• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Let's make some pro PATRIARCHY memes!!

OK. I just thought hey, my T-shirts fit right in with this topic. But apparently posting links to them was a bridge too far. I stand corrected.
Love the meme but lets even this up a bit. Being a good wife is as easy as 1.2.3 respect, sex and food. Being the husband a girl would want is as easy as 1.2.3. 1- act reasonably so a girl will respect you 2- sex (and not just as an afterthought) 3- partnershiping in the house
Studies show that couples who have a “partnership in the house” have less sex, the woman reports lower self esteem and the man usually has low testosterone. I’m not making this up, there are secular studies that say so.
This may need to be split off into a new topic. @Slumberfreeze, this is your baby. What say Ye?

In the meantime, However, for the sake of clarity, can @The Revolting Man and @Meritxell Vinyet define what each means by partnering?

@The Revolting Man, can you find at least one of those studies for us?
Partnershiping, if that is even a word, sounds like the opposite of patriarchy. That entire concept came out of the women's equality movement. @Meritxell Vinyet is new to BF, so this may not be a concept she is familiar with. The husband is the head. Not a figurehead. He is the head. I know this sounds extreme coming from the culture we live in, but this partnershiping concept is completely unbiblical.
Let's not hijack this thread any further. If we don't hear from @Slumberfreeze in a bit, I'll shift this over to a new thread.
I heard back from Slumber and he's fine with a turn in the conversation.

But, let's hear from @Meritxell Vinyet first before we start rendering a judgment or extending this too far beyond the purpose of this thread.

English is not her first language and has stated that she is not coming from the same faith background or even culture that many of us have, so she may not be thinking what we think she's thinking. And if she is thinking what we think she's thinking, then let's come alongside her, not at her.

Of course, any of you are free to start your own thread and give scriptural and research evidence for your thoughts on this issue.
I heard back from Slumber and he's fine with a turn in the conversation.

But, let's hear from @Meritxell Vinyet first before we start rendering a judgment or extending this too far beyond the purpose of this thread.

English is not her first language and has stated that she is not coming from the same faith background or even culture that many of us have, so she may not be thinking what we think she's thinking. And if she is thinking what we think she's thinking, then let's come alongside her, not at her.

Of course, any of you are free to start your own thread and give scriptural and research evidence for your thoughts on this issue.

Thanks- I do want to contribute, but you have to forgive me for not knowing too much yet about the ideas explored here. I'm attracted by your views because of personal circumstance, and because I have come to the a loose conclusion through observation, that some sort of benevolent patriarchy is natural. Observing- I see that men who are successful, mature and sincere attract women, and if they are capable, some sort of polygyny happens and can help everyone involved. I wanted to say that a man's right to be head of a household does need to be established through love and wisdom and cannot be taken for granted- it is won by courtship, and guiding the ladies he wants to accompany him on his journey through life. Thanks for talking about these points and sorry if I used the wrong words :(
Thanks- I do want to contribute, but you have to forgive me for not knowing too much yet about the ideas explored here. I'm attracted by your views because of personal circumstance, and because I have come to the a loose conclusion through observation, that some sort of benevolent patriarchy is natural. Observing- I see that men who are successful, mature and sincere attract women, and if they are capable, some sort of polygyny happens and can help everyone involved. I wanted to say that a man's right to be head of a household does need to be established through love and wisdom and cannot be taken for granted- it is won by courtship, and guiding the ladies he wants to accompany him on his journey through life. Thanks for talking about these points and sorry if I used the wrong words :(
That's cool! We are all here to learn! :)
Remembering that benevolent isn't the same as 'always makes decisions I agree with'.
Like taking castor oil or cod fish liver oil in years past.

Children may have not liked the taste, and gagged and cursed along the way, but their parents did it out of love and concern for the long term good, not the short term feel goods.
I have come to the a loose conclusion through observation, that some sort of benevolent patriarchy is natural
I would say more broadly that "some sort of ... patriarchy is natural", and those who do it well do it "benevolently".

The classic image of a caveman with a club dragging a woman by her hair is not at all what anybody is promoting here - but it is an image that we can understand, because we can see that is how the heart of man works. Everywhere, in secular society as well as in the church, men seek to control women. This is a natural tendency - and the source of a lot of abuse.

The solution is, however, not to oppose nature. Rather, to see how to live in accordance with nature, and do it well. It's just like permaculture - observe nature, and work with it in your garden. In marriage, observe nature (in other words, observe how God has created men and women) and work with it not against it.

Egalitarianism is unnatural - but benevolent existence within the roles nature gives is natural. Just as a communist revolution to make "all men equal" destroys a state and is an unnatural order so cannot last (it naturally just becomes a different heirarchy, with a different leader). While if the original king / nobility / government had simply been benevolent in the first place nobody would have had any cause to revolt. Same goes for marriage.
I would say more broadly that "some sort of ... patriarchy is natural", and those who do it well do it "benevolently".

The classic image of a caveman with a club dragging a woman by her hair is not at all what anybody is promoting here - but it is an image that we can understand, because we can see that is how the heart of man works. Everywhere, in secular society as well as in the church, men seek to control women. This is a natural tendency - and the source of a lot of abuse.

The solution is, however, not to oppose nature. Rather, to see how to live in accordance with nature, and do it well. It's just like permaculture - observe nature, and work with it in your garden. In marriage, observe nature (in other words, observe how God has created men and women) and work with it not against it.

Egalitarianism is unnatural - but benevolent existence within the roles nature gives is natural. Just as a communist revolution to make "all men equal" destroys a state and is an unnatural order so cannot last (it naturally just becomes a different heirarchy, with a different leader). While if the original king / nobility / government had simply been benevolent in the first place nobody would have had any cause to revolt. Same goes for marriage.
Not to hijack this thread, but there is an AWESOME YouTube series that I watched on the Great War that goes through week by week the events that unfolded. It is fascinating to see how the Germans used Communism to get the Russian people to revolt, in order to eliminate them from the fight! https://www.youtube.com/user/TheGreatWar
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.I wanted to say that a man's right to be head of a household does need to be established through love and wisdom and cannot be taken for granted- it is won by courtship, and guiding the ladies he wants to accompany him on his journey through life.

Christian marriage is designed to reflect the relationship between Christ and the church. It is our duty to reflect those roles to the best of our ability. A good strategy in marriage is to do one's best in one's own role and forgive shortcomings in our spouse's inability to live up to their obligations. The relationship is established upon agreement to marry and from there it is a permanent life long relationship.