• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Let's make some pro PATRIARCHY memes!!


Haven't had time to make memes lately, but this one is mine.
Be positive, steve!
Be positive!

That one did at least survive the most dangerous place in the entire US.
It’s mother’s womb.
That graph doesn't actually say that because it's on a percentage basis (the lines will always mirror each other even if total enrolments are increasing and nobody is being displaced), but it would be very interesting to see that graph with absolute numbers to see how much truth there is behind the text. Did you make that one?
That graph doesn't actually say that because it's on a percentage basis (the lines will always mirror each other even if total enrolments are increasing and nobody is being displaced), but it would be very interesting to see that graph with absolute numbers to see how much truth there is behind the text. Did you make that one?

Found this...


Which indicates overall enrollments are increasing, but women's are increasing faster and men's is nearly flat.

Here is the thing, in the US two things are true
  • Enrollment at major and elite universities is relatively fixed; its a zero sum game. That's not really true for all universities, but it is for the top. And it is true for everyone in terms of access to funding. Every extra woman who enrolls makes it harder for a man to get in, to get funding or to go to as good a school.
  • There is a 50:50 sex ratio, so any skew off 50% means one sex is being disadvantaged.
There is also that thing called supply and demand: more demand means higher prices. Over these same time spans the cost of university has skyrocketed.

And even if none of that were true, if a higher % of women than men attain higher education and higher pay jobs it will lead to decreased marriage formation and increased divorce because women inherently seek out men who have higher status and higher pay than them.

This goes beyond college into the job market. Wages today are lower than in the '70s while all major expenses have gone up. Supply and demand. Pushing women into the job market raised the supply, pushing down the price of labor. Every woman who goes to college and gets a job makes it harder for a man to make enough money to allow his wife to stay how and raise the kids.
Why you should post Patriarchy memes:
  • Biblical Families aren't just about multiple wives, they're about the proper order withing marriage. And most Christians get that wrong.
  • One of the biggest, and root, objections to poly is that it unequal. Patriarchal memes strike that root.
  • Patriarchy lays the groundwork for poly without getting you shunned for bringing up poly.
  • A lot of people think they support patriarchy, but don't really. Fixing that greases the skids for polygamy memes later.
  • Convincing your fellow church members to embrace real patriarchy will effectively sort out the sheep from the goats and gain you allies while being on culturally more defensible ground.
  • Doing so will help turn back the tide of feminism that is destroying our society; which is at the root of our downfall.
  • Memes spread by the power of a thousand shares and likes. Viral democracy at it's finest. Every share helps.
  • Because the left can't do memes or humor. It's time for the right to embrace it's artistic side.

Where you should post Patriarchy memes:
  • On your social media
  • Church bulletin boards
  • In your church's paper bulletin or email list
  • On public signs/lampposts/bridges
  • Everywhere
Which would you say is more important, n families or guns? If the state was going to take something away which would be worse?
I don’t think that the State is going to be able to require us to surrender our families, but more than a few might like to see a buy-back program.....

Seriously, the State is doing it’s damndest to make both of them unpopular.