to be plural wives. They have the desire and ability to build relationships with women, and experience a sort of fulfillment in doing so. The problem is that in this modern western world everything is overly sexualized and most are completely unaware that polygyny is a viable option. This results in this sort of woman easily getting pushed into a lesbian box. It doesn't help that many men aren't manly, and any disgust or bad experiences with a modern male are likely going to confirm that lesbian idea in her mind.
The other bad factor is that a woman that is on good terms with women, or open to polygyny is going to have the other sort of woman thinking she must be lesbian, then those good Christians will shun her to some degree because of their own feelings on the matter and their misinterpretation of Roman's 1:26.

I believe I am such a woman. I am straight but would very much like a sisterwife. Even my sister in laws assumed years ago that my reasons must be related to bisexuality.
I had many life factors that could have resulted in me ending up in that rainbow box. There but for His grace go I. I do have compassion on those women who have lost touch with their created purpose and nature.
What if the way they display themselves is a reaction to the way the world has treated them because they don't fit a pattern that is accepted and so they rebel. Doesn't this not display their heart and do you think God has compassion for them, should we? Maybe they are really only looking to be genuinely loved?

In my experience when you listen to people like those pictured you find out that it does indeed display their heart. And it isn't good.

Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled memes...


h/t to my prolific friend Anonymous

These are patriarchy memes because patriarchy glorifies motherhood. It is the first, highest and best calling of all women. It is feminist equality that hates motherhood and does everything it can to kill it (literally).
Why you should post Patriarchy memes:
  • Biblical Families aren't just about multiple wives, they're about the proper order withing marriage. And most Christians get that wrong.
  • One of the biggest, and root, objections to poly is that it unequal. Patriarchal memes strike that root.
  • Patriarchy lays the groundwork for poly without getting you shunned for bringing up poly.
  • A lot of people think they support patriarchy, but don't really. Fixing that greases the skids for polygamy memes later.
  • Convincing your fellow church members to embrace real patriarchy will effectively sort out the sheep from the goats and gain you allies while being on culturally more defensible ground.
  • Doing so will help turn back the tide of feminism that is destroying our society; which is at the root of our downfall.
  • Memes spread by the power of a thousand shares and likes. Viral democracy at it's finest. Every share helps.
  • Because the left can't do memes or humor. It's time for the right to embrace it's artistic side.

Where you should post Patriarchy memes:
  • On your social media
  • Church bulletin boards
  • In your church's paper bulletin or email list
  • On public signs/lampposts/bridges
  • Everywhere
Well said! You very well could add in, that getting your wife to accept polygamy without understanding patriarchy, is a futile and pointless exercise.
View attachment 1412

These are patriarchy memes because patriarchy glorifies motherhood. It is the first, highest and best calling of all women. It is feminist equality that hates motherhood and does everything it can to kill it (literally).
I just shared this one on Facebook and your quote. I gave credit to RF from Biblical family.
Y'all are going to get me in trouble on Facebook, giving me all these good memes to share.
Why you should post Patriarchy memes:
  • Biblical Families aren't just about multiple wives, they're about the proper order withing marriage. And most Christians get that wrong.
  • One of the biggest, and root, objections to poly is that it unequal. Patriarchal memes strike that root.
  • Patriarchy lays the groundwork for poly without getting you shunned for bringing up poly.
  • A lot of people think they support patriarchy, but don't really. Fixing that greases the skids for polygamy memes later.
  • Convincing your fellow church members to embrace real patriarchy will effectively sort out the sheep from the goats and gain you allies while being on culturally more defensible ground.
  • Doing so will help turn back the tide of feminism that is destroying our society; which is at the root of our downfall.
  • Memes spread by the power of a thousand shares and likes. Viral democracy at it's finest. Every share helps.
  • Because the left can't do memes or humor. It's time for the right to embrace it's artistic side.

Where you should post Patriarchy memes:
  • On your social media
  • Church bulletin boards
  • In your church's paper bulletin or email list
  • On public signs/lampposts/bridges
  • Everywhere
Recently I have crossed paths with several examples from the "some people think they support patriarchy" camp. A few of them are even from my own fellowship. Some of the women make a big issue of covering their hair/head and saying they are submissive, but it becomes obvious that they are spiritually leading their families and making most of the decisions regarding day to day family life. Some are just plainly bossy...
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