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Let's make some pro PATRIARCHY memes!!

Why why did I look at this it can’t be unseen why dear lord did I click on the final page first
The only way to get those images out of your head, is to find pictures of a beautiful woman or two.
Good sir I have two beautiful ladies currently in my home ones my lovely wife the other is not and needed a place to stay. But even that can’t make you un-see that just saying
Sure, but it can help you forget about it. It's the only remedy I know of. Yeah, those images made me want to throw up in my mouth, but nothing will EVER surpass the time I took a shortcut through one of my Alma Mater's campus buildings, when they were holding a "Homage" event. They looked at me like I was weird, and I looked at them, because they WERE weird. Yup, every time that comes to mind I gotta find some nice images to replace it with.
Thanks for the reminder @Robhar

@Daniel DeLuca Love the car veering meme, that ones awesome.

But even that can’t make you un-see that just saying

It is easy to think about the wolf in sheeps clothing of feminism and only see the pretty wool and ignore the ugly truth underneath. Then our niceness impulse wants us to support that over that jerk patriarchy.

But I'll be kind, here's some boobies to help take you mind off of it...

I'm just trying not to lust after another man's wives! LOL. I guess that is why King Solomon wrote Proverbs 5, eh!
Ugh! I need to go pull up some more lovely pictures! Get that image out of my mind!