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Let's make some pro polygyny memes

The one directly behind him is clearly deeply spiritual and contemplative. She'll be the one least likely to throw a fit when things don't go her way. :D
Sounds a bit like Eastern mysticism.
Monty Python: Live Organ Transplants.
Also possibly the best illustration ever of why atheism is completely meaningless.
Yeah, if you can stomach the blood and the screams and images of a liver, the universe song is kinda funny and intriguing at the same time!
Found the source: https://thoughtcatalog.com/anita-h/...dating-a-guy-who-has-a-lot-of-female-friends/

From the expressions on the women's faces, I would think that the rwo on the right, are the most interested in him. I think it would be safe to start off with those two, which assuming you can handle one wife, and are pretty sure you can handle the second, those two would be safest to startt off with, and then if you still feel brave, you could marry the one on the left, since she seems somewhat interestd. See, that way you ease your way into it. I don't know myself, if I would really want more than 2. Now Philip Sharp,....that man was really brave!
How would the other sisters feel if they also was interested in him? And how will the sisters feel who he will marry?
How would the other sisters feel if they also was interested in him? And how will the sisters feel who he will marry?
I don't deal in hypotheticals. I know of one young lady that I might be interested in, who has two sisters, but one of them is under age, younger than my oldest son FTM, and the other one has turned her back on the Lord. I would love to sit down with her and explain the Hydroplate Theory and the concept of C-Decay, but as long as she is an unbeliever, I wouldn't consider marrying her. It would be a long shot trying to marry that one young lady in the first place. Do you know of someone who has four sisters, and all 5 of them are interested in polygamy? I guess my biggest concern, is whether I would be able to hold that many together and make it a marriage that would last a lifetime. I am not interested in being a breeder and having a bunch of little children running back and forth between me and a bunch of ex-wives. I would love to have a hundred children, don't get me wrong; I really would. I just want to make sure that the ones that I have, stay mine, and I am sure that polygamy is not as easy as just making a committment. Besides, the logistics of providing food and shelter for that many, make it such that it would best be reserved for someone with the means of a king, or at least a CEO.