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Let's make some pro PATRIARCHY memes!!

$225 for snip, snip

$7,000 for reconnect

Of course, those aren’t current figures.
I chatted with a stranger once who's daughter was named Grace because she was conceived due to a failed vasectomy. The dad went to the Dr for a re do. I remember thinking he must trust his wife....I wonder if the Dr trusted her too, or did tests somehow to verify the failure. I think some men might like the idea because they don't have to worry about getting anyone else pregnant either should they choose to go through the motions of sowing wild oats.
What's enlightening about living today is we can look back at the propoganda (pro and con) on women's suffrage and see that those opposed were correct about the consequences and those for hopelessly wrong. Memes from before the digital age...


80% of voting age women married? Well in some cases they couldn't fathom how bad it would get.


The role reversals, the dominance over men, old maids, they saw it all coming as a consequence of women's voting.

manhatefromthebeginning.jpg feminism-abortion.jpg
I was just struck by how much the Libertarian ideas that we hold today, originated with Rose Lane and with Ayn Rand.
I was just struck by how much the Libertarian ideas that we hold today, originated with Rose Lane and with Ayn Rand.

Some years ago when we were young Christians and first turning away from equality towards patriarchy @Foxlily read the Little House books and was struck by how feminist they were; the works were shot through with it. She missed noticing radical individualism woven through it though. Homesteading was very much a community, not individualistic, endeavor.

I found it interesting how well Rose's life follows what we've now come to recognize as the feminist life playbook. And if you know what to look for, you can see marks of the deep state too.
I really like this thread. Its a helpful reminder of my place in life when I start my day. Hope the memes keep coming.