• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Let's make some pro PATRIARCHY memes!!

That is the subculture that does it consciously, embracing it. But many many Christians do it unconsciously or implicitly and standard Christian teaching on marriage is a form of wife worship.
My wife has told me many times that she is afraid of me, and for many years I was puzzled by that expression, until it dawned on me that what she really meant, was that she feels vulnerable with me. English is not her first language, so while she is fluent in it, sometimes when there is a figure of speech, it comes out different in one language than it does in another. For instance, you wouldn't tell someone that they are being silly in her language, because the only word they have for that, is a word that means "stupid". Any way, "vulnerable" is a much better choice of words to use to express how she feels, for obvious reasons.
My wife has told me many times that she is afraid of me, and for many years I was puzzled by that expression, until it dawned on me that what she really meant, was that she feels vulnerable with me. English is not her first language, so while she is fluent in it, sometimes when there is a figure of speech, it comes out different in one language than it does in another. For instance, you wouldn't tell someone that they are being silly in her language, because the only word they have for that, is a word that means "stupid". Any way, "vulnerable" is a much better choice of words to use to express how she feels, for obvious reasons.

Yes women love it when they feel small/vulnerable in comparison to a man. Just like men love breasts (proxy for ability to feed children) women love strong scary men (proxy for ability to protect her children). Just like women prefer men who are taller and stronger than them and deride those who aren't. If you don't inspire fear in her, how will you be able to inspire it in those who would harm her?

I'm circling around an idea with these memes; haven't quite found out to meme it perfectly yet. @Foxlily once remarked she at once feared me and felt safe in my arms (she says this with a lovey look in her eyes). A paradox, but a very real one. Hence the pictures of children in soldiers arms...very dangerous, yet they feel safe. I don't think much of JBP but he put it well....


That's actually from a discussion where he was talking about Biblical meekness when he discovered the real meaning of it. It might have been him who observed that men who push niceness as a virtue often do so to cover for weakness.

Men who look like that meme are very attractive to women. But they also unavoidably inspire fear because women feel weak and vulnerable in their presence.

This is the problem the American church has today. They tell men it's wrong to have sex before/outside of marriage and then when it doesn't show up in marriage that it's wrong to expect it in marriage too. It's a catch-22 which leaves no place for men in the church.
@Jerem320, I have deleted your last three posts for the simple reason that if the only posts someone has ever made on here are advertising something they want to sell to make money, I assume they are a spammer. Under normal circumstances a spammer would be banned on the spot, but given the seriousness of the topics of your T-shirts, and the fact that you signed up some days before posting, I think there is a chance that you might be a serious person who actually wishes to discuss Christianity and plural marriage on this forum, not just the average spammer (we've had people try to sell kitchens here, your T-shirt advertising was at least on topic!). So you're welcome to stick around and discuss things with us, we'd love to get to know you. But don't start by trying to sell us stuff.