• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Let's make some pro PATRIARCHY memes!!

Some years ago when we were young Christians and first turning away from equality towards patriarchy @Foxlily read the Little House books and was struck by how feminist they were; the works were shot through with it. She missed noticing radical individualism woven through it though. Homesteading was very much a community, not individualistic, endeavor.

I found it interesting how well Rose's life follows what we've now come to recognize as the feminist life playbook. And if you know what to look for, you can see marks of the deep state too.
Interestingly enough, I was reading an article online about the Myth of the Robber Baron's. The author, Burt Folsom, brings up the fact that the Homesteading Act hurt the farmers, because it lead to more people producing the same resources. I recall how the Little House series talks first about Charles Ingalls getting a homestead, and later about Almonzo Wilder doing the same. It worked out well for Charles, Laura's father, because he had a trade, and was able to work for the railroad, whereas, the Wilders struggled mightily with crop failures, and more debt. The "Happy Golden Years" book, portrays this in a positive light, because Laura didn't want to be a farmer's wife, so failure, meant that she was ultimately able to do what she really wanted, namely teaching. That wiki article reveals the sad reality, that their only child they were able to rear to adulthood, was never able to have any children of her own.
the Homesteading Act hurt the farmers, because it lead to more people producing the same resources

That's an issue of overproduction saturating the market; it's a problem in economics whenever you have an expansion and a perennial problem in agriculture due to weather causing periodic surpluses. Homestead act was a good thing. Though there were some problems with overproduction due to inexperience with the climate leading to growing things places they shouldn't have and with failing farms due to the act not adjusting to allow larger farms as the frontier moved west to drier areas. A lot of the expansion was pushed by railroads who wanted easy commodities to ship east so they never developed a mixed economy. And a lot of farmers over extended themselves with debt.

the Wilders struggled mightily with crop failures, and more debt.

I don't recall the books but in general that is a problem with beginning farms; they don't have the experience and the built infrastructure and savings to weather the inevitable failures. Even if you do everything perfect, the weather intervenes.
I don't recall the books but in general that is a problem with beginning farms; they don't have the experience and the built infrastructure and savings to weather the inevitable failures. Even if you do everything perfect, the weather intervenes
I guess that Bloomberg wasn’t available.
From 113restoration.com 's meme page...


This one deserves some backstory...

As funerals go, supergran Beryl O’Flynn’s was clearly very well attended…

The 87-year-old, who leaves behind 13 children and a further 130 grandchildren, great grandkids, and great-great grandchildren was seen off by around 600 friends and family.

Son Brian Curtis, 64, said: “She was a legend. Everyone has their own little stories about her, she was the stuff of folklore.
@PeteR, that second "worshipping your wife" image states very clearly (bottom right) that the book is available for digital download from 113Restoration.com. Initially I thought you must have actually published a satirical take on the subject and put it up at your website, until I found it was a real book! You might want to remove the final wording of the screenshot to reduce the confusion.
@PeteR, that second "worshipping your wife" image states very clearly (bottom right) that the book is available for digital download from 113Restoration.com. Initially I thought you must have actually published a satirical take on the subject and put it up at your website, until I found it was a real book! You might want to remove the final wording of the screenshot to reduce the confusion.
Thanks!! Good eye. I think I have it fixed here and on our blog.

Whew!! :)
Ya still confusing. I couldn't find it on your website and then searched and found it on Amazon. Didn't see Samuel's comment until after that.

Clearly I'm not pessimistic enough; I didn't expect to see so much open advocacy of wife worship.


So much for equality.

BTW, Christianity won't be insulated from such open advocacy; the oldest versions of the Book of Common Prayer marriage vows had the groom vowing to worship her and the temptation to this is as old as Adam.
That’s a real book!?!?!?
Well, I thought it was a good retort when Pastor Dowell told Pastor Roberts that he was engaging in "wife worship", but I never knew there really was such a thing. I now see, from following those links, that apparently, it is real! Real sad that is.