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Let's make some pro polygyny memes

@Edward, thanks! I'm glad to make someone laugh! :D I'm usually not the best at making memes
@Edward, thanks! I'm glad to make someone laugh! :D I'm usually not the best at making memes
I know the feeling. As a matter of fact, I am getting ready to share your #1 on FB.
I know the feeling. As a matter of fact, I am getting ready to share your #1 on FB.

OH WOW! I feel so happy! Thank you so much!!! :oops:
By the way, how to children refer to the other wives (not their mother) in a polygyny family? Curious

For us it depended on the age of the kids and the closeness of relationship. The younger and closer, the sooner they called her "Mom".

By that same criteria, even my sons-in-law call me "Dad" sometimes. I'm sure my grandkids are gonna have a challenge: "Are you Dad or Grandpa?"
@windblown has informed me that this has been posted at least once before by the greatly honored @steve . I apologize for my base plagiarism. My brother sent it to me and I died laughing, possibly for the second time.
It’s so good it’s worth a double post.