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Let's make some pro PATRIARCHY memes!!

The meme that keeps on giving...


I don't want to know if one of you gents did this, but if you did, good job!


Austin, Texas! I wish it was me, or at least I wish I knew who did it!

These are less memes as out and out propaganda messages. Churchianity is full to the gills with soft, unassuming, weak, nice, pushover 'men'; and it's because of propoganda aimed at men which emasculates them and trains them to effectively assume the role and posture women are supposed to have. They could use a shot of testosterone and kick in the pants.
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These are less memes as out and out propaganda messages. Churchianity is full to the gills with soft, unassuming, weak, nice, pushover 'men'; and it's because of propoganda aimed at men which emasculates them and trains them to effectively assume the role and posture women are supposed to have. They could use a shot of testosterone and kick in the pants.

Like this:

Let’s not join Adam in blaming the woman.