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Let's make some pro polygyny memes

The fact that so many people (including myself) have been so wrong for so long on the issue of polygamy, makes me wonder what else we might be wrong about. There are probably other obvious things that I am missing.
There is a thread about that on here too.. not sure where though. I've been here awhile.
There is a thread about that on here too.. not sure where though. I've been here awhile.

I've been through several other major theological paradigm shifts begore. I was raised Arminian, but came to believe that the Bible does teach God's sovereignty in salvation.

I was raised egalitarian (feminist-ish) then moved to a "complimentary" view of male female relations, and then finally to patriarchy (which the Bible teaches).

One thing I have to give my parents credit for is that they taught me the Bible is God's word, and is to be believed and obeyed. I try to apply that.
You know, looking at the "Teach Her To" bit, I'm pretty much okay with everything... EXCEPT the snapping of fingers. I don't care who it is, family, friends, etc. Snapping fingers at me like a waiter at a restaurant? I will give the "Death Stare" at that.

Ya'll know that look, it may go by many names, but all ya'll know the look.

I have NEVER snapped my fingers at my wife, BUT I have in a :D;)joking:D;) tone "WOMAN snap to it" while snapping my fingers. Of course, we are razzing each other. And maybe if I am on the phone I might snap my fingers to get her attention and give her a squiggly sign for a pen.
I have NEVER snapped my fingers at my wife, BUT I have in a :D;)joking:D;) tone "WOMAN snap to it" while snapping my fingers. Of course, we are razzing each other. And maybe if I am on the phone I might snap my fingers to get her attention and give her a squiggly sign for a pen.

LOL, like I said before, sometimes you can "feel the sass" when someone is snapping. Now I would take it more personally if it came from my Mom than my Dad. Why? My Dad is a LOT more relaxed in personality than my Mom. And also, yeah men tend to do that in a joking way, especially in relationships, where women are very "You have til 3 to do what I want."
A good loud snap can focus every one’s attention. I mostly use it with the children and not much since an injury took away my ability to snap with my right hand.
That's okay. I think it is the "sass" in finger snapping, you can just feel it and its intention. LOL

In some (woke) colleges now, clapping is considered offensive since it is loud and commanding. (If someone gets less loud applause, that would hurt their feelings!) Instead, the group is expected to "snap" their appreciation. Considering that some people can't snap and everyone can clap, it seems exclusionary. But the tolerantly intolerant know best how to exclude people, right?

In some (woke) colleges now, clapping is considered offensive since it is loud and commanding. (If someone gets less loud applause, that would hurt their feelings!) Instead, the group is expected to "snap" their appreciation. Considering that some people can't snap and everyone can clap, it seems exclusionary. But the tolerantly intolerant know best how to exclude people, right?

Oh I know about the snapping. There is an internet live stream I watch every Thursday, Critical Role, and they do that because of “sensitivity” when fans pointed that. Now if they said “We’re doing it because of the mic right above our heads so that clap back doesn’t burst ears “, totally understandable.

In some (woke) colleges now, clapping is considered offensive since it is loud and commanding. (If someone gets less loud applause, that would hurt their feelings!) Instead, the group is expected to "snap" their appreciation. Considering that some people can't snap and everyone can clap, it seems exclusionary. But the tolerantly intolerant know best how to exclude people, right?
Many universities have been requiring that people wave their hands instead of clapping them. Snowflake wokism.

In some (woke) colleges now, clapping is considered offensive since it is loud and commanding. (If someone gets less loud applause, that would hurt their feelings!) Instead, the group is expected to "snap" their appreciation. Considering that some people can't snap and everyone can clap, it seems exclusionary. But the tolerantly intolerant know best how to exclude people, right?
Which kind of snap?
This one?
Or this one?
What a brilliant observation, the mainstream church will deny the pastor's wife has to submit to her husband but the parishoner's wive's should. I wonder if the pastor's wife would have to submit to the husband in his capacity as pastor. That's funny.

Isn't that the whole logic of Esther 1?

If the king's wife doesn't have to obey the king, then why should anyone else? Thus, even in their pagan mind, wifely submission made sense.

As u read through Esther 2 & 3, Esther shows her superiority over Vashti by doing exactly what Vashti refused to do. While we aren't told specfically what it was, if Vashti was to be commended for refusing then Esther should be ashamed for doing it. Either the "morality" was not in question or submission to your husand takes higher priority in a "moral dilemna". Still, Vashti is dishonored in Scripture and Esther is honored. This was very eye-opening to me when I first read it as an adult. 180* different to how it was taught in church classes.
Much love... though some of y'all might be a little over the top enthusiastic about polygyny.

Embrace your uniqueness. Your enemy will try to hurt you with it. Embrace it. Make it your friend.

"Let them see that their words can cut you and you’ll never be free of the mockery. If they want to give you a name take it make it your own. Then they can’t hurt you with it anymore."
- Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones Book 1)

Heb 12:2 (ESV)
"looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."

1Cor 1:27-31 (ESV)
"But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. ... 'Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.' "
It is sad that this is really a pro-homosexual comic rather than a polygyny one (but it is ok for us to co-opt it).

By the way, how to children refer to the other wives (not their mother) in a polygyny family? Curious

Well in my case, if it had happened, it would've been "Mom-H" (me) and "Mom-J" the first wife but... Wasn't meant to be on their end.